Greed or Busniess? Why if you truly care about planetside's future you would give a little

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Cyridius

    You underestimate how little they have spent on this game if you think they haven't made back their money.
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  2. Arquin

    Well, i've given them some and gotten back a lot. I have a sour taste in my mouth after doing "game business" for years with major publishers so I am hesitant to give them. And I want good value back for it. I'm not doing a charity here, but I do see the need to give a little monetary bump but only if I get something I really want back for a good value.
  3. copywrite85

    Well said, I more or less agree with everything you have said. They could have followed the GW2 model of buy once and pay more later if you wish, personally I think that would have been the best course of action. The F2P model would get less criticism if SOE put more effort in making the paid offerings more attractive. I will list just a few short things that make me angry when I look at the cash shop.
    -Most of the guns look exactly the same, yes this is 100% cosmetic but why would I want to sidegrade to a gun if its just like my last 1? SOE should address weapon skins retroactively asap
    -One time skin use...cmon'
    -Guns have their entire stable of attachments exclusive, selective sharing between similar fire arms would be a 'nicer' way to go about things.
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  4. SuBs

    You say you're not trying to be comedic with this post and yet it reads like a standup routine. You're a very funny man.

    So let me get this straight... You're saying that we should feel pity for, and 'donate' money to a company in the form of micro transactions to keep their rushed, soulless money-grab of a game from sliding down the tubes?

    No. If SOE had released a game that was in any way compelling or innovative, or at a minimum, actually fit for release, they would doing much better for themselves. Further to that, if SOE didn't squeeze out laughably bad, cheesy cosmetic items and guns that all look the same they would be seeing greater success.

    If PS2 really is doing as badly as you insinuate that it is, then SOE brought it on themselves by releasing an incomplete, vapid, supersized BF3 clone.

    If you release a bad game you don't deserve to prosper. I only wish the rest of the industry was subject to this rule.
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  5. Daioh

    Consumer Entitlement....Consumer Entitlement everywhere.
  6. Sworaven

    The customer is always right, mate ;)