I'd like to welcome all new players to Vanuside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saokeh, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Saokeh

    No, it meant they had population on ALL continents at the time and had 45%. they literally were pushing 44% server pop at the time.
  2. Mefi

    Thank the snowball effect and the players.
    http://poonanners.com/poo/#/ActivePlayers?world=17&date=20150623 (there was no data for 28th, but it counts active players in last 2 weeks anyway).
  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The only outfits that can even remotely do stuff like that is BAX on NC and 1TR on TR and we routinely smash them so yes... there is a tactical advantage on Emerald VS.

  4. n0pax

    I am actually not sure if everyone else got nerfed or not. My feeling is VS is OP due to the magrider (I do not do vehicles so I am only going off of what other people say) and the 0.75 ADS HA guns which I use religiously. The 0.75 ADS takes an overall mediocre-bad gun, the orion, and makes it the best gun in the game by a mile.

    I believe everyone used to have 0.75 ADS guns and TR and NC got nerfed? Although I am very unsure on this.
  5. No_STG

    Even after being hit with nerfs, the VS still dominate a lot of the time. I don't think the problem is the faction itself. Just a thought.
  6. Atis

    Here is the graph for you, proud member of ethical and intelligent TR faction, - http://ps2.fisu.pw/hackers/

    Every time I play alert as NC/TR and see whole platoons ignoring VS push, simply LETTING them win, i remember such QQ posts about VS opness and think "y u no try and shoot spandex for starters?"
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  7. Scorpion97

    I played lots FPS games before ps2 and never saw such community nerfing multiple weapons in just 5 months or such members opening forums every MINUTE and complain about a weapon.Actually,I NEVER seen a community nerfing something in its game!

    Means that you are nerfing something,that u failed to balance the entire game becoz it makes people hate you or even quit the game if the nerfing circulation still persist.you are simply depriving some users from enjoying the game which is really not fun.

    Believe it or not,the word "OP" is a permanent disease in any game,even old games got op stuff and if you are that nervous then why don't you tell them to buff your equivalents.it will be a "Win/Win situation" you would have going to have fun while the other factions will still have with their pre-nerfed weps

    The smart devs are the ones who increase spread the "OP" virus and not eliminate it,otherwise,you are intending to ruin the game and suck money from people (which is the situation for now)
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  8. WTSherman

    I'm going to guess that the OP plays on Connery. Because on Saturday, June 27th, at 11:00 PM US Central time, the VS had 38.9% global pop. This thread was started on Sunday, June 28th, at 1:16 AM US Central time, just a couple hours later.

    Looking at the long-term data it seems to be an anomaly, even on Connery VS isn't overpop all the time (not anymore, anyway). It's an anomaly that seems to recur from time to time though, they had similar unusual pop spikes on the 20th, 22nd, and 23rd, all at 11:00PM. My guess is that an unusually large Vanu zergfit likes to log in around that time.

    Though Connery's Prime Time seems to be around 10PM-12AM USCT anyway, so it might just be Connery has an unusually large Vanu zergfit, and whether VS is overpop that day depends on if they decide to log in.
  9. Scorpion97

    In Connery,VS never get pop unless Asians login (away from the other non-VS Asians who overpop the server most of the time)
  10. Malbolshia

    Not at all. I do the same all the time.
    I prefer being the underdog faction. More targets to shoot =D
  11. Saokeh

    Just doesn't happen for players who enjoy playing objectives. Yeah you can sit in the spawn and kill those camping it then redeploy after the cap like most new players. Or you could go to a base and try to flip it only to get redeployed and or dropped on and end up only sidetracking a squad of the entire platoon zerg. Is that fun to you? I know numbers will never be even in any battle since everyone has different skill levels. But numbers in this game will always play a huge role if its in the 2 to 1 and greater pop range.
  12. SanPelicano

    You are funny, so you have no experience in vehicle fight but if ppl say Maggies are OP, you are sure VS OP :D...

    About the orion: I dont think so.
  13. n0pax

    I am not saying the magrider is OP per say, just it is the best of the 3 tanks due to its maneuverability. The issue I am saying is VS have the best HA and the best tank. If one faction has the best of both of those categories they will be OP since those are the 2 most important ones of the 4 (the other being air and MAX).

    As to your link I am sorry I never used this before. What does KPU stand for? That said I am guessing my answer is going to be the stats are skewed because the Orion is a starter gun and the Anchor and MSW are not.
  14. KirthGersen

    You know, while typical prowlertards anchor up in a field when meeting a mag and typical vangtards feel themselves unvulnerable due to magic F button, mags stays OP against them. Same goes for 2 other ES MBTs against any tank scrubs.

    To sum up waht I think about all this endless whine: devs are listening too much to all this trash and BS coming mostly from unskills and bads. They have already overnerfed everything 3 times more than it deserved. Didt that make scrubs happy? NO. They still SUCK, still cry, still whine and always will.

    P.S. Oh I'm soo sorry for being rude a bit:rolleyes:
  15. vanu123

  16. Scorpion97

    The "what does KPU stands for?" explains everything including your weird point of view of saying "magrider is OP"
    Becoz I really didn't want to talk about a Scarlett faction with double barreled tanks that spam the whole base with the aid of that deploying system or the blue with their shield and that 2k sniper-like tank weapon they got

    Meanwhile,the MSW-R is the cheapest LMG,you can get it at BR4 when u earn 300 more certs while the anchor,you can save your certs to BR 11 and get(assuming you don't earn XP at all)

    Just because VS has .75 ads,doesn't mean their HA is"OP" I mean..yea that's great advantage but not to the OP level like QQuers claiming becoz I actually still see a majority of users who can deal with .75 ads players
    Meanwhile,TR got fast firing LMG with SPA (MSW-R) and NC got 600rpm,167dmg LMG and with SPA as well (anchor) and actually everything would have been solved if they make the pulsar LSW the standard weapon instead of Orion

    Probably you will go ahead and say"you are wrong,vanu is so OP" and sh*t like that but of course..people with these views will stop at nothing to make the game for their own favor
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  17. Scorpion97

    I will raise my hand for what you said
  18. n0pax

    https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428011263297181073 fyi that is me. I play VS so I really am not sure what you are talking about in my own favor. I am speaking from experience, check my killboard, the 0.75 is an insurmountable advantage. The orion is not a good gun on its own right, but it becomes a mile ahead of everything else once you give it that 0.75. That said when the changes hit live and it gets nerfed to 0.50 VS HA will have an atrocious gun selection and be the worst of the 3 by a mile. I still feel they need to buff it in some other way to compensate for the removal.

    Yes I totally agree the Orion being the starter gun is not a large issue overall. I am just stating that stats regarding the Orion are skewed negatively against the Orion due to level 1 players having it whereas a person usually plays at least a few hours if not days or weeks before grabbing the Anchor or MSW.
  19. KirthGersen

    OK OK you are from these 2% who whines while having pretty good stats.
    But please tell me then why do you have only 25% accuracy on this godlike Orion? 23K kills is pretty nice lol.
    And what stats do you have on other faction chars with similar LMGs such as MSW-R?
    I'm asking this cause as far as I've seen from my experience (and checking a lot of good players) stats is pretty much same for one person playing different chars. Ofc newer chars usually look better due to experience and skill improvement but not faction.
  20. Konstantinn