[Suggestion] Esamir Amp Station layout reworked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. JarredGalaxy

    With the recent changes on the PTS it would be necessary that the devs continue to focus mostly on Esamir for the time being as we all know the continent of Esamir has been in quite the mess for awhile ever since the Shattered Warpgate Update. The lattice link and hex setup, base setup in some areas, and the disabled territory in the south of the continent.

    This post is in regards mostly to the issue with the Amp Stations as they are sort of bunched together in a triangle around the Eisa Tech Plant particularly the Baldur and Jord Amp Stations they are right next to each other basically with only Waterson's Redemption separating them basically as no major facilities have satellite bases anymore on Esamir except Andvari and Eisa, additionally the Freyr Amp Station is now not fought over much cause a lot of the fight is mainly around the cluster in the center and far west side around Andvari and east side near the shattered warpgate. The layout needs to be changed a bit and one of the most simple solutions is to revert some changes brought during the SWU.

    First off is Freyr
    Its 4 old satellite bases which remain on the map should be added back in to the lattice to divide up the large territory and give more bases to fight at in the north and bring back some of the heavy fighting that use to happen around the massive complex.

    Next is in regards to Jord, it should frankly just be removed and replaced by the old Nott Amp Station to the east, this Amp Station had a unique design of having 3 gate shields and was honestly more better, in addition to being put back on the map it will have the 3 CP layout like at Baldur as the layout can make good use of this setup. The old East River Sky Station will go back in place of Jord.

    Finally is Elli which is still on the map in the south of the continent and could be reactivated as a CTC Amp Station and replace Baldur, it will be added back in with its southern satellite the Elli Barracks Complex, could along with the satellites be renamed to Baldur if chosen, and Everette Supply Co would be added back in as a satellite base for the southern warpgate.

    This would better spread out the Amp Stations by removing the current 2 near each other to the south of Eisa and help with getting rid of some of the stalmate fights happening to the south and drastically change the battle flow around the continent.
  2. ganthercage

    Nice suggestions