Facility name brainstorming. Give the devs ideas!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tharovinn, Feb 22, 2024.

  1. Tharovinn

    In April 2023 I got motivated to create a concept for my own continent and with that I needed ideas for facility names.
    I went through and recorded the names of every single current, removed, and partially removed facility name so I knew which names were already taken. What I really ended up doing was thinking of ideas for names not related to my continent, and giving up quick.

    What I have left over are these unused names I got no idea what do with so I'm sharing them here, and I encourage you to share your name ideas of your own while you have the chance.

    NS Ordnance Depot
    Shared Information Network Hub
    Coral Forest - Taken from a previous game I played, Firefall. Would work as a northern Indar, or Oshur name.
    Botanical Gardens
    Nautilus Science Facility - Oshur base name
    Derelict Bandit Camp
    Smugglers Run - Smuggler tunnels!
    Backwater Sanctuary
    A.R.C Missile Defense
  2. xMeserionx

    Vanu Research Site Zeta
    NS Data Core
    Ti Foundry
    Cortium Mining Site XA521
    Research Site Tartarus
    XL553 Weapons Testing Site
    Zotz Auraxium Mine Theta
    NS Neural Relay A6
    Spaceport T523 Icarus
    Cobalt Manufactory
    Magrail Station XV-726 (Think hover train for freight purposes, maybe a continent feature)