I caught a hacking infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PvtRyanParts, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. PvtRyanParts

    I was in defending a base the other day and I was watching this infiltrator hacking. I thought to myself, "Stupid hacker... I'll teach you." so I made my own infiltrator and took up position and waited.

    sure enough a bit later here he comes again.I grin with glee, knowing I'm about to blast a hacker back to the spawn screen.

    He was totally unaware as to what was about to happen. all his hacking skills could not prepare him for or save him from my wrath.

    he runs up to the infantry terminal and begins hacking. so I put a bullet in his head.

    stupid hacker.

    what? you thought I caught someone exploiting 3rd party software? joke's on you!
    • Up x 1
  2. BoogieHegdehog

    I didn't laugh because I'd presumed you meant infiltrator hacking all along. You owe me a laugh.
  3. Fishie

    Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my planetsides.
  4. Bhaltair

    • Up x 1
  5. iller

    I got caught hacking last night.

    I had just finished hacking every single turret & terminal in a Tower Base ...as well as getting a Sunderer kill (by switch to HA really quick then back to INF) that some silly careless player had just left deployed nearby and was about to jump back in jet when I got shot from behind (because apparently we can't CLIMB BACK INTO OR VEHICLES WHEN WE'RE STEALTHED??? WHOSE IDEA WAS THAT???). I just laughed and sent them a tell.... "Gratz you caught me! How much XP did you just get for that? 100? I just got 1000 for ALL YOUR BASE assets & the sundy"
  6. PSBJ

    I assumed you meant the hacking that an infiltrator does as well, lol.
  7. Prideful

    I once went on this massive streak with my hacking skillzzzz (WITH A Z). Then one of my buddy hackers came along too but my hacks were faster and i got the exp... he killed me.
  8. DankFist

    Sounds like something an ***-pained player would say. Granted there are people who are far worse, but people who ****-talk in general have issues.
  9. iller

    What you just did now is any different?