Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Malsvir Vishe

    Did you not see where he DID say "Improving AntiAir"?

    Here, let me quote that for you.
  2. Blitzkrieg

  3. Novmiech

    Mixed feelings on the dynamic XP system - I am a high(er) K-D player; so maybe I am a bit bias but this feels like a backwards design philosophy.

    A low KD (lets call this value) player kills a high value player - they already get a "skill steak stop" bonus; which is good. And now they get an extra bounty style bonus? Ok sure - lets reward players for bagging that hard to kill enemy.

    But you lost me on why you would reduce the XP for low value targets? You are effectively punishing players for getting kills too consistently. Makes me think that at some point it would be worth it to let them kill you just to refresh your score scaling - and if I have to give them free kills (with normal XP, streak top XP, and the new added bounty XP,) just so that I can get back on track to a normal score scaling then doesn't it kind of negate some/most of score difference between a good player and a bad player?

    People should never ever even consider that they might be doing "too good a job" at killing the enemy. I don't care if you go 100-0; do better, kill more.
  4. Newsense

    Please reconsider the idea about adding invulnerability after a revive. It punishes the attacker, who has already spent ammo scoring the kill, then on top of that they will lose ammo from their clip while the revived person is invulnerable until the buff wears off or the person takes action. This will put people who use weapons with smaller clip/ammo count at a distinct disadvantage.
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  5. Enks

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  6. PharmD

    This game is going down hill fast. Why isn't PS1 free to play again?
  7. Ouch Electric

    I've actually been enjoying the game quite a bit, but I didn't notice anything about fixing reaver momentum which as been broken for about a month. Since this should just be modifying one variable to it's previous value I believe it could be hotfixed quite easily. I would greatly appreciate some help and attention to this issue.

    Thanks for all the other fixes and work, and thank you for your kind consideration!
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  8. Draxo

    We better see better AA changes than that. This is the #1 thing players have been screaming about over the holidays.

    Though a nerf to the Lib's HP might also be acceptable.
  9. gunshooter

    Carbines already have all of those properties. SMG's will just have them to a further extreme.

    This game is all about releasing minor weapon alterations with the same models to get money though.
  10. Aschere

    I sure hope jet pack fix is coming. It's been needed for too long and is a game breaking bug for anyone that wants to play light assault. I could care less about a single other thing.
  11. Pudgeinabowl

    Thanks for the update, great to hear that things are being worked on.

    But that point had better not include the prowler or..... I dunno I'll make a character and do nothing but teabag invisible observer cameras.
  12. rGlory

    Because I was fooled once and looking to details now. Last time on update 1 he also said they are improving AA, which was a complete joke.
  13. anaverageguy

    Awesome. Just one thing-
    How short is short? I for one am of the opinion that people will abuse this if they can- their invulnerability should be turned off if they so much as move their mouse. It should only be to prevent people from getting knocked back out before getting a chance to react. If they've moved, that's enough of a handicap.
  14. Malsvir Vishe

    "Baww baww. Something I want isn't going to be implemented!"

    At least I'm patient for that feature... :cool:
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  15. Ouch Electric

    [IMG] Your LOTRO reference has no place in the PS2 Sci Fi themed forums!

    Either that, or I just like that gifs.
  16. Pockets

    Which would completely nullify the point of it. Its to give them a chance to get into cover.
  17. LongestSilence

    Looking forward to AA and GPU improvements the most, but seems like an ambitious patch overall.
  18. Ades

    nothing about empires balance, i'm upset
  19. anaverageguy

    If they're under such heavy fire that they can't, no. They should be dead again. What makes you think they'd run for cover if they're invincible?
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  20. Pockets

    They'll learn to when they die if they do anything else.