Get a new SMG or shotty, or just C4?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by neoboni, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. neoboni

    So I admit I'm not a really good player, my k/d is usually around .5-.6 or so. I usually find myself in CQC situations where my TRAC-5 is not the best(One guy pops around the corner and one shots me with the GD-66 Claw -_-). So I have been grinding away at certs for awhile to get a new gun. I played around in the VR area and I like the PDW-16 Hailstorm and the TRS-12 Uppercut the most. I like the Hailstorm for its small recoil and the Uppercut for its one shot kill in CQC and slug option.

    I like to flank a lot and try to kill people from behind or above from a roof. I just don't want to waste 1k certs on a gun that I find out later is only good in certain limited situations.

    So my question is what do you think is better overall for my situation?

    Also, I don't have C4. Should that take priority over a new gun first?
  2. Verenz

    If you don't think that your aim is amazing then I would definitely run multiple weapon trials on the pump actions - they are extremely frustrating to use unless you are a good shot.

    For my light Assault I use the blitz (your hailstorm) as my default loadout, the mauler/flashbangs (your barrage shotgun) as my CQC loadout, and the Razer (your T5-AMC except mine is actually good - your CQC carbines are way better than our tho so cheer up :)) as my rooftop gun.

    I use the blitz because it has a 50 round clip which makes it much more capable of killing 2-3 people per clip at close range, NC only have one CQC carbine available and it is capable of eviscerating one person per clip. However for TR your CQC carbines (Lynx/Jaguar) have 40 round mags (not to mention fast move speed whilst looking down the sights), seeing as how the carbine bullets do more damage than the SMG bullets they go even further.

    Basically I think that your CQC carbines gain FAR more than they lose when compared to your SMG's (the jag kills as fast as the armistice and the lynx kills even faster). So for a TR player I would say get a shotgun not an SMG because only infiltrator needs one. I would also recommend either of the 2 semi automatic shotguns (auto shotty is too easy and you will outgrow the need for the speed soon enough whilst the pump is very frustrating to use), either is fine.

    As for C4, not so many tanks around nowadays for me but I would personally pick it up first anyway. NC don't have a good CQC carbine to start with but TR do (fastest killing, biggest mag versus NC's accuracy and sniping power - not that useful for a carbine....when talking LMG's thats another story though), you should be able to do fine with the Trac-5 laser sight (kills as fast as the armistice).
  3. x13urst

    If I were you, I'd get C4. You can take down tanks, maxes, and just about anything. I wouldn't get the PDW unless you plan on using it for other classes too. The carbines do a better job in CQC, and they have superior range. The Uppercut is good, but if you miss it means death. I personally prefer the 10shot semi auto, but I've seen plenty of people do outstanding with the Uppercut. I would also look at the Jaguar if you're looking for a CQC carbine.

    Click on this link for raw stats of every gun:
  4. Eric Smith

    For survival as a LA the main piece of advice I can give you is to move move move. Try to get up high, because many players don't look up and you can literally shoot them in the back and they'll turn around and shoot the empty corridor without noticing you above.

    For a good all around weapon I really like the Lynx. With advanced laser sight you can hip fire it while strafing to make yourself harder to hit, and it's pretty accurate when you use a scope so you can get some good "sniper" shots when you get behind enemy lines. I use the Lynx for most of my "open" running as LA, in bases like Tech Plants and Amp Stations.

    For CQC nothing beats a shotgun. I bought the full-auto Nighthawk, which is really good. I've killed two HA one right after the other on a single clip more than once. I've not used the Pump actions, but as was mentioned they are very unforgiving. You either instagib the target or you get killed when he turns around and kills you. The semi- and full-auto shotguns give you more shots to recover from a miss and can kill almost as quickly as the pump actions shotguns. The big drawback of the full-auto is that you can easily waste ammo by overkilling.

    OTOH C4 is one of those absolute essentials for a LA; you simply must get level two C4 at some point. You can use it to take out a crowd you have flanked, you can use it to take out Maxes, you can use it to take out Tanks, and even Sunderers if you can keep them burning rather than being repaired (or if you have a HA or tank doing some added damage to the Sundy with you). I've turned entire battles with C4 by taking out tanks or Sunderers that were being a problem.
  5. Iridar51

    Actually, as TR, we have very potent default carbine. Among default carbines TRAC 5 has the highest DPS because of its insane RoF of 750, if I remember correctly.
    Get C4. New gun won't help as much.
  6. Wolfwood82

    Automatic shotgun, your K/D will shoot up especially when you learn to use it right.

