In game report system is doing nothing.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RigorMortiis, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. stalkish

    convenient excuse thats unprovable.
    Always worked for me tho.......
  2. ShiroSan

    I agree, Needs to be considered cyber crime when done to games that offer subscriptions &/or cost money to buy in order to play them with the only exception being private servers etc at discretion of the server(s) owner(s) of course. The biggest penalty should be given to those freely distributing the hacks/cheats compared to someone using one even if they made it themselves (assuming they don't share it themselves) in my opinion because at least it's not being shared to the masses then.
  3. Tombabmo

    I'm sure all those players are permabanned now for calling me a ****** in chat because I reported them all for offensive language!
  4. dreyone

    Are you sure its not just the lag? Connery is currently completely unplayable due to sky-high server latency. It's been that way for 2 months. Just about every player in the game will warp around, teleport through objects etc due to the extremely severe server latency measuring in the thousands of ms
  5. Twin Suns

    To hypothetically elaborate....

    What if????

    The hacking site and gaming companies are in cohorts together, just like any good gambler/investor would do. Work both ends of the spectrum.

    Not meeting financial forecasts? Just work the other end so you can keep a steady revenue going. No industry oversight (regulations) to worry about. No accountability. It's like the Wild Wild West.

    Food for thought. o7
  6. FlR3

    It is a cyber crime in a court of law. It's called (DOS) denial of service in a court of law as it makes gaming companies lose money from paying customers who leave because of cheaters and cheat makers. Several gaming companies have taken cheaters/cheat makers to court and won their cases. Some cheat makers had to pay out huge amounts of money and were warned to never create cheats again for said games or face the wraith of the law for DOS attack in so many words which is a federal crime. Some gaming companies care and go after the cheaters and cheat makers, where other gaming companies can care less because some cheaters pay money for the product which the gaming companies see that as a paying customer even though they cheat. Banning a cheater but allowing them to come back over and over by creating a new character each time says volumes to the honest players who pay money to help the company grow and to play. When all the honest paying players leave over time the company loses money and left with a dying game full of lowlife cheaters. We have all seen this many times with great games over the years. The best way to catch a cheater is a gaming company that allows first person / third person view spectator mode where the player can record from the cheaters view. Planetside 2 does not allow this because of the way it's set up.
  7. Silkensmooth

    I agree with you, i think the game companies are in on it