Let's go wild with speculation about the april balance patch!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Grayson

    Why do you want the NC nerf? So the other factions would get the upper hand again?
    Vanguard nerf?...Than i want a MAJOR Reaver buff, because currently all i see is hordes of Mossies and VS-Toasters.....yet rarely one with reavers...but i dont even know why:rolleyes:
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  2. LordCreepy

    I am TR main and the Vanguard AP velocity is just fine.
    If guns needs buffing its the HE of all factions
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  3. Ash87

    What I Want:
    • Change the TR firing rates so that over the board, the fire rates go up, while damage goes down, to reinforce the TR rapid fire trait, and to differentiate us from the other factions
    • The Striker get reworked to be either a rapid fire (Greater projectile velocity too) dumbfire, that does armor damage but has comparatively low infantry damage; or, a coyote missile like heat lock-on mechanic.
    • Vulcan changes, so that the vulcan is different, maybe it causes more damage the longer it is hitting an area. That is to say that if you can keep hitting the same area of a vehicle, your damage begins to grow (Which will be useful against armor, but not as useful against infantry)
    • AV Turret effective range being reduced so that it will render for people in vehicles at the same range that the AV turret can hit the vehicles.
    • Stick to boosting EMPIRE SPECIFIC TRAITS.

    What I don't want:
    • Significant nerfs to anyone
    (Warning: A wild rant has appeared)
    I really want to be wrong about this, but I'm expecting there to just be a ton of NC Nerfs, some arbitrary nerfs to specific pieces of equipment for the VS and TR, and a couple equipment buffs. I understand the need to nerf things, it's just going to happen, but I would love to see a patch that was just balanced changes that made the weapons we have significantly different in terms of feel, while still preserving a similar TTK.

    Honestly I'm just dreading yet -another- balance patch. We've had how many of these now? They aren't working, overarching: "Lets s up and rebalance weapon stats on all guns again" just isn't solving any problems. Everytime it happens we run into the same issues. Why don't we all say them together, since we're used to it by this point:

    1.) One faction will be deemed the "Winner"
    2.) That faction will get 40% pop most of the day
    3.) The other factions will have low pop, because despite how relevant the changes actually are, the new players will be migrating to that faction who is currently "OP"

    I mean lets be honest here, it's not going to change the way we play anything. There aren't going to be some change that magically makes the striker not be crap, or makes the vulcan and the Marauder suddenly be unique weapons with their own style. It's just going to further homogenize the current weapons. It's sad that the most unique weapons we are getting lately are Nanite Systems weapons... Everything Empire Specific is slowly being rendered to make it samey, because significant differences are too difficult to justify, and what we really -need- at least IMO: more unique features for Empire weapons, and to throw the idea of everything behaving exactly the same out the window. We need -more- jackhammers and MCGs... Unique weapons that typify the empires.

    This is really ranty, and the Empire rifles were a step in the right direction, at least with the TRAP and the Shade... but I'm just getting tired of seeing this cycle repeat itself. We do not need to have everything shaken up like this again, it isn't solving any of the problems with the game, it's just creating them. Just Tweak the f-ing guns over time. April should be about getting a meaningful Implant system in, and putting out the mission system... Not the 4th or 5th "Grand Balance Pass"

    Also, it's the VS turn to be overpopped world wide. Prepare to get the nubs VS.
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  4. SharpeShooter

    explain? its clearly the best carbine in the game at the mo! it clearly needs a nerf or the TR needs something comparable.
  5. SharpeShooter

    looking at one aspect of the gun again -_-

    plus the 0.75x modifier is more of a hindrance seeming the nerf all 0.75x guns got!
  6. Sarcasmo

    Where's the Saron Harasser to fight the NC odds.
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  7. TheBlindFreak

    So, despite the fact that infantry play is pretty much the most balanced it's ever been, you want the NC to get an undeserved nerf so NC players don't want to play NC anymore? This is why we can't have nice things.
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  8. Paperlamp

    No. God no.

    Here's why:


    Plus they've already stated they can't go much higher in RoF due to engine limitations or whatever.

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  9. TheBlindFreak

    Oh please. It wasn't a strawman. You're suggesting a nerf to NC. You associate said nerf to the pop advantage the NC are seeing occasionally now. But please, if that isn't what you actually mean, speak up rather than trying to be clever an accuse someone of a logical fallacy to avoid the issue.

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  10. JudgeDeath

    TR all around buffpatch. Striker, Lockdown, Harasser getting buffed.

    Get you FOTM pants ready as the season will be red&black !
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  11. iPlague

    My hopes and dreams about buffs'n nerfs!
    no nerfs plz!

