Identity Crisis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Einharjar, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. Udnknome

    you mean dust 514? That one is confirmed pay to win. At least it was on console.

    Unless you're willing to shell out some cash, get ready to try to take down guys with 25% more HP than you and 25% more damage output than you.

    PS1 is still around and is now free to play. If you want to go back to that. I don't think its superior in every way... 40 second TTK being one of those. But it has the basics for organized massive battles.
  2. Champagon

    The game doesn't know what it wants to be because the higher ups on the PS2 team don't know what they want it to be

    • Sequel to PS1?
    • MLG Competition game?
    • COD/BF Hybrid?
    • MMOFPS?
    • MMO with FPS elements?
    • Progression based FPS?
    • Cash Cow 1 hour shooter?
    • FPS with Sandboxed elements?
    • A "Cool Kids" ARMA II?
    • Zombies?

    And the kicker is that what they prefer changes every month or so, hence these random updates and massive fixes all the freaking time. Kudos to the patch team at SOE. Freaking KUDOS
  3. Alizona

    Poker. Chess is a bit too cerebral for my paltry gray matter. :)

    I'm just not cut out for all the "fast action" blur of a war/fighting game, so it's just a personal opinion sort of thing. Some people obviously are very good at this "FPS", "PvP" sort of thing. I like to think a bit before I react... but in PS2, you spend time thinking and you'll be spending all your time running back from the respawn. :)
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  4. Captain Kid

    No not Dust514, that game is kind of canned. They are rebuilding it into a different game for PC.
    I consider this game pay to win so if it is any worse that is a no go.

    I don't see a difference between Planetside 1 TTK and Planetside 2 TTK.
    In Planetside 1 you could easily kill an enemy with half a clip from your assault rifle.
    I just unloaded two thirds of a clip in to an enemy heavy and he didn't die.
    (I did, he started shooting a second later then me)
  5. Paragon Exile

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  6. Captain Kid

    Just because you can choose to grind a 1000 certs for a weapon instead of paying 8 Euro for it doesn't make it not pay to win.
    a 1000 certs would take a new player FOREVER. Hell, it takes me at least 10 hours. And that's with repairing my *** off. on alerts. with a booster.
  7. Paragon Exile

    So it's not pay to win, by definition : P
  8. Neo3602

    If anything Planetside 2 is pay to bypass grind and pay for cosmetic stuff, if the 1000 cert stuff was straight up better than the cheaper options then you would have an argument, maybe(that's a big maybe) excluding the new TR assault rifle all of the infantry guns are side grades.
  9. Alizona

    I got to BR84 and almost all of it was done under "free to play". I only became a member when Hossin arrived.

    I'm not a very good fighter (0.48 K/D attests to that) and almost all of my XP has been gotten from repairing stuff - turrets, mainly, far behind the front lines. It's a boring and lonely job, but somebody has to do it... right? :D
  10. Captain Kid

    Yeah so? A smg is still better at close range then a carbine is it not? In fact infiltrator doesn't even start with a smg.
    Some LMG's are better then other at longer range. So you have an advantage which you bought for with money (or time)
    I'm not even talking about scopes and other attachments.
    If there was no advantage why would not everybody play with the default weapons?
  11. DatVanuMan

    So, how exactly should this game resemble Planetside?
  12. DatVanuMan

    Words of wisdom. I know what you mean.
  13. Neo3602

    @Captain Kid The advantage that you get with weapons that you buy with certs over the starter weapons is alwas contrasted with a disadvantage. Sure the SMGs are better than carbines at CQC but carbines can be used effectively at a much longer range compared to SMGs. In Planetside 2 all the weapons are sidegrades compared to each other. The 1000 cert SABR may be better than the T1 Cycler but the cycler will perform better in a larger variety of situations than the SABR will.
  14. LT_Latency

    It knows what it is.

    It is a massive MMO with massive battles where you play a infantry solider that can spend resource to boost themselves up for limited periods time as a tank, max or plane or infantry utility
  15. Frostiken

    Massive battles where you can only see like twenty people fighting at a time.

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  16. LT_Latency

    My computer must be better then yours
  17. JudgeNu

    PS2 is the Grandfather of future MMOFPS's
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  18. volth

    "Is the only thing different about it than every other AAA FPS is that it's huge and online?"

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  19. Udnknome

    So you understand those limitations of running a carbine, yet you still carry a carbine into CQC? ... keep your distance and you'll be better off.

    It's kinda like the shotgun argument... take your secondary, shoot 2 shots into your opponents head and knife him, same TTK as a shotgun.

    It's not pay to win necessarily, it's know the strengths and weaknesses of your loadout and keeping yourself in positions that are more to your strength rather than weakness.

    --Now if being a member gave you better hit detection, then that would be pay to win. Also, this would be done with weapons/armor that you couldn't get any other way other than paying (like dust514 did). Most of the people that complain that PS2 is pay to win, really don't have much experience with real P2W games.
  20. Skylor THOReson

    " You tend to do this by making it simple, clear cut, stream lined or as some would say "dumbed down". As a musician, this is exactly why Hip Hop is generally so popular. It's not complicated at all. And science has proved that yes, pretty much 90% of all hip hop does in fact, sound the same." (eiharjar)

    omg that statement on the hip hop is sooooo true XD, I am very passionate about composing music and I understand its hard to make original music, but I can still tell what comes from where and If I start veering toward someone elses music I usually try to backtrack. Whenever I hear lazy *** songwriters like Justin bieber and such become so popular, just like,,, ANYUERISMS!!

    heres a music group that stitched together a bunch of popular songs(4 chords are from patchbell's canon, interesting how they were passed down since the 1600's)