Foregrip attachment not effective?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Rendezvous

    So I just got the foregrip for my GR-22 and I noticed that it does little to nothing to make a difference. I test fired it at certain distances and all shots landed in the same pattern with and without foregrip.

    Is it just the GR-22 or do some weapons actually perform better with the foregrip?
  2. Orbital_Butt

    The varied empires LMG's seem to benefit more from a foregrip, but this is purely anecdotal from my own experiences so take that as you will (don't take it at all)

    This does seem like something that could do with some serious testing, this and whether or not Laser sights are worth a damn :p
  3. shalnon

    I agree. I got it for me L9 carv and it makes absolutely no difference. Theres 6 hours of xp wasted.
  4. Frosty7

    I feel kind of the same way. I've unlocked the fore grip, one of the little cqc sight thingies, and a medium range scope for my stock medic gun (pulsar?) and no matter which configuration and combination I use it always feels exactly the same.

    Bummed me out too since I spent most of my time, when not healing people, providing suppressing fire against distant targets. That fore grip and scope combo should have been beastly.