Help with frame rate issues?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnnieSnow, May 26, 2016.

  1. KaneRu

    JohnnieSnow, these ppl doesn't know anything about FM2+ becouse they didn't use it.
    Man, i am using it and beleve me, you can take a 30+ fps with battle in 96+ on both sides with FM2+. Just use what i am wroted!
    1. Overclock CPU.
    In UEFI turn off -apm,C6,and all tips for auto overclocking.
    Turn on in 130% - Cpu loadl line calibration,northbrodge calibration.
    Power phase control -manual mode-ultra fsat.
    CPu voltage freq -350
    Cpu curren capability will be enough -110%
    multiplayer 43
    Vcore 1.356(when you size up on 100 mhz freq of CPu rise on 2 steps vcore)

    NB freq -2000
    Use Ram 2400(all kaveri support it even if you wroten some where that only 2133 . They can use and even much more. 2400 - 100% 2600 - it is a 40%. But 2400 - always! )
    And you cpu cooler must have a power to take 130W TDP.
    After that turn off Hpet in windos

    After that you can try to rise BCL on 1-2 steps.
    use my settings for INi in previose my answers.
    And profit. You will have in 1920x1080 - stable 30+ FPS with battle 96++
    In 48 battle 40-50fps!All others stable 60
    And all this only with cpu for 80$ Just use brain;)
  2. KaneRu

    1 tip. To notice difference in perfomance - use Cinebench R15 ( NOT 11!!!)
  3. Pfundi

    I highly recommend not doing what this guy says. It might be right and his intention is good, however his english might have just totally changed the sense of everything he wrote.
  4. Gundem

    I agree that shadows have a significant impact on your FPS, but if I recall correctly, there isn't any real difference between Ultra and Low shadow quality, but there is a large FPS jump from Low to Off.

    Basically, it's all or nothing for Shadows. It might actually be on Iridar's FPS guide.
  5. PasitheeVS

    Totally agree.
    The question is however, do the Shadows in PS2 nowadays use mainly CPU or GPU power?
    I am to lazy to test it atm, so I just ask here...
  6. Gundem

    Shadows are one of the CPU rendered things, so turn those off if your CPU is your bottleneck.