If you override my revive's, I will shoot you.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Darkian, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Cross

    And I generally click decline because I don't trust any of the medics who revive me.
  2. IshanDeston

    Be my guest, i couldn't care less. I am tired of people with their unupgraded Medi Tools rezzing people and i don't wait around to see who already has a rez. I am reviving who i am seeing laying on the ground.

    If you want to shoot me for it? *shrugs* So what? You get the weapon lock eventually and i give a damn about my K/D score.
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  3. Bavieca

    That is dangerous and stupid and tells me that this needs to be looked at. I try to res anyone I can. I take great risks to do so. I have a level 5 med tool, that is only not maxed because I want to get the passive healing ability for passenger vehicles and I want to get my engi 5 repair tool. I can generally bring someone back and have my AOE heal tick his last 25% up in two ticks, assuming he doesn't do anything stupid and get shot before his shields come back up.
  4. Captain Sandwich

    That's pretty messed up. I always revive friendly medics so that we can get the team back on its feet as quickly as possible.

    I'm still waiting for all the bad medics to clear out of PS2 in favor of something flashier, so that I can do my job properly. I once saw a medic purposefully shoot a guy in the head who was trying to lay down suppressing fire in a tight corner in a biolab, just so they could revive him again.
    Did you just **** with a patient?
    For a few measly XP points?
    Not on my watch.
    I went berserk and sent the medic running by giving them a few volleys from my assault rifle, then proceeded to give the poor heavy a proper revive.

    Seriously, medics, your job is to keep your team ALIVE. Not to keep your team alive when it's convenient for you.
  5. Trysaeder

    Needs to be a DNR option for your selection of medtools. Nothing below 5 or 6 for me because the n00b medics won't bother to heal you or anyone else, ever. I have to waste a health stick in cases where I have to accept because pressing V2 in a group of 5 medics does nothing.

    The only thing a level 1-4 medtool is good for is healing. It's not worth a 5 or 6's time to pull out his medtool to heal someone when he could be killing people. And yet, they don't. All I see the medtrain do is go for revives on corpses that are obviously in bad places, like spawn camping too close, or other very hot situations.

    If they kill someone with friendly fire, there's no XP awarded to anyone, so it was probably an accident.
  6. Vreki

    Yes, I have accidental "healed" people with my shotgun, either due to lag or clumsiness. Not to mention trying to repair my Tank as a HA.

    But all this revive-steal is just as ridiculous as kill-steal in this game. It is all about the team.
    When you get the L6 med-tool, you do not walk around, select a corpse and begin the revive process if nobody else looks interested.
    You zip around at running speed, attempting to revive anything on the floor as you run by. It is the safest and most efficient way.

    I get it that it can be frustrating if you want to be a medic and start up from scratch, but to be honest you should not expect to be a dedicated medic before you have 3 to 4 levels in the tool at least. Until then you are an infantryman with an emergency heal.
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  7. iEatGlue

    That's the nature of the beast when the whole game is about earning certs, sadly.
  8. Jourmand1r

    I will be reporting you next time I log into game. Carry your entitled teamkilling butt back to whatever game you came from.
  9. Vreki

    Yes, but if they looked at the bigger picture they would realize it works both ways. Sometimes you are the corpse-robber, other times your corpse gets robbed. It all works out in the end.
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  10. IshanDeston

    You don't even get healing exp if someone has been wounded by friendly fire. (Same with Engineers repair, by the way)

    This, very much. I am not in it for the exp. There are better ways to earn a lot of exp.
  11. WildCatNL

    I'm a medic about 80% of the time and am absolutely certain you can't "steal" any revives.
    Ones you start a revive it can't be interrupted by another medic, Its yours and yours alone.
    When a fellow medic started reviving an fallen soldier, I'm unable to start the revive process myself even if I have a more advanced medical tool, I'm simply locked out.

    Only if you move out of range you can interrupt your own revive process and this is more easily done with the low level tier medical tool due to less range. Also, when you move out of range, the revive process will disappear but the green beam will remain and will at a greater distance. Possibly network lag might also have a hand in to this, what could interrupt your revive, but I've never experienced this myself

    I frequently see medic's who I believe are simply unskilled, fumble around attempting to revive someone and failing after multiple attempts. Many times I choice to ignore them and allow them to continue doing what ever they may be doing so he/she can learn. However, if this fellow medic doing a poor job attempting to revive a squad/platoon/outfit member I will intervene and do the job myself.

    Brand me a revive stealer or kill me in game if you feel their is need for it, but it will not stop me doing it.
    In the long run you end up becoming weapons locked and make a name for yourself as a team killer.
  12. CronN

    Enjoy getting reports for friendly fire on purpose. I hate it when I get rezzed with a tool under 100% just to die in 1 hit. If I could, I would steal every single rez from you just because you don't have a L6 med app.
  13. iEatGlue

    You are correct, you cannot start reviving when someone else is already in the process. He is specifically complaining about high rank medics reviving a player after a low rank medic already tried. This overrides the prior attempt, assuming the dead player didn't accept it. I don't agree with his complaint, just thought I'd clear that up.
  14. Paulus

    I'm still trying to get my head round the idea that the guy on the floor is somehow less important to him than the XP he represents. Get him up, who cares how, that guy being alive is quite likely to be the thing that stops you joining him at the respawn screen.
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  15. DataLight

    This is a TEAM BASED game, you as a person do not matter AT ALL. Be more mature and learn how to play this game correctly or go back to BF3.
  16. Intruder313

    I hit Level 6 Tool last night (now that sounds a bit wrong) and the big motivator for me in that was the increased ranged and Revive speed - I expect to get a larger share of the Revives in now but I won't steal revives nor will I waste my time ranting at people who steal mine (unless of course they are doing it consistently).

    Simply put I try play as a Team Medic - I find there's always tons of us in a base fight and I skip over any body being Revived and start on the next one.
    If I see a body in the "Recovery Position" I ignore them too unless I note they are still semi-slumped several seconds later. That's not stealing the Revive that's extending the recovery timer for the patient.

    I tend to find others do the same and I hope that continues. I expect the mechanics will be improved at some point anyway.
  17. ReptilePete

    great idea, logging in now to give this a go.
  18. Kediec

    Full of yourself much ?

    Multiplayer Game = Greater than you, get used to it. If you can't handle others jumping in go and play offline games. Also, it isn't your revive until they click " accept ".
  19. }{ellKnight

    So basically, you'll shoot a friendly medic who is doing his job reviving people and helping his side because he "stole your XP"? Really!?

    People should worry less about certs and play the bloody game and have fun.
  20. RedPsycho

    I have no problems with a medic using a level 1, 2, 3 Medic App. we ALL had to be there at some point. It's the way it is. What I absolutely hate with a passion are those level 1, 2, 3 Medics running around like Jack Rabbits Reviving a person and running off to revive a different person without ever tossing a heal to the person he revived. So now I'm coming back in the middle of a firefight and no way to heal myself (I'm talking as a class other than Medic) heck even hardly enough Health to get away. That there irks me! If you want to use your low level App. so be it... but toss a brother a heal before you run off... Those guys give medics a bad name...