Let's be honest, cloak is broken for Inf's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dracent, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Dracent

    At medium and high (and ultra) cloak is still bad, at low quality you get this..

    Also something new I found out, there is even more of a delay firing from DE-cloak. Devs, why do you hate inf's so much? Let us have 95% cloak while standing still in ALL graphics settings and 100% while crouching still. Let us have a 80% cloak while running and no delay between DE-cloak and firing.

    I would even argue letting us fire TO DE-cloak and give us a 5-10sec cool down on cloak.

    If things do not change, most non-sniper players will move become a Heavy or LA (the real Infiltrator).
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  2. Autarkis

    It used to be that those of us on low settings couldn't see them at all. So at least that bug is fixed.
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    They're just punishing people with good computers. They're trying to incite class warfare. As a member of the 1 percent, I will not stand for this.

    Occupy SOE.
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  4. Albatross039

    Since the clocking is more visible now , i simply snipe all the time instead of infiltrate ..no rage, no worry, btw, VS pistol (bimmer/manicore) suck so much that make infiltration even worse

    i used to be able to see cloaked inf pretty wekk with the IRNV scope (or whatever its called). i played tonight, and the invis on infs was truely invis, both to the scope, as well as the normal view. anyone else notice this?

    basically i think they made the cloak much more difficult to detect recently. i play on medium settings.
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  6. ent|ty

    Regardless, I apologize.. but...
    L2Play Infiltrator.
    You don't need a perfect cloak.
    There are many infiltrators I come across in less populated battles that give me a run for the money, scooting around.. their only clue of their presence being their cloaking sound.

    In spamfest deathmatches of Indar, with so much going on, if you play it the same way, noone's even going to notice you.
    Invisibility is for temporary evasion, flanking, etc.
    If you walk in front of me getting greedy, I have an eye for detail and will notice your shapeshifting.

    Most players walk around with blinders on, they don't even see me, an HA, most of the time, sheesh.
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  7. riker

    lol, dont petition tho youll get banned
  8. Marked4Death

    Dear SOE, please make me invincible until I have lined up my shot and choose to engage
    - signed OP.
  9. Veri

    Hm..... that's very visible.
    I do not play on low settings and infs are just as visible as they were prior to the update.

    So this is what has happened:-
    Infs are now visible at lower settings but have lower visibility to IR/NV since the update.
    They now have SMGs
    More wins than losses IMO.

    If people are on high end machines playing this game on low settings for the advantage, they need to harden up.
  10. Xasapis

    Be glad they nerfed the IR scopes and you don't show in them any more unless you're practically next to people.
  11. FigM

    I don't play as Infiltrator, but I do feel sorry for them trying to cloak and hide from me. Even when they stand still, it just doesn't help much
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  12. Sifer2

    Lot's of people have to play on Low to get more than 2fps in this poorly optimized game. So I would rather have that than how it was not long ago where Infiltrator was a transparent mist almost impossible to see on low. Though honestly I can't believe that Infiltrator cloaking is so taxing on our systems that it can't just be the same across all settings.

    In any case I do support the REAL Infiltrator class being added to the game. That is only a Pistol but infinite cloak that makes you completely invisible when crouched.
  13. Iksniljiksul

    It is a bug, same with the IR scopes. This is Planetside, that's what IR scopes are for.
  14. HowToAim

    In my opinion people running this game on low are basically cheating/exploiting now. I don't think the rampant hacking in this game can be tolerated much longer.
  15. Jezs


    Get out.
  16. lolno

    Any INF sitting on snow that close to anyone doesn't desrve the ability anyway
  17. Krabbette

    Could we just roll infiltrator into LA? Or better yet just refund me the few hundred certs I've put into Infiltrator and Magrider?