Draw a vehicle you would like to see in the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cpu46, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Sen7ryGun84

  2. DeathTollDavid

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  3. Alkezo

    LC VS:

    Complete with 3 large turrets and 1 small turret. A heavy Magrider. The VS is very similar to LC with all their hover technology. Too bad the VS don't have the Ultra-Wave Blaster... I miss that game.
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  4. Tradewind


    Just needs Freedom Cup-Holders and it would be perfect for NC.

    awww, only after going back a few pages after posting did I see you already got this covered. Bravo sir.

    On a serious note, I've not got the patience to draw it, but I can paint a mental picture. Artillery/Missile Battery, vehicle would require 2 components. Both the driver and a spotter. Spotter could be an infiltrator, a replacement for the recce dart gun. Paint the target and the artillery vehicle can fire a single shot or a volley at the target. Requirement being relative clearance for the target, so the shell arc can feasibly reach it. In the case of a missile platform, the target would need to maintain visual spotting from the spotter on the ground to reach its target. Artillery would be dumbfire after targeting is established.
  5. TheBlazing


    New Vanu Magrider design (because the current one doesn't look scary or imposing enoungh) or a new Vanu-specfic tank entirely. Just make this one purple. (Not mine)
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  6. DanGadelha

    I came here expecting way more drawings done by the posters than images taken out of the internet :/ slightly disappointed... but still, fun stuff.
  7. Terrex


    This topic "Draw a vehicle you would like to see in the game."

    Everybody in this topic - Posting pictures of another vehicle or of a drawing from somewhere else. Forumside failing at reading and understanding again..

    I saw a few pretty cool drawings, the only actual drawings.
  8. joe smo

  9. joe smo

    I can't speak for everyone else but I can't draw here i'l draw you a strait line to demonstrate my incompetence
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  10. Tradewind

    I can't speak for everyone, but people like myself are at work and somewhat lacking tools needed to do it justice. Unless you wanted an MS Paint of a potato with headlamps, people are making the best of it.

    But I could see that ******** could be seen as being more constructive.
  11. Cougarbrit

    That the old Earth series? They were good, shame about 2160 ruining it.

    Bloody aliens ruin everything.
  12. Hunterion

    THIS!... and instead of cat-like robots it's assembled by Flashes.
  13. treeHamster

  14. DanGadelha

    oh nobody said it had to be a pro quality concept art... I think the fun part would be seeing drawing made by people on paint of what they really wanted in a vehicle.
  15. Attic Lion

    I suddenly desire a half-track cosmetic for my sundy.

    I can get behind this. I propose these for the other factions.

    For the NC...


    It's a) got big guns, b) is pure evil, c) is a corruption of the pure form of better machines. All of these scream NC.

    And for the VS...


    Again, this has several points going for it. It's a) kinda crab shaped, b) stupid and has to be lead by around by a big brain-thing floating in the sky, c) kinda purplish and green-y, and d) spits weird green stuff all over the place. All easily observable Vanu traits.
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  16. joe smo

    O.K. but I warned you

    A drew a bomber...flying... fish.. thing... :oops:
    A Bomber that drops dumb bombs is all I want in a vehicle.
  17. K2k4

    For those who cannot read my chicken-scratch, this says:



    The Nanite Systems Dart (or NS Dart PTA) is a 1-man, ungunned aircraft capable of extreme speed and maneuverability. Originally designed as a civilian recreational vehicle, the NS Dart PTA

    [images, top and front views]

    found a military purpose once outfitted with a stealth unit and a scout radar.

    Resource Cost: 100 Aero Resources (aquisition timer as flash)
    Speed: Base = Mosquito base + 50 KPH
    Hit Points: as flash, however driver is protected from direct fire.

    Utility certs: Scout Radar (5 levels) starts with 1 rank (75m)
    Flares, Ejection System, Engine Muter (reduces engine sound by %10 per rank), Afterburner

    Defense certs: Stealth (starts with rank 1), Flak-Resistant shell (reduces flak damage by 25/35/45/60%), Emission Supression Unit (reduces the engine's glow by 15/20/30/50%)

    Frames: Combat, Hover, and Speed frames available

    **edit** I forgot to mention/scale this picture. The dart would be approximately the size of a motorcycle.
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  18. Redshift

    do the guns have to be so phallic?
  19. K2k4

    cleaned it up (see my colorful NS Dart post above.)
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  20. DanGadelha

    now THATS what im talking about! keep it up