Happy New Year & Update 02 Info!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. TechGuniX

    tunnels really? so much for planetside 2, we're getting underground 2, ruins the point of the name.
  2. ArcKnight

    wouldn't lowering the XP for freshly spawned kills also lowers the incentive of killing them ?

    also how much XP do you get for defending a base/facility, currently you get nothing for it ?

    will resources gains be global ?
  3. Spartan 117

    You never played PS1 I assume? CoD/BF3 is that way ------>
  4. MacGruber69

    As has been stated before, we need XP for defending a base. Right now there is no incentive. Cap and move on. With major XP rewards, defending areas that you have taken would be just as important as taking the areas in the first place... Kind of like real life.
  5. DeadAlive99

    I agree. Metagame is the most critical. Lack of meta is why I quit. I can't play a game that has no reason to fight and no rewards for your hard work. Put some good meta in, and balance or no balance, I'll find a way to play that is fun for me.
  6. Ack0n

    Dynamic XP Kill system - is interesting, but why? Not promote spawn camping? That is pointless. Why do we spawn camp? The primary objective is to capture the base, the logic is, if they can't recap, we shall win. Secondary objective is to get 'easy' XP.

    I am for adding Dynamic XP Kill system, with the change of no changes to XP to freshly spawn players.

    I don't have to "spawn camp" to kill someone who has no XP gain. An enemy could just have respawned, roll up to the next base, and have 0 xp gained, and be killed. The player that killed him, would have a reduce XP gain. Don't change the base XP gain per kill. Keep it as it is, and start from there for the Dynamic XP Kill system.

    This isn't going to help frown on spawn camping. It is a strategy and a effective strategy at it, so it won't change. You can't get away from spawn camping, You can only make it harder. How about multiple spawn areas within the base? What about indoor only area spawn unit, like the Bio Lab, safe from zephyr, safe from HE rounds, and place it on a higher platform that the other team cant get to, besides Light Assault.

    Tunnels? Tunnels usually mean one way out. I mean it can lead to multiple exits, but its usually just one way out of that path. which means another choke point.

    A good way may be have many way out, that only the size of 2-3 squads can hold it the point.
  7. dr_Fell

    I'd say that dynamic kill system shoud be based not on how many kills player have, but on how many XP he gained during life - since XP gained by player better show how much he contributed to his faction and engineers / medics often kill less but do other job.
  8. NCmagnetarN7

    No love for the CPU in that list,my i7 will only use 30% of it power :(
  9. Duckforceone

    wow higby...

    You have taken about all the suggestions i have come with on these forums, and made them true....


    just show you guys either have a brain, or listens to the community... or both... :D

    i can't wait to start playing again when this patch hits....
  10. HeadshotVictim

    If this was true why are 6 tanks spawn camping while noone is on the spot to cap faster?
    Obviously it is more important to spawn camp, than to cap really fast.
  11. dirtYbird

    atm I dont care wtf is changed so long as that flashing screen bug that causes eye cancer with aids is fixed ffs.
  12. Rochefort

    Looking good, I'm really looking forward to these updates and a better game. I haven't played anymore in a week or so, because I lost my interest, but if these changes really happen, I will be glad to come back and see if the game feels more meaningful. I'm most interested in anything that splits up the zergs that are capturing empty bases, better design for bases, preventing of spawn camping and giving a purpose for defending.
  13. D0n

    Yuh, uh.
  14. Vertoxis.

    i love the xp and ui changes .. more focus on Score per minute is a great idea!! comes with some flaws but id like to think its less then the current KDR IS EVERYTHING feel we have

    My fav so far though has to be the EXP bonus continent wide and the transfer token (altho i wont be transferring... NC on Jaeger USEAST is pretty fun)

    Wish there was one of the 2 that didnt get included mentioned... render distance or more meta-game ....

    either way... huge positives that will help this game i see are the ..

    EXP changed from global to continent pop.
    Score per minute emphasis

    (and my personal interest is in the new guns ... SMG's!!!! :eek:)
  15. AlFara

    its easy. if your team have 100% influence, the timer is about....lets day 3 minutes. in those 3 minutes you get 0 xp for capping, if your factions influence is 20% you'll get a longer period of 0 xp.

    the solution is to ADD xp/sec for camping at "point A, B, C, D (in biodome for example)" to capture the base (lets say 5-7 xp/second without premium is a good choice). i would bet my life for that this will prevent spawncamping AND support recapping/defending of a basepoint, too. just adding a 0 xp reward for spawncamping will not make the ppl move to point a,b,c,d and capture or defend!

    (this was added to many other shooters before and didn't solve the main problem)
  16. Omgwtfgg-awayhue

    “Dynamic XP Kill system - is interesting, but why? Not promote spawn camping? That is pointless. Why do we spawn camp? The primary objective is to capture the base, the logic is, if they can't recap, we shall win. Secondary objective is to get 'easy' XP.”
    If this was true why are 6 tanks spawn camping while noone is on the spot to cap faster?
    Obviously it is more important to spawn camp, than to cap really fast.

    It's more important to make sure they don't get out, and kill someone or the sunderer, and start a muck!
  17. Brusilov

    What i miss in the original post is the part where should say that all heavy stuff like MBT's and all **** flying will cost at least four times more..
  18. 95NSXs

    For me, i dislike the short invulnerability. The reason is because, a person should not spawn or revive someone when the time and position is not right. With that short invulnerability, things can get very unfair.
    By the way, really like the devs' dedication to making this game a more excellent one. Thank you for making such a good game, God Speed.

    Edit: I like most of the updates mentioned, others i have no comment, except for this short invulnerability only which i dislike.
  19. Revanmug

    That's the most ****** excuse I have heard in a while. Shooting people to the sunderer got absolutly nothing to do with waiting for friendly to destroy the sunderer. Or are so some kind of weirdos RP player than have run all the way back to base and talk in proximity?

    There is also another point. Are you alone with that sunderer? Maybe call for help since you are a teamplayer! A bolt action sniper have very limited ammo and can't fire fast enough to eliminated several spawning enemy at the same time.

    You know what? For a PS1 Vet, you are pretty terrible at teamplaying, communication and using very simple tactic to kill a lone sniper. You should maybe... use them rather than ask for crutch for a badly place sunderer?
  20. Goden

    Well you can take the high-road and get murdered by spawn camping libs while I take the low-road and make it to my destination without being vaporized.