I'd like the ability to turn off certain CP unlocks

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Lokarin, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Lokarin

    I get more XP when my teammates die faster so I can rez them again, so I'd like to turn off the increased resurrection health occasionally.

    *If only because I don't notice an increase in XP for rezzing with more health.
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  2. Ixidron

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    First of all, screw XP, I agree the resurrection should award more xp if you have higher app, but your job is not to farm XP, your job is to revive your damn teammates and making them stay alive, I'm really tired of seeing medics with the level 1 app that are just there to farm XP, and take the job of medics that certed their app, I definitely believe that the old beta race for resurrection should come back, it's better for the medics that just spend a huge load of certs to get the level 6 app, and specially better for teammates.

    If some idiot resurrects me at 25% and the tries to do it again I'll just simply decline.

    it's not so hard to cert the first few levels of the app, but people seems to prefer farming XP than helping the team, this game is not about yourself, it's about teamwork and territory control, but as usually there is always selfish people that worries more about K/D ratio, XP or being the best lone wolf pilot, you know what? in this game that means nothing as long as you can't work with a team.
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  3. Lokarin

    Right now a rez and full heal is worth more than a kill plus assist IF you are using a default med tool and less than a kill when full. That's a huge disparity! Even when including the increased speed and range which lets you stay in the spawn room longer.

    And yes, I'm playing solely for self-gratification... that's what happens in sandbox games.
  4. Vortok

    It should be throwing up red flags for the devs when people are asking to be able to downgrade their straight upgrade item.

    Regardless of whether or not you 'should' be playing for exp, it's a carrot that some people will follow so using it to guide them towards good play is just one of the many things for a dev to balance. Even if faster revives would mean more exp (in a corpse laden environment) that's not what many people will see, especially when they're in a situation where they only res one or two people here and there and heal them up.

    It's just like current AA. Even if it's effective, the people doing it are rarely rewarded by the game with exp/certs so not as many people are willing to fill that role. Probably just one of many things on the dev's list of stuff to tweak.
  5. robosaurus

    rez/minute better than rez+heal/min.
  6. XanderF

    Assuming you have the bodies nearby. 1x Rez+heal DOES score higher than 1x Rez, alone. Obviously 2x Rez is better than 1x Rez+heal, but most the time you just don't have two corpses.

    I can see the point - I've been a pretty good medic in certing up things my team will be best supported with...but even I've left the last two applicator slots uncerted because I still need buckets of XP to be where I want to be.
  7. Brusilov [TR]


  8. Vreki

    And while you are busy gratiifying yourself with a corpse over in the corner, the medic with the L6 tool will have made 3 revives and moved on.
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  9. CheeseThief

    I wish more people were as point focused as the OP.

    The amount of medics who revive my bullet riddled corpse and then run off and leave me at 2-3 bars of health is rather grating.
  10. Faidwen


    Perhaps the funniest thread I have read so far.... to date... omg!
  11. Pyros

    That's exactly why I maxed the medgun, I rez people in like a second and I can run away because they rez at full health. Less time spent rezing/healing people, more time shooting people in the face with my Cycler S with grenade launcher. Medics AR are some of the best weapons in the game, I don't have trouble getting kills on top of the rez and the faster rez+no time wasted for 30xp worth of healing evens out when I kill people. Also C4 MAXes and tanks.

    The only time you can't really fire is when there's too many people in one place, at which point there's also going to be many corpses and you're better off rezing more people/rezing people quickly so other medics don't rez them than standing there for 5secs healing someone. You can't even guarantee that xp if the guy decides to sprint away before you're done healing.

    I really hope they add a notification for the amount of health you'll rez with so people know when they're being rezed at 20%health and just wait 1more second to get to a sunderer instead, will force people to put some certs into it instead of trying to milk xp from not fighting. Then they can all go repair turrets in amp stations/techlabs instead, it's just as "fun".
  12. BarxBaron

    THIS for gods sake THIS.

    The same with repair..........this is stupid SOE...reward people who PUT POINTS IN THEIR SUPPORT ITEMS...not random HA certers who go pull a lvl1 medic to farm moar xp.

    Make it xp per point healed/repaired , and make it only state the gained xp every 3 seconds or so. Make it xp on rez based on the AMOUNT REZED.

    Derp. So easy to fix.

    Same with vehicle shared xp problems libs and tanks have (aka lack thereof)........yet SoE does nothing!
    Why is SoE punishing teamwork/true support. Good lord, people.
  13. Vreki

    Really people, do we have to debate this again and again?
    Yes, SOEs model for rewarding heals are strange, but take a look at the big picture.

    With a L1 tool you have to stand forever exposed to fire to first resurrect the dude, and then chase him down to heal him afterwards.
    With a L6 you can practically revive while running by a corpse. By the time the L1 has finished locating, reviving and healing two corpses (probably including himself getting killed once), you can have revived a full squad at the frontline. Who cares if he gets more XP per zombie?
  14. Hagestol

    Which is only a point if a) there are multiple bodies around and b) you are under heavy fire. Which is only during tech plant and bio dome assaults / defense?
  15. Vreki

    If there are few bodies around then the XP gain for both L1 and L6 are negligible. Relocate or make some bodies yourself.
  16. Hagestol

    At those assaults there are so many medics around so it hardly matters where you are at. Usually there are only one or two bodies around at any given time with all the medics running around, so the time gained for xp lost is a net loss. Usually.
  17. Kesh

    The time you sat there healing someone could be used to ADS and kill some dudes in purple or blue costumes and getting even more XP. Unless it's a huge clusterf*ck, there is zero reason to not have your gun out most of the time.

    I hate being revived by medics with garbage ranks in the med tool because I have to then sit there for ages while they heal me up. Most of the time I get some idiot with a 10% tool that just runs off. He then gets TK'd.

    Oh, also: @ max rank med tool, you can "re-revive" people that other medics tried to revive and take their xp since your tool is quicker than the corpse can click accept. I normally only do this when there is some tool running around reviving people @ less than 75%.
  18. Varadin

    You know what works better? Healing the guy to full xp with a max level heal, then while your team mate is alive pulling out your gun and killing people. Far more xp that way.

    Seriously far to many medics are far to scared to ever shoot people or even put any lead down range. With max level aoe heal you can go toe-toe with ANY class in game even HA, and then res your buddy and do it with someone there feeding off each other.
  19. Kenny007

    Having just unlocked level 6 of the med tool yesterday, I can't imagine going back to any lower level. I'm far more useful to the team as a whole and I personally think my certs per minute improves in most cases. Sitting there and waiting for both the lengthy revive and following that up with the health top off wasted far too much time I could have been using healing others, reviving more, reloading or killing the people that killed my patient.

    Keeping the tool lower just because in the short term you get more XP off of a single individual seems ridiculous; doubly so now that I know how awesome 6 is. 5 wasn't too shabby either though.
  20. Kesh

    6 was a huge upgrade over 5 - and I agree with everything you say. If you're ultimate goal is score per minute, you're going to stick to those big clusterf*cks anyways - just spam revive. Half a second per person and you never have to worry about healing them afterwards.

    edit: not to mention the ability to revive MAXes with enough HP to where they can survive a fly landing on them.