Gameplay suggestion: Kill cam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Analord, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Camycamera

    in a game like this, no. it was removed because it would give away your position, and a game as big as this having it in would hurt it. sit would only work for smaller scale games. and yes, even though i would like to know how i died from those random deaths, that is part of the mystery; ya gotta find the killer, and by find it as in where the bullet came from, not from a replay or a camera showing the killer's position. if anything, it adds more skill into the game, and does not make you rely on killcams to find out where your enemies are hiding.
  2. Akrasjel

    CoD that way ---->
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  3. Lewis_Noire

    Author wont to kill infiltrator. Go to the CoD.
  4. Diamond Sword

    I would assume that the reason such a thing isn't in the game is because it would give away their position. If it's an infiltrator, that would suck for them.

    It would not work well in this game; but to the people who think they are stupid: In many types of shooters, like say Counter-Strike, a CoD style kill cam would be ******* awesome without ruining gameplay.
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  5. phreec

    Fixed that for you.
    Plenty of BF vets also despise killcams. It's just the newcomers and codverts that think it's a good idea.
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  6. Jestunhi

    No thx.

    Why should you be rewarded by knowing your killers location for dying?
  7. Mansen

    Fun fact: Planetside 2 used to have killcam. Until it was removed because the playerbase found it abusively easy to spot your killer (for no apparant reason other than "god cam").

    It is not making a return, nor would I ever want it to.
  8. Gr33D

    The only counter for snipers as for now is air patrol and infantry with IRNV scope. Still, would be better to haw a longer sight.
    Kill-cam: clear no.
  9. zappy

    There was a kill cam in the very early stage of alpha. but people called to have it removed


    not as bad as the kill cam in COD.

    If we have kill cams then you might as well remove the infiltrator class.
  10. 159123