Duration of Healing Grenade, discussion.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Odessa, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Odessa

    100 certs for roughly 10 seconds of healing? Also why can we only carry one (I know we can cert for to carry a second but at the expense of major survivability). The engineer can carry a turret, ammo pack and so on.

    My biggest gripe with the healing grenade is the duration though. It seems like an awful lot of cert points for 10 seconds. What do you guys think, minus the blind, SOE is god guys of course.
  2. Pyros

    It's terrible, mostly because you never need to do sustained healing anyway and even if it was burst healing, healing has very limited uses that nano regen doesn't cover. You're better off letting people die and rezing them with max range 100%health medgun than healing them up, it's faster to rez and has like 3times the range. Maybe if it had a poison effect so it was both offensive and defensive. For example does 20dmg/s to anyone standing in it, does direct health dmg(bypasses shields). That's a maximum of 200dmg out of 500health, assuming people stay in it whole duration.
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  3. Kelderan

    The Healing Grenade is really situational, which lends it a partially justified bad rapport. I'm pretty okay with the 10 seconds for 100 certs, but that may be because I'm working on the 500 cert medic tool upgrade, and it's making 100 certs seem awfully small now.

    But I digress, It's really only "great" when holed up in a structure with lots of friendlies and you're healing aura either isn't going to cut it, or is on cool down. Usually occurring in big Bio fights or certain heated watchtower locations (See Crown).

    It's "good" for a quick toss into a room that might need healing when you've got other things to do. Perhaps your running with a squadie to a generator and pass a room full of friendlies under fire. Toss a Heal Grenade. A bunch of idiot friendlies camping a spawn point and you don't want to sit there getting shot with them. Toss a Heal Grenade. It's not bad, but in both of these situations you just as likely to want a Revive Grenade.

    Maybe load it up on a tertiary loadout for those tight quarters high population battles. I suspect that once we start seeing them on the battlefield more, players will happily run to them with recognition upon seeing them activate on the floor.
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  4. Odessa

    I like the DoT idea so it isn't quite the waste of certs it seems. I would say widen the range and duration though, say 15-20 seconds with a range twice the current size.
  5. IshanDeston

    And in those locations you'll want the Revive granade. When some ill timed granade explodes, and you have 5 people laying dead next to you. Thats when you might want to throw a revive granade (who am i trying to kid?)

    But bottom line is: Don't waste your cert on either. Once your Medgun is max level and your Healing aura 1 before max level, you probably should invest those certs into something more useful.

    I personally would like the healgranade to give "temporary" hitpoints on top of actual ones. Don't need a dot effect, buffing people with "combat stims" would be much better in my opinion. Maybe if it would protect against flash and concussion granades as well?
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  6. CronN

    I still prefer frag grenades as usually there are other medics. Not to mention that rezzing with med app 6 rezzing goes extremely fast.
  7. iEatGlue

    I also find them fairly useless. Since SOE is in the business of taking more popular games' ideas, why didn't they steal transfusion grenades from Borderlands? What I would do for some transfusion grenades in PS2!
  8. Fyrdoc

    Personally find them very useful, I can toss one to a group that is separated from me and continue healing and rezzing the current group I am in. Love the idea that I can heal from cover without having to expose myself to enemy or friendly fire. Just my 2 cents.