Given The Upcoming Changes to Alerts, Let Us Lock All The Conts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    Increase the cont pop cap as conts get locked. Again, I thought that would be OBVIOUS since you can't currently fit the entire server pop onto one continent so OBVIOUSLY you'd have to allow for more people.
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Except that that's when the server gets so unstable you have people dying 2 seconds after you shoot them, ammo packs not working, and the myriad of other bugs that were common when there were too many players on one continent at a time. Assuming it doesn't crash altogether and reset. The maps were not designed to have 200 players pushing every lattice lane at once.
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  3. TheShrapnelKing

    If the game can't handle thousands of people fighting all over the map when there is clearly enough space to do it, then they either need a better engine or better servers because it's holding them back.
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    The former takes years of experienced coder man-hours and the latter is not as simple as it might seem. Due to the way lattice works with a pop cap of 500 per faction you might see a single fight greater than 100v100 that would stress the server. With a pop cap of 800 per faction you'd see 100v100 fights in every lane.
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    If I'm being honest, I'd rather risk the server crashing if it means there's finally a point to my capturing these bases.
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  6. NC supporter

    There are games which entail endings and those are usually single player experiences. PS2 however isn't supposed to be that way.
  7. TheShrapnelKing

    Why not? The base capture mechanics, continent and resource systems set it up like it SHOULD be that way. I see no reason why it shouldn't have an end goal.
  8. KnightCole

    Idk, current cont locks stay locked for hours on end.....who would think it would be any different for Server locks.....sooo...I mean, were talking about SoE who would implement the all rights the conts should reset as well....100% neutral after a win....
  9. BadLlama

    The point is you played with a team, killed some mans, hopefully had a good time and now you get to have this base for a little bit until you repeat this same base recapture 1,000 more times. This is how Planetside will always be.
  10. TheShrapnelKing

    I don't want that to be it, I want to be able to conquer the server. I want to win the war.
  11. TheShrapnelKing

    Current cont locks stay locked until someone captures another cont. I dont' udnerstand how you woudl assume the same woudl happen for server captures since there would be no way, with the current locking mechanics, of unlocking any of the continents if you locked them all.
  12. KnightCole

  13. Latrodectus

    I swear it's because of sh*t like this that they don't bother reading their own forums.
  14. WTSherman

    I don't really think the game is ready for that in its current state. We don't have enough continents, we don't have inter-continental lattice, we don't really have the logistics or organizational systems in place to organize such a thing effectively.

    In the current state, it would just be too easy for someone to get 90% server pop at 3AM and ghost-cap all the continents simultaneously.

    My take on it is that basically the current continent-locking system is still WIP, we're going to have to do more work expanding it and debugging it before we can tackle things like multiple locks.
  15. Tyrant103

    I would be more in favour of increasing the reward (decreasing when overpopped)
  16. Kanil

    And what would happen once you "won"? The server would reset and all your captured territory would be lost, destroying all your hard work. In exchange for... what, adding a +1 to a counter?

    But we already have a bases captured counter, and that doesn't apparently remove the "pointlessness" of capturing bases, so why would a continents locked, servers locked, or whatever suddenly add meaning to the locking process?
  17. TheShrapnelKing

    By that logic, no game should have matches, it should just be a never-ending deathmatch with no end goal. After all, according to you any end goal wipes out your work (although if you're not working towards a goal you didn't really do any work did you?) and just ads +1 to a win counter. Forgive me for thinking that the fact that you won the entire server was enough of a reward in and of itself - you know, like it is in EVERY OTHER GAME EVER.
  18. DatVanuMan

    I always wanted this to happen:
    Once a faction reaches a domination cap, the continent isn't taken over. Instead, the other factions' warpgates are no longer shielded, and are susceptible to attack. Taking over both warpgates will lock the continent and this keeps going until one faction has done it four times. If it is accomplished four times, then the winning faction's soldiers receive 100 certs if they played until the victory for five hours in any given way. Example: Mike dominated Indar. He has to play the game for at least five hours until the victory is reached. He does not have to play five hours straight, he has to play for some time each day until victory is achieved. Each warpaget is worth 10 certs upon capture, but the defenders receive massive ability boosts and can not kill each other, and the turrets on the towers receive a 25% health boost and are automated, with the option of being manually used. Just an idea in its early form, but who knows? It might develop into something:)
  19. Kanil

    How is winning a base pointless, but winning a continent/all the continents meaningful? When you win a base, it adds a +1 to your counter, and it starts over and you have to fight over it again. When you win the server, it adds a +1 to your counter, and then it starts over and you have to fight over it again. Furthermore, you're suggesting actively making the gameplay worse in order to accommodate adding one more +1 to the long list of +1s the game already has.