Double Vanu weekend starts now!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Hey boys and girls !! starting this friday ! at 9 am you can double the Vanu population!!! and it ends on NEVER!

    But you say " Hey Bill I already put hundreds of certs in my NC/ TR character !"

    Don't worry ! default 0 cert Vanu weapons are just as good as fully certed weapons of the other factions

    Open your map and see a can of grape soda spilled across the land !
    • Up x 2
  2. Panzerdraco

    • Up x 6
  3. Tantal

    • Up x 6
  4. Yil

  5. CoreDave

    Funny I most often see a sea of red on my Server, except on that snow continent, but I don't tend to spend a lot of time there.
  6. bPostal

    Oh cool, a meme thread. Let me go find one.
  7. Monnor

    Like your friend imgladyoumad eh ?
  8. Grotpar

  9. Garmerr

    Because the TR and VS never whined about the NC weapons being overpowered. Oh, wait. They did. Constantly.Whenever SOE gets around to another sweeping balance pass that leaves the TR in a world of hurt, people will be saying the same thing about you. I'm almost ashamed that I even play TR the way people like you seem to forget how this stuff works.
  10. TurboSax

    Good thing I'm Vanu, more allies to get shot by the enemy while I snipe said enemy in safety.
  11. f0d

    hmm just checked connery and briggs and NC have the highest pop on both
  12. GamerOS

    That pretty much can mean two things really

    Either the NC really do have ****** guns and tanks.
    Or the Vanu and TR are too good.

    Statistically speaking if the game was balanced every faction would get the same amount of whiners.

    Ofcourse the guy posting this picture also forgets all the whine from the Vanu and TR especially in Beta.
    I remeber the TR and VS complaining almost constantly about everything.
  13. Jaggedmallard26

    OP is mad because he doesn't know how to manage recoil.
  14. ShadowWolf TR

    if the TR and VS agreed on something, then something had to be ****** up