How really was the old ZOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Leer

    ...and TR/NC claimed it was the end of days. It was OP like lolpods and Giberators where for a while. Now it is the only perk that results in a nerf.
  2. Matt879

    Absolutely deadly in the hands of a skilled player who could time the toggle correctly and knew how to strafe. Really, what made it so OP is that you could just turn it on and off at will, without any cooldown. It didn't make you impossible to hit, but it sure as hell made it a lot more difficult. I've heard some people suggesting to bring it back to it's old power but with the current cooldown system, but whether that would be balanced can only be discovered through playing with the buffed version.
  3. Rift23

    SC2 still had late-game healers for multiplayer, but SC1 had no healing for troops whatsoever so Marines were generally even more disposable than now.

    @OP ZOE MAX is the reason GOKU popped up on Emerald, because they glowed like Super Saiyans and were similar in strength.
  4. Leer

    From what I remember one SAW clip would take down a Zoe from behind before it could turn and fire. As could an AV grenade...maybe it was two I can't remember. Nose to nose pods would take out a zoe first. I was NC at the time.

    Zoe could outrun infantry, pound lightings real hard and make them run not just hide, normally take out an ESF with a clear line of sign, no evasion, and ZOE started firing first (it was as fast as the sky guard at the time). MAX AA was also more accurate at the time for all factions. ADAD was an issue in the game for all charters and the ZOE was the worst. With the ADAD changes it would be much easier to stay on target now (it was bad).

    It was OP but easier to kill than what most people are saying. If it had a coldown and less of a speed boost it would be acceptable now (ADAD, and AA accuracy were a compounding issue).

    Having said that, Ageis would needs a little something and lockdown needs a complete rethink.
  5. Leer

    Speed would still need to be reduced a bit as well. Otherwise it might fly if the other maxes had usefulness buff.
  6. Flag

    BW introduced medics. Academy tech.
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  7. Surmise

    ZOE was like this, you just look them up to 30metres and they die, and if you were subscriber, with those bonus resources you could play it for all day every day. Only God knows how many people ragequit/quit the game from NC/TR and how many switched factions from NC/TR to VS, but all that thanks goes to SOE.
  8. ShortRovnd

    ZOE was so OP it got me promoted at work, cured my cat's cancer and got me 3 phone numbers on the weekend.
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  9. LibertyRevolution

    ZOE would be like giving Goliaths stimpacks...
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  10. libbmaster

    ...A ball-park of how really it was?

    It was really.

    Yup. Not even exaggerating there, and I mained Vanu during it's heyday.
  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    Super sayans are yellow tho.
  12. zombielores

    Think it would be marauders on stim, more "armour" , more health, more firepower, Goliath would be more like weaker BFRs.
  13. Tarrick

    What people always failed to realize about the old ZOE is that any MAX that it changed the vulnerability of any MAX running it in combat from explosives to bullets. Sure, they could dodge explosives, but they're not dodging bullets, and a MAX with ZOE would take twice as much damage from bullets as a MAX without (it reduced bullet resistance from 80% to 60%). An HA could drop a ZOE MAX in a clip or a little more from behind, much less two or three people shooting at the giant glowing beacon.

    It was a mobility bonus, pure and simple. What they should have tried, instead of changing it into the crap it is now, is have it automatically disable upon firing a weapon or receiving any damage (if not manually deactivated beforehand), and then not be able to be re-enabled for 15s from that point (timer refreshed if firing or damage taken). I don't know that it would have been the solution, and perhaps that did try that internally, I don't know, but that would reinforce the fact that it is not a combat ability but purely one to achieve superior positioning, which is what the VS are all about. Removing the ability to simply pop it on and off at will would have added a lot more choices to the gameplay with it.
  14. minhalexus

    ZOE made them better, it made them like Majin Buu.
    Majin Buu is pink, purple and powerful exactly like old ZOE max.
  15. Alarox

    You're talking about a 12s reaction time.
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  16. DorianOmega

    Movement speed and no cool down toggle was really its biggest problem, was more viable then the actual sprint ability option for surprising and getting out of situations, its been nerfed a little too far IMO but it definitely was OP before.
  17. JP_Russell

    ZOE MAX's and the original incarnation of the Harasser were the two big straws that sent me on hiatus from this game for about 9 months. Not in a ragequit sense, mind you; I just couldn't keep my interest in the game at all at that point.
  18. MasonSTL

    What was even more frightening is that they where even quicker on the test server before they where put out on live :eek:

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  19. GriffinTalon

    Semi early morning rant.

    ZOE was too good compared to the over faction max abilities, it needed to be tweaked, and TR and NC abilities probably looked as well, NC shield would be awesome if you could shield bash someone :D I don't play NC only VS but it would be really cool, don't know abot TR

    Now back on topic in typical SOE tradition the ability was nerf'd into nonexistent, as with everything the forum cries is OP, rocket pods, libs, he, mag being completely exposed on a cliff that can easily be taking out my aircraft or a tank gunner with some decent aim the list goes on, waiting for the PPA to have a dmg nerf, range nerf, the ball to dissappear after 5cm nerf.

    I don't want to talk bad about the devs but a lot of the time when something is nerf'd its usally nerf'd to 'what the f***' ' is the point of using any more?
  20. Abraham with Cheese

    ZOE was terrifying, as they would crash every tech plant, every amp station, and every biolab, and sometimes other bases as well. It was pure, unadulterated insanity to try and face the purple hordes, even in an even fight. Why? Because while the TR/NC I'd be playing with would pull from every class, a massive majority of the VS we'd be fighting were ZOE.

    Just ZOE. Maybe five guys out of a platoon would be the medics and engineers, but everyone else would be ZOE.

    I kid you not. I've seen some stuff, man.

    Now, yes, it's been a bit nerfed too much, and while I play VS as well now, I still have this intrinsic fear of all things glowing and purple. Perhaps that is why I'm againt straight-up buffs or nerfs to pretty much anything in this game nowadays. If it needs balance, look at the overall picture: it's almost never a one-hit solution.

    Often times, there are several things wrong that could be tweaked without nerfing the damn thing to Auraxis and back.