I just had 500 Station Cash Stolen from me

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by JaxsonFive, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. JaxsonFive

    Just yesterday I had 500+ station cash now I don't. Considering I was specifically saving up for the monthly renewal I had no reason to spend it until after the sub renewal went through.

    Either it's a glitch or a hack. Keep an eye on your station cash yo.
  2. BenYeeHua

    You can create a ticket and ask them to see where they has go.;)
  3. Notheory

    I had 19k+ and its now 0.
  4. Kastrenzo

    1420, gone.

    Seriously SOE?
  5. Jad

    PS2 currently shows me as 0 SC, but if I log into DCUO or directly into my station account it's still all there so it's not gone just not showing through the in game store.
  6. Kastrenzo

    yeah I don't doubt that it's somewhere, but Now I'm not so sure I want to have vast amounts of SC anymore. All the more for someone to steal, or for the system to lose.
  7. Zakuak

    Yikes, this is scary!
  8. RavenActual

    If you log onto planetside2.com and check your SC balance, it should show the actual amount. Gave me quite the scare this morning when seeing 0 SC ingame.

    But it looks like our SC is safe on the SOE Planetside 2 official website!
  9. JaxsonFive

    Wow you guys got it worse than me! I logged into SOE account and checked payment history, I have zero history even being subed for a few months. No card on file or anything. What is up with that.
  10. JaxsonFive

    Nope. Zero for me still.
  11. ShureShot

    Same here, 0 SC ingame, but my account balance on the site is correct.
  12. Kookamunga

    I had this happen before to me , it will show back up in game. Especially if it shows on the website.
  13. Blitzkrieg

    Mines still in tact.

    Moral of the story, don't trust terran strippers.
  14. JaxsonFive

    I got my station cash back in game but SOE.com still says zero history and account at zero. Strange.