    C4 is not your friend if you want your K/D to go up.
  7. vulkkan

    C4! Blowing up vehicles gives you a new, hefty source of XP (and also a way to kill MAX suits instantly.)
  8. Kuriby

    ^ THis, if you care about k/d, semi or auto shotgun will help you increase your k/d the most. And it'll teach you how to engage properly as an LA.

    c4 is a utility, awesome utility, but shouldn't be your primary focus from what you are experiencing
  9. Mr. Troffleops

    C4 will help your team and get you delicious, delicious certs. Much more important then a silly K/D IMHO.

    That being said, from what you are talking about OP, I wouldn't suggest the SMG or the shotgun. As fun as a shotgun is, its really not viable for groups of enemies unless you are a VERY good shot. Instead, I would HIGHLY reccomend the Lynx or the Jaguar. I personally prefer the Lynx, but from the sound of it the Jaguar might suit you better. The default Trac 5 is also good in a skilled players hands, but the other two carbines are noticeably better in their intended roles.

    So why a CQC carbine over a shotgun or smg? Utility. Last I knew the Lynx could drop somebody in 7 shots while still having the same RPM as the Hailstorm which requires 8 bullets to kill. (Havn't checked recently.) The SMG is a great gun, but imho our TR CQC Carbines outclass it. The shotguns are good, but again, they require really good aim. I use the Nighthawk and while I can get a few kills a magazine, with the Lynx I can reliably get 4 kills a magazine.

    TL;DR In my opinon get the Lynx/Jaguar and then some C4.
  10. pucwyczes

    Hold your decision until next nerf/buff, alot of people are complaining and some nerf is to be expected.
  11. Corezer

    Shotguns will turn fair fights into unfair fights for a KD boost
    so will the grenade luncher

    depending on how you like to play, either a barrage with 3x flash and medkits or a trac5s with grenade launcher and C4 will boost your KD up.

    The carbine will give you more utility tho, 2 nades, 2 c4, mop up the area, plus you can kill people you catch looking the other way without having to sneak all the way into their back pocket.

    The shotgun build is more of a room clearing thing for capping points, and damn good at it.
  12. Skurcey

    Throw a flashbang in crow, then 2 C4 and suicide >:D
  13. Kahlev

    Nothing wrong with the default weapon, my question do you have the default weapon certed up at all? I'm not sure how much recoil is on the TRAC-5, but as any normal carbine it probably benefits from either a grip or a laser sight at the very least.

    Also, one thing that really helped me out in close quarters that I'm not sure if you are doing or not, is you really should be hipfiring. Instinctively I almost always ADS in other games, usually no matter the range. But if you're within 30 meters or so, you really should be hipfiring in order to track targets faster and easier while being able to dodge and move better yourself. It makes a huge difference if you're not doing it already.

    But as others have said, the TRAC-5 is a pretty good default weapon, and I honestly think you would have your points better spent on getting flashbangs and 2 c4 than a new weapon per-se. Make sure you get your nano weave up though, as well at jetpack 5 if you can. Those can make a big difference as well. But as long as you don't have infantry resource problems, nothing changes and improves light assault more than c4. Nothing. Even if your aim sucks, you should still be able to strategically approach from above or the back an enemy tank or sundy and throw some c4 on them, then finish them with a grenade if need be (or if you have grenade launcher underslung attachment).

    Being able to kill MAX units easily, or defend specific points from a distance, is also a great asset, and it really is a core ability of the class that really makes it shine. Any class can kill other infantry, but killing enemy sunderers protected by a team of engi's and medics can really only be done two ways, Tank Mines and C4. Most Sundies are running Mineguard now though, so tank mines just aren't as effective unless you have the utility pouch, also, LA have a much easier time approaching them stealthily than an Engi does.

    My setups: Loadout 1 For sniper hunting in hills etc: Nova shotgun (Semi auto-large clip shotgun), extended mag, slug ammo, 4x scope, Silenced Manticore with laser sight, Ammo pouch, regen pack or c4 (if you think you might run into vehicles/sundies), flashbang. Slug sniping is a fantastic counter to snipers, allow you to easily clear building tops and mountain tops of them, if they are close use a silenced pistol to finish them instead, preferably the Manticore. I prefer the large clip and semi-auto fire for sniping at near max range, and you can easily kill snipers at render distance with this setup.

