Friends leaving the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by voigt, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Bejita231

    The game has basically degraded into grenade and airship spaming, and everyone gets the same grenades, so gun balance doesnt even matter anymore
  2. ADFXOzymandias

    Like the horn. I can't tell you how many well constructed "add a horn" threads there were.
  3. SirBurning

    Techinically NC guns should be pinpoint accurate.
    They are Railguns, with magnets. Thefor there is no heat generation or friction that makes bullets deviate.
  4. BlackPope

    I have an NC character and I find the weapons good. What I would complain about (which doesn't happen with my VS character) is if I get the drop on an enemy (9/10) he will 180 and fire back (which I do all the time on VS) and as soon as I get hit I may as well put down my gun. Your aim just goes to **** and no chance of hitting the side of a barn door.
    TR suffer slightly from this also (not as bad as NC) but in my experince VS dosen't.
    I'm not saying nerf VS (I would quit in a heartbeat) but make NC, TR not suffer like this when they are hit.
  5. kungflu

    In other words, VS just have better players. I originally played VS and TR and when i played NC. I almost had no chance in killing without playing Infiltrator.
  6. HerpTheDerp

    Dude... what?
  7. MexelVanMexelen

    The forums have gone downhill quite a way since beta. I'm guessing at 3 reasons:
    1. A lot of the more intelligent players have left the game since it doesn't hold their attention the way PS1 did.
    2. The game went live and SOE immediately started to fleece us over weapons changes/buffs/nerfs and attempting to charge us extortionate amounts for cosmetics like horns.
    3. Just more people around posting, so the churn on the forums is much quicker.
  8. ADFXOzymandias

    I'll guess "all of the above".
  9. maxkeiser

    Not seen this on Woodman? Do you play on a special server for those under 10yrs of age or something?
  10. ADFXOzymandias

    To be fair I have noticed far more grenade spam than I did two weeks ago. It kind of feels like people just gave up and are just looking for easy XP.
  11. Nubs

    I guess that would make you one of the less intelligent players then?
  12. MexelVanMexelen

    I fall more into the "feeling fleeced and aggrieved" category, tbh :eek:
  13. Ezekius

    4/10 people I started playing with are still on NC, the rest left to VS because it's easy mode for everything.
  14. Jourmand1r

    Are you aware that Planetside 1 wasnt a very successful game financially?

    Or are you just going to keep acting like Planetside was the best game ever to promote this hipster "I play old games" mentality.
  15. MexelVanMexelen

    Which bit of "I haven't played PS1 since 2004 and have no desire to play it again" isn't clear to you?

    I assume you're reacting badly to statement 1, but I stand by that.
  16. Ileko

    You do realize that most of the NC weapons are GAUSS weapons as in coilguns? That's what he was talking about.