Indar is Vanu (miller)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armag3ddon, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. MajorZbug

    We did reach Camp Connery, and held point B for a whole minute ! Then yeah we got vaporized.
  2. Kubor

    How many of you were there?

    It looked like at least 30-40 MAX'es with comparable numbers of Infantry.

    It was a very funny sight.
  3. MajorZbug

    I estimated our numbers somewhere between "a boatload" and "a damn lot". Being in the middle of the thing you can never count, but it was a TRAM thing so, yeah.
  4. Bargus

    Yeah I thought as much. I was saying to my guys 'Either theyre just getting hit really hard and cant move or theyre being quite clever'

    No point facing a Strikers when you dont have to.
  5. Prudentia

    I Want a Camp Connery decal on my Light Assaults Solstice SF i killed like 50 guys at the top of the Tower and like every 20 Minutes a single NC or TR saw me sitting over their heads and killing all of them after they dropped down... i think i got reported by some of them, as none of them came more then 2 times... and kudos to BattlefieldBro nice vid ;)
  6. Hagestol

    Meanwhile, during todays alert. Don't like Smurfs vs Elmos? ;)

    PS: Still got it. Awesome. And ended up with 2x%, more than good enough. Yeehaw!

  7. SnuggX

    Offical Camp Connery survivor [IMG]

    great job all Vanu that was involved there [IMG]
  8. Hagestol

    We held the skydock for an hour, got bored and then we fought back. Not taking credit for that giant last push, but keeping the skydock.. Fun!
  9. Goretzu

    On the VS you "never" play? :)
  10. Xasapis

    On one hand I'm happy that our Vanu brothers have held Indar for so long. On the other hand ... I'd rather play on a continent with 6% VS population than Indar.
  11. YamiNoTenshi

    I shot you on Amerish yesterday.
  12. Xasapis

    I'm so useless you should feel bad if it happens the other way round ;)

    (Irrelevant to your comment ... also trying lately to deal with shotgun users. I fear for the future of the game when SOE has to introduce weapons with lower and lower TTK in order to sell them).
  13. }{ellKnight

    Not really... still totally worth it though!
  14. YamiNoTenshi

    I actually did feel kinda bad, I placed an offering of fish food on your body :)

    People like weapons with low TTK and thats understandable, for me it's more about the feel and the sound of the weapons rather than their potential to kill, just listen to the CARV 9 or the TMG 50, feels like they're having sex with my ears when I fire them :p
  15. MGP

    We should organize this kind of massive battles more often. I think it was great fun for everyone involved, irregardless of faction, they're playing.
  16. pnkdth

    If by fun, you mean horrible ability lag, hit detection issues, and other annoying bugs that crop up when the server is struggling.

    That said, when the fighting that wasn't just two factions sandwiching one hex it was quite enjoyable. Especially the northern desert fighting versus the TR. That was proper combined arms from both sides, infantry moving from trench to trench, tanks supporting, and the occasional air strike. Best part was that people were actually fighting against a front, not just travelling around with sunderers deploying and capping bases. There was an actual flow in the battle.

    So yeah, I guess it was pretty awesome now that I think about it as a whole.
    • Up x 1
  17. SnuggX