    Loadout 2 for General big battle mayhem and vehicle slaughter. Solstice SF (Or whatever your carbine is that is the all-purpose every attachment one) with silencer and soft point ammo, 2x flex sight, Grenade Launcher, Silenced Manticore with Laser sight. Nanoweave 4, Flashbang, C4. Used for killing heavy tanks and Sundies, or spamming grenade launcher next to an ammo pack at large clumps of enemy forces. Also a fairly versatile build, able to sneak and slaughter stealthily as well.

    Loadout 3 for rooftop killing or and ninja tactics. Eridian SMG (I reload often, and use jetpacks to get to safety to do so if need be, so I use the overall better but smaller clip SMG), silencer, soft point ammo, adv laser sight, N/V scope. Silenced Manticore, Adrenaline Pump, Flashbang, c4 or Regen packs same as loudout 1. My best setup for killing ninja style, and great fun to use.
  14. ladiesop


    C4 is like the LA class tool. It can also be only bought with Certs.

    If you are willing spend SC, then I would get the shotgun with SC and 2 C4 with certs.

    The Shotgun turns you into a shock trooper, you drop in behind a group having a firefight with your team and knock out a large portion of them (especially medics) before jumping away or dying. This can let your team push forward onto the objective (or wherever they're heading).

    The C4 allows you to bomb Maxen, turrets, tanks and sunderers* and adds the much needed utility to the class, especially one that can get to places others can't.

    *2 C4 won't outright kill a sunderer. If it's already damaged, it is likely to die, but on your own you will need an underbarrel grenade or smoke launcher and fire the two shots as well to kill one. This requires an 'S' weapon, that IMO are also good for light assault, as the option of shooting down gives the launchers more utility (though Engineers can spam them better).
  15. Singed

    Honestly? Wait for a x2 SC day and pickup $20-30 of it. New Guns are fun and shotguns certainly are game changers, but it's a lot better to invest in your characters than to buy weapons. Also if you buy SC you support the game!
    My recommendations as a LA:

    C4-Definetly pick this up sooner or later. I sometimes get killed using this but it rewarding. The first block of C4 costs 200 certs and the second costs 500, but definetly worth it to be able to kill any tank or a slightly damaged sundy.

    Jestpack-You will definitely notice a difference. If you can, cert into your jetpack. It is pretty important and will help you have more mobility.

    If you are debating between an SMG and a shotgun, get a CQC carbine and a shotgun (not the barrage please not the barrage)
    A CQC will kill enemies in the same time or faster, have a longer range, and around equal hipfire. The TR have two, the Lynx and Jaguar. The Jaguar is the better all around choice because of it's superior recoil pattern (equal horizontally) However the Lynx has a higher ROF and is better strictly in CQC. Outside of CQC it gets harder to hit people because of the lynx's high ROF.

    As for shotguns, it depends. The Auto shotty kills fast and also runs out of ammo quickly. I wouldn't recommend the barrage and I've never used the Haymaker, from what I've heard it's the barrage but with two more rounds in the mag. Now the problem with the pump shotguns are that if you are jumping and jetting around, and your target is moving, and if your frame rate is subpar, it can be difficult to land the shot, especially if two or more are needed. However I bought the Uppercut and I don't regret it. It took some time to get adjusted, but it really rewards you for coming in at unexpected angles in surprise lightning attacks.
  16. ChadJust

    Its a though call, since your certing for that magical 1000 cert mark, its not easy to judge whats the best solution for you.

    like someone said before, the essential thing for a good LA is to move as fast as possible, dont stand still for a second and always get on higher grounds, roofs rocks trees etc.. when you are at enemey bases. this will give you a huge boost in overviewing the whole situation around you and its much easier to take out enemies since you will always have the position advantage and find cover on higher grounds. The only enemies you have to fear are other LAs when your playing like this and those are also pretty easy to locate when your paying attention. even max units arent a big problem, they simply cant get as high as you can, and its hell lot of fun to stalk them and finally taking them out.

    i´ve experienced exactly the same things you mentioned before, asking myself whats the best gun for me so i red alot of reviews and threads and decided to buy the LC2 Lynx (1x Reflex, Forwargrip, extended mag - 360 Bullets) and its the perfect weapon for my playstyle. some ppl vote the Jaguar for a better weapon, but if u get used to the Lynx and its predictable recoil you can nearly take out every guy you located, close to mid ranges isnt a problem at all, even on long ranges you can scare some snipers.

