[Suggestion] holy **** I just had an amazing idea.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Van Dax, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Van Dax

    1. what you like to do =/= what it is for. sundys are ams, you want transport you take a gal.

    2,3,4 tanks don't dominate anything. at all, this is an accepted situation among vehicle players that at this ppint in the game that tanks have no purpose. seriously watch this

    open field battles are dominated by infantry and snipers with the occasional esf/lib strafing run. tanks have no hold over them whatsoever.

    5. agree to disagree but I think that a tank waiting for someone to spawn will just get killed for sitting there. I know what I proposed isn't perfect but rather than shooting it down you can give alternatives the general idea is that as long as the sundy is taking damage you can't spawn at.


    many outfits train constantly, just because you aren't part of one that does isn't important.
  2. Volccis

    No please no!

    How do you think I can farm infantry players with my Viper/HE Lightning if people dont spawn from it anymore when I do damage to it? :(
  3. MajiinBuu

    So if I come across an enemy sunderer that just deployed, I could shoot at it with my crossbow and deny the entire enemy faction from spawning on it? Because armor damage is armor damage, it's not any different if the weapon is atop a tank.
    Or every few seconds I can shoot it with a single basilisk round.
  4. khai

    You do not want me taking a gal and my squad mates really don't want that, but on the other hand I disagree with the general perception that a non ams sundy is useless, as it is a sundy is still a perfectly fine APC if geared right only a little weak in the armor department reminds me of the old Bisons, but your suggestion of reducing it's armor would simply limit it to that single AMS role.

    Hard to tell from a first person perspective but The individual in the video spawned from a sundy once maybe twice so I am not sure that the sundy being easier to kill would have made any difference.

    The reason the NC won was the TR had too little infantry support and were set up too close to the contested ridge line falling prey to flanking LAs and engineers that broke their line allowing for the use of AT rocket attacks from the new flank as the entire column swung to face the ridge, if they had pulled east or controlled the ridge with LA it might have been different. Add to that the TR was strictly defensive and it is no wonder they lost when outnumbered. I assume most of the TR infantry was defending the base and the tank column was zerg.

    I think I mentioned before the caveat that in open fields with infantry support tanks dominate, in this instance they positioned themselves with a flank covered by a passable ridge that they did not properly picket giving the enemy the high ground and good cover in the approach. Even this can be a tactic if you sucker the enemy into exposing themselves to prepared HE but they had tunnel vision on the direct approach expecting no doubt a standard zerg.

    As to the schedule congrats you at least belong to an outfit that makes an effort the question is what is your training like. What I mean is that if it is like most training I have seen in this game it is the outfit simply playing together with little or no time spent actually discussing tactics and strategy or hammering out organization. What is your position in the squad and its alternates, what should you do you do if strafed or run into a zerg or come under sniper fire. Do the squads have different functions or are they all geared the same, who actually give orders to the individuals. If the commander calls for AA does he mean maxes skyguards or ESFs or is that left to the individuals, and how much squad cohesion do you want. I have been in companies who insisted on training schedules similar to that but they never actually did anything but play the game. If that does not apply to your outfit congrats your in one of the truly rare ones there are probably less then a dozen outfits that actually have tactical doctrine that is not spontaneously generated.

    The thing I don't think you realize is that its more or less reality that combat is dominated by infantry with air being a close second and the tank serving as a strong point and assault platform. Tanks have not actually dominated the battlefield since 1942 and by 44 they were almost easy prey to infantry with RPGs.
  5. teks

    As is terrible idea (though creative and spot on with many current problems)
    Add the phrase EMP round anywhere in your post...

    Amazing Idea!!!

    Add this sentence...
    "This round also disables all other vehicle abilities for 5 seconds"

    Now We have an Idea so great I couldn't possibly justify it in words without spewing a bunch of asterisks on the screen.

    Bye bye cradling vanguard shield of ultimate security...

    Now mention on the side that it also disables cloaks and HA shields temporarily.
    <Holds in tears of joy>
  6. lawn gnome

    if anything "stunned" sunderers it would be EMP grenades, but i don't think blocking respawns is a good idea.
  7. Kid Gloves

    Too much visible driver. That needs nerfing.
  8. Kid Gloves

    I thought the same thing :)

    I also thought "that'd be a great replacement for HE, now that HEAT is the new HE"
    • Up x 1
  9. Schwak

    But, why would you kill the sundie when you could bring your Tractor(VPC/PPA) and farm it?