Foregrip on default gauss rifle does nothing

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by bloodgulge, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. bloodgulge

    I just tested it for an hour. There is absolutely no difference.
    This needs to be fixed, for the time being it's a waste of 100 certs.
  2. Dictatorfish

    Yup, I found this out the expensive way too. I wish I put the 100 certs into Medical Applicator now...
  3. h1perkarma

    I found it the same, using a SABR13 and haven't noticed a difference between Foregrip and Advanced Foregrip.
  4. BuzWeaverPS2

    Typically a Foregrip is better utilized by a Short/Medium range weapon. Granted you may have to use your Rifle in some Close Combat, but as you guys discovered the Foregrip simply does little if anything to help out in those CQ situations. Trust me I know how annoying it is to burn certs on attachments. :cool:
  5. Sturmhardt

    I have no idea what you are saying, but the foregrip is supposed to reduce the horizontal recoil of your weapon if you aim down the sights - which is typically medium to long range. This concerns EVERY encounter that is farther away than very close (where you only use hipfire). If you want to do cq you go with the lasersight.
  6. Wombat

    Then slap a laser pointer, or a compensator on that badboy and go to town.

    100 certs is nothing to get upset about.
  7. BuzWeaverPS2

    You're correct about horizontal recoil, I'm basing my analogy on BF3 where if you use a Foregrip your Long Distance "Range" is decreased. If you're using your rifle in short/medium range you should be able to take advantage of the compensation. I'm not sure why this is not being taken into account as the OP is suggesting.
  8. SirBurning

    I'll hold off on it for now then.
    Probably go for the Laser Sight.
  9. Sturmhardt

    I don't think that's the case here. It just reduces horizontal recoil, that's it, and that makes it THE attachment for mid to long range engagements. Maybe not in real life, but in PS2 ;)
  10. BuzWeaverPS2

    Actually in BF3 the Foregrip reduces the Long Range "Accuracy" and the Suppressor effects "Bullet Damage". Just wanted to clarify that for any of the BF3 weapon nannies. :rolleyes:

    I'm not entirely clear how the bullet drop/damage/accuracy is effected by the Foregrip or Suppressor. Then of course you have the Compensator as well. We made need to wait for some number crunching data person to put together a nice spreadsheet. It looks like the guys at Symthic is working on it. They have great data on BF3 Weapons (PS2 weapons coming soon):
  11. IshanDeston

    Dunno what your problem is, but it works on mine. My spread is much tighter with foregrip and the gun is much more controllable.
  12. JDCollie=VX9=

    Hmm, I've been seriously considering the foregrip for mine for some time now. Now I'm even less sure... dammit!
  13. Sevrun

    Thanks for the heads up... guess I'm saving for the red dot sight and a new rifle... bugger.
  14. robosaurus

    watch some videos. it may not even reduce maximum horizontal spread, but it will reduce spread/time.

    what's that mean? more effect overall with weapons with higher RoF and larger magazine (nerd rage: clip is the completely WRONG terminology to use, goddamnit)