    A general change of horizontal recoil to TR weaponry, specially nerfing randomized recoil.
    The dream:


    T9 Carv, T9 Carv S, MSW-R: Changing horizontal recoil to .20/.225 from .225/.225, so it's on par with the Orion in terms of control


    LC3 Jaguar: Removing the .75 ADS multiplier. Thus rolling back the nerfs from GU02, this text versed basically.
    It's the slowest firing CQC carbine, so it should at least have accuracy as it's strength if DPS isn't it's feature.

    LC2 Lynx: Removing the .75 ADS multiplier, Giving the Lynx the VX6-7 treatment as it was intended before it's nerf. Fixing it's recoil angle to something near 20/30 reducing it's horizontal recoil drift to something REASONABLE. and reducing it's Horizontal recoil back to .225-.25 from .25-.275 = cause this broke the weapon.
    (You know a weapon is broken, when VonicVS refuses to use it)

    GD-7F: Almost works as intended, but needs the finishing touch. Reducing it's ms to 470-480 from 500 and fixing it's horizontal recoil shake to .225/.275 from .225/.3

    Serpent: This weapon seems to be preforming as intended, due to my lack of playing with this I have no comments.

    VX6-7: What all carbines should aspire to be, this is by my own opinion the best carbine in the game.

    Assault Rifles:
    These are generally balanced, in my opinion, though personal biased opinion I'd like the TAR to get it's vertical back.

    That's all folks
  12. Pondera

    I think we can all foresee that the AV MANA turret is going to get nerfed HARD. Tanks don't like it when you can blow them up reliably from 800m away and you never render to them. It's just like getting sniped. Instead of dying because you made a bad decision or the enemy was just better than you, you died because of a gameplay flaw, and that satisfies no one.

    So, to that end, I have brought with me a prototype of the new MANA AV turret. Enjoy :)
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  13. Sarcasmo

    Look at the size of that warhead! Its way to big! Nerf it more!
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  14. Ash87

    For those who don't want to follow the link, it's to his own post.
    The problem isn't the current traits, which have been done to death, it's that we don't have anything to follow them up.
    Unique things to each faction:
    NC: Camera Guided, High Damage, low ROF, delay before firing (That is the railjack one isn't it?), shields.
    TR: Lockdown, high ROF, med damage, spin up.
    VS: Charge up option, "fuse" cartridges, disco balls, no bullet drop.
    Alright, looking at the unique Weapons
    NC: Camera Guided, Delay before firing
    TR: Spin up
    VS: Disco balls, "Fuse" cartridges, charge up, no bullet drop.
    Those are what I would limit it to, taking out abilities and only including things that are fundamentally different to other weapons. Each group has one kind of negative thing (Delay before firing, charge-up, spin up), and a positive thing (Unless you are TR, were your positive, is getting Slightly better NS weapons). That is what should be expanded. We shouldn't apply those things to ALL weapons, we should come up with more Unique firing mechancis, more unique projectiles, etc. etc. Then -Those- things need to be reapplied to all the boring guns we currently have now, which have no discernible features that differentiate them from each other.
  15. Pondera

    The increased size of the warhead does not do more damage, but just makes it slower than infantry running speed and easier to see from a tank's perspective. Just like those pizza box tank mines that got changed recently.
  16. Hiding in VR

    If this has become a "what do you want" thread (and why not) then I would like to be surprised :D

    I would like the TR to get a Quality of Life buff rather than a power buff.

    I would like to see Red and Black outfits rather than Red and Grey.

    I would like to see the Harasser become something I want to spend certs upon.

    I would like to see the Chain Gun and Striker become something I want to buy.
  17. Kunavi

    My hope is reduced to TR not getting the "Treatment" again... If you know what I mean. Buff the others, I've quit moaning about it and I don't care. Just at least, please SOE, don't make TR any worse? That would be great.
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  18. HadesR

    Few tweaks here and there is all that's needed on the Infantry versus Infantry side .. That aspect of game balance is pretty close to being spot on atm ( despite what forumside claims ).. To many changes and they run the risk of buggering it up again.

    Vehicles .. No clue really since I don't use them to be able to judge balance against one another.
  19. Paperlamp

    I'm sure it feels that way to people who main NC.

    Give TR a Mercenary and AC-X11 equivalent, an 845 RoF carbine, something on par with Cyclone and Blitz instead of our current trash, SAW and EM6 equivalents, and a Jackhammer instead of the useless MCG and I'd feel okay though.

    You can have a Jaguar or whatever TR weapons you feel are standouts.
  20. HadesR

    You mention 7 weapons out of 100's ... So As I said a few tweaks here and there ... Major buffs or nerfs across the board in regards to infantry versus infantry are not required or needed.
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