I'm Upset at the Daily Membership Cert Gain

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Dingus148

    No rage. Just frustration with idiots. Enjoy being on my ignore list. You can hang out with BCP.
  2. Chiss

    Thats not the point. They told us we would get something, and did not given any hidden requirements.

    Thats like buying a new car, but it only works on Sundays.
    Cab00se187: Can someone point out where they stated it would work every day?

    Do you see how wrong you are now? You should probably apologize for all your stupid posts.

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  3. Cab00se187

    Fixed that for you
  4. Jakey

    As far as I'm concerned SOE's marketing company are misleading customers, it's not a "fine line" detail - it's a deliberate misdirection. Hey, I'll hold my hands up and say I got suckered in, IF there's some type of note or caveat on the purchase page, but there isn't. All they need to do is add one of these little things * and then do this. . .

    *You must log in on a daily basis to claim your passive certs. Certs will accumulate to the daily total and no further, unless you log in every 24 hours.

    Do you know why they don't do that? Because it will hurt their sales. That's the bottom line. What's even more galling is that they KNOW that they're doing it, they KNOW it's wrong, and the KNOW that a lot of paying customers aren't happy about it - but they seemingly don't care. This is a 22 page thread, and there's not one post from SOE even though they've had numerous questions directed at them. It's just poor customer service on several levels.

    Apart from discussion for the sake of discussion (which is fair enough), I was more wondering why this affects your personal gameplay if a premium member accumulates passive certs? Whether the cert timer resets at 24hrs, 7 days, 1 month, the amount of passive cert's they gain won't give them an unfair advantage. It just sounds jealous and petty to argue against something like this.

    One of the main attractions of premium membership is for casual gamers. Premium membership allows these people to keep up with those players who do have excess time to play, so that 960 certs that apparently means nothing to you, will mean a lot to a someone who plays casually, this dude puts it perfectly:

    At the end of the day, I've signed up for a service, that service is not how it was advertised, therefore I'm not happy.
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  5. Van Dax

    this thread:
    customer upset over ambiguous information
    other customers respond with your a "********* ******* ******* ******* ******** ********** *********** ********* and I dont like you or your schedule"
    wow guys good job
  6. Chiss

    Actually, if you read all the documents that come with new cars, they state that.

    It's like how PC games say 'require an active internet connection to play online!'
  7. Aliasse

    that nice. though I paid for premium sub expecting 48 certs perday without the need to login. If I wanted to play I can easily get 200 certs on avg.
  8. Chiss

    Contact support about it. The more people who contact them, the more likely they are to remedy it.
  9. Cab00se187

    Remedy what? Peoples inability to read?
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  10. Chiss

    Read what? Where does it say i have to log in daily to get my Certs?

    Stop arguing this, seriously.

    I got a refund on 6 months of membership... SOE has admitted fault with this, but nothing has been done.
  11. Cab00se187

    Where does it say cumulative? Do you even know what that means?? They refunded you your money back and now you no longer have a membership. Congrats that they gave money back for your sniveling.

    Basically you failed to comprehend what was laid out before you and now you're claiming to be a victim to SOE.
  12. Compass

    Realized I forgot to claim my certs.

    Whipped out my iPhone and Remote Desktopped.


    Mission Comprete.
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  13. Chiss

    You really don't understand what you're talking about. I'll leave it there.
  14. Cab00se187

    Victory is mine!!!
  15. Tricky

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  16. Morticai

    I think SOE didn't intend to reward people for not playing their game. This is a good step to provide incentive to play, by at the least getting you to log on daily for your reward.

    As for any statement involving it, if you check the ToS, you'll find that they're really not liable.
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  17. Sowahka

    Not sure what's to argue about. SOE said that if you pay for a monthly subscription you would PASSIVELY earn certifications, this means that you'd earn them without fulfilling any requirements such as logging in. Logging in is easy, OP isn't arguing that it isn't, he's arguing that he's not getting what he was told he'd get.

    I'm starting to play daily so this problem doesn't affect me too much, but if I had a busy schedule I'd be incredibly annoyed by this. It's a several step process that is tedious on a daily basis. Boot up > login > launch steam > enter password > launch PS2 > wait for updates > hit play > enter with VS character > exit > enter with TR character > exit > enter with NC character > exit game > shut down. It's a bit of an annoying process when you realize that if you received what you were told you'd get you wouldn't have to do any of that.

    Wouldn't you be annoyed if you bought a frozen pizza and found the cheese, sauce, and toppings all in little baggies for you to do yourself?
  18. Morticai

    Not really. Just means I can arrange all of the toppings to make a smiley face!

  19. kaanfight

    One thing to say here

    I mean, are you seriously complaining that you have to go through the OH SO TEDIOUS task of logging in and getting on to your characters? Pathetic. I mean, it takes about a minute (sometimes more OH NO :O ) and don't you guys get on planetside almost daily to play anyways? I know I do. So shut up and take yur dang certs!
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