[Guide] Few unobvious tips for "LMG Seals"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InexoraVC, May 16, 2020.

  1. InexoraVC

    Some tips for "LMG Seals" club :)

    These tips are very personal and their usefulness is highly dependent on the style of play:

    1. Third burst is the best. Run, then aim the wall and shoot in three bursts 4-6 rounds each and reload before you get to the fight. This will demonstrate you the decrease in the spread of bullets due to changes of player speed and state from running/moving to walking/stationary. And remember that if you run and see an enemy your third burst will be the best in terms of killing him.
    This is especially noticeable when using low rate of fire LMG: Flare, TMG50, Anchor.
    I don't know the exact values, but it works.
    Always lift your finger off the fire button after 4-7 rounds. Always. At least for 0.2 sec. And always aim for the head. Always.

    2. Use 1x scope instead of 2x or others. If you use larger scope values, you will be forced to react to the bullets spread, taking the scope away from the enemy’s head and your headshot ratio will drop.

    3. High velocity ammo (HVA) can be used either for ranged attacks (that is obvious) OR for close hip fire combat. The higher the speed of bullet/plasma, the lower the bullet's spread on close distances, more bullets will get to the enemy's head and this will do damage despite lower max range damage for HVA. So don't worry if you meet the enemy face to face: just shoot his head and pray :)

    Write down below if this works(or not) for you.
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  2. GoriLoco

    Nice tips. These are personal tips that not everybody share.
  3. JibbaJabba

    "use the yellow line"

    Inside the walls of every base there is a yellow horizontal line that runs all the way around.
    The center of that line is head level for a running/walking/aiming player. The top edge of it for a stationary player.

    Anytime you are in a building your crosshairs should be on that line.
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  4. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Your ability has no speed penalties in mid-air, therefore you can combine jumping with your overshield activation to keep more speed for either retreating or for peeking angles. Not a huge advantage but sometimes a little is all it takes.
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  5. TRspy007

    I would recommend the Ursa over the flare.

    Remember to try to engage enemies on your terms, don't be afraid to break off, pop a medkit and pop back out to surprise the guy. You can even switch to your revolver and bait the guy, double tapping him when he tries to finish you off (revolvers have faster ttk than lmgs when landing headshots).

    Crouch! If you see the guys starting to land headshots, that's an easy thing to do to quickly throw off his aim. Combine strafing (a & d) while burst firing.

    And an important one: always have your gun pointed to where you expect the guy's head to be. You lose a lot of precious time if you have to pull your weapon to your target.

    Also try to get used to using adrenaline shield once you're confident you can score a few kills.
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  6. InexoraVC

    Ursa is slightly worse for me than a Flare because I do less headshots with Ursa.
    Anyway for close-to-mid fights I prefer Ursa. For mid-to-ranged - Flare.
    MAW and Polaris - depends on situation.

    And recently I've discovered that SVA-88 with 1x scope, suppressor, grip, and high-velocity ammo is the greatest weapon for covert ops. It is like a beam weapon that allow to make 3-10 frags before they spot you.
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  7. JibbaJabba

    Yep, you can medkit during a perfectly timed jump and not take speed loss. Some light downward angle to the ground to but some extra milliseconds of jump makes the timing easier.
  8. InexoraVC

    More alternative variants to be more "bullet spongy":
    1. Restoration Kit (25 nanites) can be used as an in-fight health regenerator. Activate it BEFORE you enter the building with enemies and you'll have ~30 sec health boost. This will not make you immortal but it gives significal advantage.
    2. If you use Restoration kits you can also use Symbiote implant that gives you 20% sidearm resistance. Restoration kit can be considered as a counter measure to Symbiote drawback health's gnaw.
    3. If you use Symbiote implant you shouldn't use Nanoveawe armor because their effects don't stack. Instead you should use Advanced Shield Capacitor that makes your recovery much faster.
    4. Nanomesh specialist implant allows your overshield to be restored very quickly and decreace the rate of overshield decay.

    So we have the "sponge" loadout: adrenaline shield + advanced shield capacitor + Symbiote + Nanomesh specialist (or Survivalist). The main advice how to use this loadout: don't be too tanky. Attack-kill-retreat-restore-attack-... is the recommended playstyle.

    Unlike standart "tanky" loadout (Adrenaline+Nanoveawe+Assimilate+Survivalist) the "sponge" loadout allows you to restore much faster and live longer.
    Long live HA!

    *Laughs in 3.4xScoped Naginata, which CoF can be reset by just changing the stance midmagdump*
  10. NotziMad

    What do you mean by this?
  11. InexoraVC

    I mean too much scope decrease headshot ratio when using LMG
  12. NotziMad

    Yeah, I got that bit -_-

    I'm asking why?
  13. InexoraVC

    The best answer - get a try. Compare 1x and 4x zoom on harshy lmg.
    The long answer - when you're in scoped mode and start firing, the recoil will make you aiming to nowhere. Then you'll start correction and that correction will be always bad because recoil is very random and your correction will make your aiming worse, not better.
  14. NotziMad

    That long answer wasn't very long :)

    Ok, so what you're saying is there is more recoil when you xZoom (which I guess is realistic) and it's harder to control it when you zoom?.

    thanks :)

    PS. I tried many different kind of zooms but for me, 2x on Lmg works best, maybe it's also a question of personal taste. But I tell you what, I'll give 1x another try, for like a week or so. I'll get back to you to let you know my experience.

    (I take the time on this because this is an important question for me) !