    -The SMG is a no go for a LA, its just usefull when you play it on others classes 2 (its an infiltrator weapon mainly)
    -The Shotguns are beasts in CQC, but i prefer to have the opportunity to take ppl at long ranges too when i want to. Also you have to fight on the ground with that shotguns most of the time and thats not a good place to be for a LA
    -C4 is rly essential, but first you have to be comfortable with your gun/movements and know how positioning urself.
    -Lynx/Jaguar - i would buy the lynx its a fantastic weapon

    man its so difficult to say what you should go for. the C4 gives you a complete different feeling of being a LA, taking out tanks, even planes is so so ridiculous fun that i dont want to miss it anymore and the Trac 5 isnt the badest weapon to have. my first 1000 certs i spend for the lynx, it takes some time to get used to it, but when you are you will never want back that "crappy Trac 5". So overall i would suggest to buy that Lynx, get the right attachments for it and then go for the first c4 brick.

    But in the end the weapons arent the most important thing to have, the most important thing being a LA is movement.
  17. tZonkD

    Basically both your candidates are rather situational guns, the SMG is likely more forgiving (i don't own one atm) but its also not all that different from your default carbine. The pump shotty can be absolutely devastating when used right or it can make you a almost defenseless target if you get caught in the wrong place - tough much of that is learning where to be and not to be and how to move.

    Now if you haven't already the first thing i would recommend is getting forward grip (if you ADS much) or laser (if you hipfire more) for your TRAC. The weapon attachments are many times what makes or breaks them (tbh a new gun is usual more like 12-1300 certs as you usual need some grip/laser/ammo/sight etc to make it effective). Now the uppercut is also a surprisingly effective long range weapon when paired up with slug ammo and a decent scope BUT at that point you loose its close quarters power. I sometimes use that load-out for my engineer for semi snipe duty (fixing turrets on amp stations and such). Be aware tough that the TRS-12 is not a easy weapon to use and your ammo supply is very limited. If you just want a DIE DIE DIE CQB weapon, the full auto shotty is likely far better.

    Also your definitely going to want 2 blocks of C4 as LA (if you play it allot) at some point, so that would be the "safe" upgrade, c4 also makes you a potent vehicle killer thus changing your range of targets (and exp/cert gain) dramatically. You will also want to plow certs into jump-jets, you really need the higher levels of it to be a effective LA in my experience.
  18. Eric Smith

    Quoting for truth. As an example, the Lynx and Jag both have decent hip fire accuracy, but when you put an Advanced Laser Sight (200 Certs) on them they have insanely good hip fire accuracy. Semi- and Full-Auto Shotguns both deal a good amount of damage, but an Extended Magazine (100 Certs) makes a major difference in your kill capabilities. Weapon attachments make a huge difference in any weapon.
  19. RomulusX

    Grenade Bandolier 2
  20. jak

    Depends on your playstyle. I tend to flank enemies but I also go into areas where there are a LOT of enemies, so I need killing power. For that reason, the pump action with extended clip is magical. The thing is pretty overpowered but a destruction machine if you know how to catch enemies from behind in CQC (which every LA should) and can hold its own should you have to go straight up against enemies. The second choice for this style would be the Thanatos (or equivalent on the other empires) due to the tighter CoF for when you actually have to go head to head with someone. After that would be the Nova and finally the fully auto Pandora. Pandora is last because the full auto difference in rate of fire isn't that important for shotguns IMO.

    C4 is something you're going to miss when you don't have it, but not something I would take over a shotgun. You can avoid most fights that would require C4 (Maxes, tanks), plus you tend to put yourself in harms way setting C4. And a lot of people are fairly aware of C4 now, so it gets blown up way more often than when the game was just released. I would also mention that while you're sitting there waiting for one guy to walk over your C4 trap, you could have killed 3+ guys with your shotty. C4 has really been marginalized in my view due to the buggy performance, the disappear after death change, and enemies being more aware of it. I still love it and always have it with me, but I don't always toss it almost every life like I did in the past.