[Suggestion] Flamethrowers

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ShotgunGuru, May 18, 2014.

  1. ShotgunGuru

    We need a weapon that can do damage on multiple enemies at the same time and also can cause splash damage, so why not a flamethrower? Any ideas about this? Is it good or bad? Feedback would be great!
    Thanks in advance!
  2. CerealBox

    There's a MAX flamethrower, but it was never implemented. I guess the weapon was too buggy or they could not find the balance for it.
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  3. Malcmodnar

    I want this. I want this very, very badly. I want to cleanse the heathens in the righteous fires of Vanu's wrath! I wish to laugh as the enemies of enlightenment crumble in the fires of my hatred! Let the unclean burn as the glorious might of the Vanu Soveriegnty descends upon them from on high!


    Sadly, I suspect that giving the most mobile class in the game a short-range AoE death machine probably isn't a good idea. This thing would be a nightmare to balance, and I don't see how it could be made to work. While I'd absolutely love to ambush and immolate an entire group of enemies, maniacally laughing all the while, the ability to mow down packs of infantry really isn't something we need. (On that note, if you're looking for a good, everything-five-feet-in-front-of-me-dies weapon, I suggest an auto-shotgun.)

    Now if this were to, say, simply slow and weaken enemies in front, like some sort of nanite-thrower... that might be something worth considering. ;)
  4. Duban

    It was removed because of performance reasons. Anyways, this is the wrong forum for suggestions. Go post on the ideas and suggestions board.
  5. Taemien

    I wouldn't mind a short range flamethrower. Make them faction specific textures and colors too.

    TR gets a normal orange flame, typical flamethrower. NC gets a cleaner looking blue flame. And VS gets a crazy looking teal green plasma looking burst. All same dmg, range, and stats of course. But are otherwise ES.

    As for what the stats are. Kinda like a shorter range wider Lasher that does slightly more dps or even similar. No headshot multiplier.
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  6. SinerAthin

    A Flamethrower would be pretty insane in building fights.

    Imagine just charring an entire squad as you slowly move around a corner. Those things were no joke in WW2(provided you could get close enough to use them).
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  7. minhalexus

    AoE infantry weapons should be VS exclusive. (excluding all the AoE stuff that is already in)

    VS should get a max weapon that shoots laser in a straight line, directly affecting the person in front and doing some damage at the back.

    Damage can be determined by DPS, and heat mechanics should be used.
    Can only reach out to 30m.

    I honestly did not understand how they brought up a ammo system for the flame thrower.

    They should maybe introduce a VS pistol that has this kind of mechanics too.
  8. ShotgunGuru

    I was thinking maybe it should be an NS weapon and later I'll make a 3d model of what I had in mind.
  9. Goats

    LA flamethrower would be so much more awesome than MAX flamethrower. Maybe this is just cause I've been playing a lot of Pyro in TF2 lately, but every game needs more fire.

    A little more seriously, I think if the stats are all going to be the same, then it should be NS, as copy-paste "fake ES" weapons are annoying. Ideally, though, there would be slight variations towards each faction theme, so we could look even cooler (also asymmetrical balance is dope). If a flamethrower is too much for performance, how about something along the lines of the beta Lasher (a short range beam that explodes on contact)? LA needs some kind of suppression weapon to help its team and be, like, SO cool.
  10. Brenold

    what they should implement for suppression purposes and overall functionality is a bipod rail attachment for weapons. since there is no prone in the game, let it deploy when crouched instead and just have the unit sort of just kneel forward and go slightly lower than normal crouch or ontop of waist high surfaces when standing (like on boxes or windows) .. obviously when deployed it would greatly reduce horizontal recoil and some vertical recoil. then have it greatly reduce hipfire accuracy and ADS movement and raise equip time, ads time to balance out the perks. make the time to deploy starting from standing as long as the time engi turrets take to appear (firing will cancel the animation and return you to your previous position and available to move in the same amount of time spent in the animation before cancelling), and have a movement penalty for a few seconds after leaving deployed state.

    make it available to select LMGs, ARs and carbines.
  11. Subcero

    A lot of friendly fire?
  12. ShotgunGuru

    fire is fun!:D
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  13. MuchachoBob

    I always thought that a flamethrower would be better suited for a role of area denial, as for when someone uses one, they can leave the floor or walls burning for a small amount of time and if an enemy steps in, they get damaged over time. But that's just me wondering, because I really doubt the game engine can support that feature.

    Regarding the splash damage you speak of, I once thought of these "Concussive Carbines".

    They'd fire projectiles very similar to the Lasher and would do less direct damage than a normal carbine.
    As a side effect, enemies would suffer a temporary slow down. These would be used for supressive fire and blocking enemy advances through choke points. Most people probably wouldn't enjoy using such a weapon though, because of the diminished killing potential.
  14. ShotgunGuru

    Here is a rendering of a 3d model that I made. The cylinder in the middle of the body would be a gas tank and maybe there can be something on the top rail?
  15. eldarfalcongravtank

  16. ShotgunGuru

    @eldarfalcongravtank - those were canceled because they were too OP on maxes. My idea is that we add them to the LA arsenal.
  17. Navoletti

    in the tráiler of nc appear a max with flamethrowers in each hands...what happen with this weapon?soe delete the weapon or what?
  18. ShotgunGuru

    @Navoletti - look at my last post on this thread. They canceled it for maxes some time ago.
  19. FateJH

    If I recall correctly, the Dragon flamethrower in PS1 only affected one target at a time in primary fire mode, though it did do significant close range damage to the said target. It had a slow tarvel single burst of AOE-upon-explosion affect in alternate fire mode.
  20. ShotgunGuru

    I was thinking maybe this should be a weapon that does something like the Lasher but at close range and for all factions.LA and HA only though. Infiltrator with this would be too ineffective.(just imagine trying to be stealthy with a flamethrower) same with engies and medics. Maxes would be too OP.