Horrible Server Lag on Connery

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by applepie555, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Wayfairer

    Yeah, Conney is unplayable for me in a big fight. If I go to the sanc gate - it's not that bad - but anytime I'm in a really big fight now - it just goes straight to hell. Sometimes it will come out of it and I can play normally for a while but others ... it's off to one of the low pop servers/continents. This is something that had manifested itself over the last few weeks. Before that I didn't have this problem.

    Character movement is severely restricted. I make a motion with the mouse and only several seconds later does that motion take place on the screen - and then in slow motion. Ran off the top level of a Tech Plant because of that ...

    When I'm lagging - it even effects me in map mode. I wrote a bug report about it and it was lagging like hell while I was doing that, the letters just slowly appearing on the screen as I typed.

    This only occurs while playing PS - and - when I'm in the vicinity of a big fight.

    All this started a couple of updates ago but had gotten progressively worse.

  2. PWGuy93

    Just coming back to the forum to say all is well for now.
    My lag seems to have subsided.
  3. Citan

    On Connery, Gameplay is extremely laggy, even in smaller fights. It doesn't take platoon v. platoon any more. Medkits will not work when it's this laggy. Deaths feel random. This has been a persistent problem for over a week now and it is destroying my interest in the game.

    I have tested my connection thoroughly and even recruited my ISP to test packet loss, latency ... we have checked for connection flapping (micro-disconnects) & the stability of the data rate - everything is pristine. My connection when playing other games is pristine as well, obviously. However, Connery on PS2 is awful and laggy as hell. If it's not fixed in a reasonable time frame I'm just going to give up on this game altogether - which I don't want to do, because I like this game. But I will if I can't have a fun experience while playing it. And right now I'm not having fun.
  4. PWGuy93

    Submit a ticket, work through the process.
    I had lag from the July 4th weekend up to GU13 and have no complaints now.
  5. Citan

    .. Are you serious? That has nothing to do with your connectivity.

    I already did that because I was one of the lucky people who was blackscreening after the patch anyway.
  6. blackkyguy123

    Now I know this thread is almost a year old... But I've just started having this problem. Normally when I play, I get a (somewhat ******) ping of 110-150. Now, whenever I try to play it will stay at my regular ping, but then go up to 1000+ ping and beyond, making the game unplayable. I've done nothing on my end to make this lag, so I think its SOE. If anybody has a fix, that would be great!