I know this is just a trailer, but really?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    I realize this is just a trailer, but come on.

    The light assault guy is basically flying half the time, and the bases are being blown apart. The Infiltrators actually do something worthwhile and constructive to help their team.

    I mean, c'mon SOE dont make such an epic trailer and then produce a game where the only actual 3 way fighting in the game happens at the crown, and none of the light assault certifications work a month after release.
  2. Delax

    Does it say gameplay on it?


    It's a damn cinematic.
  3. Pr0ph3tx

    Dude I had a fight like that just this morning
  4. BadLlama

    It's a ******* sweet cinematic, is the appropriate statement.
  5. Delax

    You're right, I apologize.
  6. ImGladUmad

    Thats the best trailer.

    Have you seen all the other crappy in game trailers with horrible voice overs?

    Even Videos made by regular people are better.
  7. TheBloodEagle

    Definitely wish we were at the level of gameplay like in the trailer but even at this point most people can't run this game at max, the animations are still kinda stiff and the physics aren't quite there yet. But it's still early.

    But anyway I don't know who you're playing with but infiltrators are deadly effective on Jaeger. Not only is sniping super effective but they hack all the turrets and consoles and mark vehicles.

    BTW I've tried Drifter w/ Speed cert and it's lots of fun. Feels more like the trailer.
  8. Diamond Sword

    Not nearly as bad as the trailer cinematic for The Old Republic in which a normal, non-Jedi assault trooper blows a grenade up in his hand between him and some random sith and both just fly away covered in soot like a cartoon.
  9. Gavyne

    It's just a trailer..
  10. Coolhandsluke

    Eh I would be more pissed that the LA in that movie was hacking, damn bastard never reloaded once! Infinite ammo hacks!
  11. HadesR

    VS always coming late to a fight ... Seem's accurate to me :p
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  12. Fleabag

    More blood in that trailer than we'll ever see as well. :rolleyes:

    Gore pack for sale on the store please. ;)
  13. bPostal

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  14. Sharpe

    Oh no you did not just bring Boxxy into the PS 2 forums... HELL NO! :mad:
  15. Jourmand1r

    Did you even read my original post or did you just immediately start beating your head on your keyboard to type your response?
  16. SenEvason

    I've been part of several 3-way fights, and there are many more I'm not a part of. There was one I wish I was a part of that had over 1200 people involved.
  17. Jourmand1r

    You missed my point lol. You can blow up Air vehicles, but their depiction of light assault was completely wrong.

    They show him flying around like boba fett, when in game you get like 2 seconds of flight time and it takes 10 minutes to scale a 10 meter wall.

  18. bPostal

    They also showed the VS coming in to clean house...gotta take everything with a grain of salt :D
  19. Jourmand1r

    People are taking this thread way to seriously.

    I'm not insulting the game, I'm actually just swooning over how awesome the game would be with destructible environments and air combat as depicted in the trailer.
  20. Daedrick

    Yup, another amateur mistake, never show something in a trailer, pre-calculated or not, that you can't do ingame. Best way to alienate your player base and have the forum loaded with request to be able to do whatever you showed in your trailer and can't be done ingame.
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