Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Bealsabub, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Bealsabub

    Mission statement
    To have a positive impact on the game without sacrificing the spirit of fun


    Foxhound is an objective based outfit that specializes in point holding and making a positive impact on the map. Teamwork is the core focus of this outfit, we work as group not just as single players. While there isn’t any stat requirements we take pride in self improvement. We've taken inexperienced players, unaware players and generally in-adept players from "farm bait" and put them into an atmosphere where they can be successful. We don’t reject / kick players for being bad, instead we help them improve themselves and give them goals to strive for.

    Ops usually happen around three times a week generally starting around 6pm PST. Foxhound is the most active outfit on Connery TR in terms of organization and active players. We run training sessions and introduce new players into a higher level of gameplay. The challenge of hard fights is something we take enjoyment in.. Foxhound is an extremely aggressive outfit and it is our goal to push lanes and start fights at every opportunity.

    Having a balance between serious squads and goofing off is important to us. Foxhound is a herd of foxes, Foxhound is a laser guided hurricane, above all Foxhound is fun. When you take a group people with high functioning autism with the ability to organize, the result is Foxhound. Everybody Wang Chung Tonight and praise be to the feex. Come join us on teamspeak we don’t bite (hard).

    • Join teamspeak
    • Participate in OPS
    • Be willing to put in the time and effort to improve
    • Be at least 17 years old
    To apply please fill out an application in game. Blank applications will not be accepted, please put why you would be a good fit.

    Teamspeak server address:
    Subreddit: /r/rule34ps2
    • Up x 1
  2. Caek

    Bump for good people! 'Cept Vallen... Hes a wh.ore!
  3. Bealsabub

    For glorious leader Vallen
  4. Bealsabub

  5. Kulso

  6. xCancer

    I love far- err fighting you guys<3
    Definitely one of the most organized TR outfits on Connery. Quite active as well. Always come across a gang of them when defending a base like a wh.ore that I am.
    • Up x 2
  7. Bealsabub

  8. Greiztoph

    Seems interesting, can you tell me more?
  9. Bealsabub

  10. DrunkSkeeterPilot

    Yeaaa I'm in this clan. wait am I? *urrp* i forget ... ya i think so.
  11. Bealsabub

  12. ChristSaves

    Big thumbs up for FXHD. This is a very fun, effective, and active outfit. They're teamspeak can be a bit autistic at times, but they are one of the few large outfits left that mixes fun and seriousness really well. They are quite effective in alerts, constantly on the offensive, and their leaders Vallen, TotalFan, and Beals are all great guys. They offer training and mentorship, and accept players of all levels. If you are looking for a good group to play with on TR, definitely check them out. Hop in their teamspeak <> anytime in the evening and ask to run with them.

    - [SOLx Officer] ChristSaves