Enough tweaking already. We need content.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Styrkr

    Hi, I'm Earth. Have we met? No? I didn't think so. Ever hear of something called the ESF Patch? No? I could tell.
  2. TheBlindFreak

    ?Por que no los dos?
  3. DirArtillerySupport

    You mean go back to developing a PC only title!? We can only dream...but it's also the only reason I quit PS1 8 months out of the year...no meaningful content. Hopefully by then they will have released proper modding tools into their player studio because promoting their proprietary hardware will be the only thing keeping those poor developers employed. We on the other hand have limitless energy, talent and free time if they would only capitalize on it.
  4. NinjaTurtle

    Am I the only one that read the title as "Enough Twerking"
    • Up x 1
  5. Darkwulf


    Read? Didn't think so.
  6. TomaHawk

    Balance is wholly achievable, albeit at the cost of variety. They could have given each faction the same (NS) tanks, the same weapons, the same certable stuff and just put in different models, but they chose to risk more in variety so that people would feel something genuinely different with each of the 3 sides. I think they've done a pretty decent job with what I've experienced in game so far, but I will agree with you content is needed as well. What would blow up my dress would be changing up the engagement mechanic; instead of the same group going from point A to B to cap the base, that we are given alternative and even simultaneous objectives elsewhere. Honestly, I couldn't care less about this lame continent locking.. what a /yawn of a goal. I want combat sized fresh meat, new weapons (no, not new rifles or explosives, but I suppose the incoming Colossus is a start)...
  7. AuntLou42

    I doubt the weapon balancing is holding much the new content back. Don't forget it was the players who demanded balance, the lattice system and performance updates. Whelp here we are, that is what they are working on so grab a freaken mirror and yell at yourself(the player base) for no new content(or what your mind is calling no new content). If you follow the devs they have been tweeting the bases they have been working on on Amerish. The first Amerish revamp patch just went on PTS so it's not far away from live.
  8. Phyr

    New content will require tweaks. You can't have your cake and eat the ice cream on the side, too.
  9. Forkyar24

    do you not understand they don't have the staff for it, read stuff look up stuff, use your brain.
  10. IamDH

  11. BoomBoom4You


    to be fair, they did just do the ESF update.
  12. WolfA4

    Clearly this is wrong. Just off the top of my head: Desperado.
  13. Axehilt

    Okay, so the Desperado was implemented 5.8 months ago and I started playing 4.7 months ago.

    That doesn't exactly change my point now, does it?
  14. WolfA4

    Yes it does. It is an example of you being wrong. Things HAVE been added to the game in the last 6 months, you just don't want to acknowledge them. The game is continually being updated, people just want something to complain about.

    For example: complaining about a lack of content, first off it's not even appropriate for this game. The players are the content. What is needed is for more ways to impact a battle, in other words: depth. Adding more guns isn't going to make the game better per say. Hell even adding continents won't really improve the game play unless mechanics are introduced to give the game more depth.
  15. Axehilt

    Uh, then I guess you didn't quite catch the fact that the point was he complained the day that new content was released.

    Whether 2 months or 2 years had gone by without content beforehand, the point still stands and his post is still ridiculous.
  16. Luighseach

    I tend to think about it another way. That also means that PCs that are sub-par have a chance to stay in the game which means more players. Its a double edged sword where you give up just as much as you get.

    There is +/- with the PS4 but overall it balances out if it goes the way most expect.
  17. DirArtillerySupport

    More players means more server load by non-paying customers doesn't it? Anyway..going back over the last 10 years how many games have been sucked into console quagmire? A sort of circling of the drain as the titles go round and round substituting technological advancements for cheap and often copied content taken from competitors. I think the more time that passes the more we forget that it was the limitations of the video cards, CPUs and memory availability that prevented game developers from unleashing their imaginations on us. Those limitations are virtually gone yet the titles remain tasteless limited and small. My 6 year old computer runs this game maxed out!? WTF?! How is this a good thing for us?!

    I think these consoles are holding the industry back...and have been for a long time. They seem to take a couple steps forward with every next gen console and then take one step back producing mundane repetitive content that's tailored to run optimally on over priced proprietary hardware with foreign architectures. I applaud SOE for shaking up the industry and allowing me to play for free as a beta tester but when they purposely downgrade their product on the eve of a console release..it's upsetting.
  18. Luighseach

    I disagree. The console market is the sole reason we even get large and amazing games like this is because of how well they game sales have been which is predominately on consoles. Consoles have always drove the gaming market compared to computers I mean why do you think Steam is pushing the Steam Box. The only games that have EVER been extremely successful on computers are MMOs like Everquest and World of Warcraft.

    I hate how every computer is different and some games are always pushing technology instead of learning to do more with less. There will always be the debate between Console and Computer when it comes to hardcore gaming and there will be pluses and minuses to it.

    Here is a tid bit for thought though. The fastest growing market for games is smart phones and tablets. Wait until most game developers focus on those then complain about hardware.
  19. Ash87

    I read: "Enough Tweeting" When I first saw it

    ...Now that you have said "Enough twerking" though, I can't unsee it 0_o
  20. DirArtillerySupport

    This scares me even more...but what you're quoting previously is the situation after the fact...and sounds more like industry rhetoric which is repeated over and over until it becomes the truth. As a new computer owner I feel cheated and as an avid gamer I don't evaluate a games success based on profit margins, marketing or sales. A good game is a good game...period. Since when did sticking up for the interests of the corporate psychopaths become the norm? Why does the industry need celebrity developer figureheads to put a human face on any of it?

    Here's a tid bit for thought...what if on the eve of the birth of PC clones the consoles died...permanently? Would we be playing an Arma 3 MMO...or would the entire industry have gone belly up? Would we be further ahead or further behind?