Give each Med App. upgrade a different color?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Joust, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Joust

    I'm sure everyone's experienced it - trying to push across a bridge (taking the Crown? *shudder*), pushing off an air platform into a bio-dome, forcing through a choke gate in a tech base - you find yourself holed up in a safe spot where there's a constant stream of wounded infantry retreating and calling for a medic. After a while, you realize you haven't even moved in 5 minutes, people have finally realized that if they want heals they can just walk back to your mobile clinic instead of screaming for you.

    Now the parasitism sets in. Someone spawned as a medic with a level 1 applicator and a BR of 20. How quaint, Mr. Infiltrator - you want some of my XP, that's fine, I'm willing to share. But once the XP dries up, these leeches start pushing further out of your little safe zone, into the line of fire. More so, people start going to them instead of coming back to you, meaning you're doing more running and less healing, ultimately having to start pulling people up getting rezzed with 25% then dying to a strong gust of wind.

    Sorry, perhaps my rant has gotten off topic. I'd love to see one of two things:

    a) Different colored beams based on level of applicator. If I'm an infantry and I need a quick heal to get back in the action, I'm going to go to the highest ranked CM available because he cares enough to invest in his trade, not leech certs and put them back into a new sniper scope. I'd even be happy if rank 6 unlocked a color palate where you could just choose your own color.

    b) In case that's just too much trouble to code, let me pay 1000 certs for a little red cross above my head that lets people know I'm a mobile triage and I'm open for business. Of course this would show to your empire only, otherwise it's just an expensive bullseye.

    I'd imagine that once people start to learn to identify combat medics in the field (all armor is slightly ambiguous at the moment), the smart player will learn to follow around the medic or at least wait up for him before he starts charging spawn zones. Until then it'd be nice to have some way of letting people know I'm a highly vetted CM with 25 battle ranks of certs invested, so give me a second to top you off.

    Thoughts? A or B?
  2. McKnighter

    How about a button that screams at injured soldiers running away from their savior...

    *hits 4* "HEY DUMB BUTT STOP MOVING SO-" *wounded soldier dies*


    Not effective enough. Maybe we need a L4D style of healing, I root your rump to the ground while I heal you. Yeeeeah. Stay right there.

    Edit: I should reply to the post, hurp.

    Neither. Don't need them. Just be the one medic who doesn't die. :)
  3. Diggles

    Totally agree with your line of though. I pretty much switched from full time medic to engy/heavy because it was far too tedious.

    Also, would be nice if you could drag platoon members bodies to safe spots at like half speed
  4. Tango Mike

    Definitely A. Greener green for higher level applicators and nano regen, perhaps.
    That would also highlight high level enemy CM's to spice up the battles a bit.
  5. Hagestol

    So you want the already prominent shoot me now sign medics have to be even more prominent to... eh.. increase medic popularity? Because I'm already a main target, don't make me the priority main target :(
  6. JimBob22

    I wouldn't mind a rank/title that becomes available around level 5 or 6 on the applicator that says 'Medic'. Just a quick and easy way for those nearby to see which medic has the good stuff. If it's something a potential revive can see on the accept/decline screen that would be awesome too.

    The different color beams just sounds like a way for the enemy to ID the good medics right now.
    • Up x 2
  7. h1perkarma

    Agreed on rank, also agreed on beams.

  8. SirBurning

    Just upgrade the damn tool to level 3-4 , Situational medic's i'm looking at you.

    I am primarly a Reaver Pilot / Engineer.
    But I did buy the rank 5 med tool. Because nothing is more annoying than getting revived with 25% health and instantly dieng agian.
  9. TheEvilBlight

    Different medic minimap symbols, or even different camo? Conversely, it would make it easier for the enemy to identify and kill medics.
  10. sagolsun

    1. Different colours of healing beams are an excellent idea. Should be pretty easy to do too. Really encourages people to spend more certs on the jesusgun and provides some much-needed feedback.

    2. I'd really like to be able to Q a player who recently asked for a medic to come to me or at least stay put so that I don't have to run around him with my healing beam like in a bad Benny Hill movie.

    How about this as a template?
  11. Goats

    Will the highest level med app be rainbow? I rarely even play medic, but I would grind certs for a month for a rainbow beam.
  12. Garrix

    I know the max rank revives you at max health, but I don't think I noticed a difference in actual healing speed or power (aside from the F special ability, which is a different cert all together). I do agree with color of beams though. Hell, just let us pick our own color scheme - it's not like any other class shoots Healy beams.
  13. IshanDeston

    You want different colors of beams so that every sniper in the field knows "oh look that guy has a level 5" Medi gun? And then pick YOU out of the crowd of Medics because you are the biggest threat and also most likely have a high Battlerank that goes with tat Medi Guns for a little extra incentive?

    Yeah.. good idea sport. Why not put a marker on the public map as well and yelling your position every 30 seconds?
  14. Joust

    I've never been shot by a sniper while resurrecting, because I'm not horrible.