Do NC have the best LMG options?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Ruar, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. KyadCK


    We can continue to have unique factions that make the game special, and you can get over the fact you do stupid things like trying to attack a SAW user at 75m+. Why in the hell should we throw away the lore they wrote, and everything special about the weapons and factions because you repeatedly get your face kicked in when doing something that plays to your enemies strengths?

    Should our Reaver fly the same speed as your Mosquito, and be as maneuverable as the Scythe? Should our tanks be able to strafe like the Magrider? Maybe no one should have bullet drop, like the Vanu. Hey, ya know? It's not fair that you get an awesome lock-on launcher, I want that on NC too. After all, only skill should determine who wins, not how a situation is laid out, and who has better tools for the job.

    You do understand that, everything else equal, at ranges where single-shot is required, the higher damage lower rate of fire weapon will ALWAYS win, right? Since it will take fewer shots to kill, and ROF doesn't matter when you can't even burst? In fact, the lower ROF will make the gun easier to control as well, and we won't multi-shot and take even more time to let the recoil settle too, allowing us to kill you faster and easier. And don't even get me started on peak-a-boo shootouts, the higher damage weapon will so kick *** at that. Oh well, guess we need to make all guns have the same ROF and Damage now too, huh?

    Go play CoD, or Halo, or some other generic shooter where everyone has the same weapons, it's obviously what you want. Or, if you like our weapons so much, join NC! We can always use more fodder to stand in front of enemy guns.
  2. Ruar

    So it's better to have imbalances in combat instead of making minor adjustments to put things on a level playing field? Especially if that imbalance favors your faction perhaps?

    Take a moment and read my proposals before you hop on that high horse of yours. I never once said the factions need to have their fundamental lore, differences, or specialties removed and everything equalized. I like the way each empire is supposed to do things differently and for the most part the differences are fairly close to balanced.

    The problem I see is with your idea of what balance is supposed to be. You think a SAW user should win at certain ranges given all other factors being equal. I want the winner to be the more skilled player. The SAW is just fine as it is, the problem is the TR attachments are under performing and make it just about impossible for a TR user to use the higher ROF because the recoil induced inaccuracy can not be mitigated.

    The idea is the higher ROF = the higher damage option but currently the higher damage/lower ROF is more accurate thus having a significant advantage. Allowing the TR to mount AFG on the TMG would be a great way for the users that want accuracy to adjust the weapon to their playstyle. Just a small change but something that still keeps the unique empire flair while bringing the weapons into balance.

    Perhaps I should create a chart showing the weapons side by side between empires and the attachment options to point out the inconsistencies in design. Seems kind of silly though when the easiest thing to do is just make all attachments available and let the users customize to their style.

    Consider what could happen if the SAW got the option to mount an advanced laser sight. Greater hip fire accuracy, no change to ROF or damage though. So you lose long range ability for better in close ability, sounds balanced to me.

    Attachments shouldn't make or break a weapon, but if the attachments are limited and designed to make a weapon only play a specific way then they are make or break. Sort of like how the SAW attachments make it a better ranged option than the TMG attachments.
  3. KnightCole

    Exactly, and its the attachments that in the end lead to the NC overall being the better nation. If people would get over their wrote TTK/DPS, shots to kill and chart numbers they would see its not the friggin numbers on a paper im talking about in my arguements. Its the attachments and later on where the NC just take the lead in killing power over TR.

    Early on, like the first 5BR's when no one has any equipment the TR and VS are somewhat better then the NC. The NC6 kinda blows with no gizmos. However, come BR10 when people start to get like 350-400 certs, the NC begin to pull ahead. X2 makes aiming the NC6 very simple and it gives it effectiveness in all situations in which the gun shines. The AFG, for all intents and purposes, removes what little left and right recoil the NC6 has, and the Compensator makes the vertical recoil very manageable.

    Go over to the T9 and you begin with high left and right recoil, but low vertical recoil(Truth be told its the horizontal recoil that kicks your ***). You have lower dmg but good RoF...which is basically counteracted and nullified by the need to burst fire, the x3 FSM and high CoF bloom. Then, when you get Gizmos, you get either a worthless 3.4x, 4x or I think a 6x on a gun that is worthless beyond the end of the barrel. Or you get a x1 that pretty much limits you to CQC. If you get a Grip attachment, its a Laser, which pretty much does the T9 no good or a Handgrip, which also has little effect.

    The T9 should have access to the AFG and a x2 Optic atleast. Maybe not a Comp, but atleast the AFG.
    All TR guns should have AFG atleast.....if nothing else.
  4. KyadCK

    I did. You want all weapons to be able to do everything. No. That's stupid.

    The problem I see is the above.

    It will the the more skilled player. The more skilled one chose the right weapon for the fight.

    Higher damage weapon will always win at range. Sorry if you can't understand that, but if you got what you wanted you would still get your face kicked in, then come back to the forums to cry more.

    Seriously, go play Halo or COD if you want everyone to be able to do the same things equally and only want skill to be the difference. Obviously PlanetSide is not your game. No one will blame you for playing a game that does what you want instead of one that doesn't.
  5. Ruar

    Probably my last response since you still fail at reading comprehension.

    I want the weapons to have all of the attachment options. No changes to how the weapons work, just allowing the user to cater to their own playstyle. Currently you have to pretty much switch factions to get a weapon you like when the attachments themselves would do the job if we had access.

    We obviously have two different ideas of how to define skill.

    Your last sentence pretty much says you don't want to fight on equal footing but would rather have an advantage even if it means the other person has to used a subpar weapon. Ever wonder why NC is the most populated empire?
  6. Syphers

    I certed the SAW but I dont really like it, it's fine at range but in CQC the low fire rate blow. The best overall LMG are the EM6 and the TMG-50 in my opinion
  7. KnightCole

    Yeah, EM6 is a good one. Handgrip and comp, x2, makes it pretty good.

    NC6 is good with Adv Grip, comp and x2. 3.4x is aight on it as well.
  8. KyadCK

    I figured becasue the TR and Vanu are filled with teamkilling QQing "OMG, NERF IT!" scream fests. Of course, that's just the forum observation/consensus, and not what I see in-game.

    In game, I play NC and have TR and Vanu alts. As NC, I like my AC-X11, SAW, and... Nope, those are the guns I like. I'm working on the Mercenary now as I need a gun for closer fights (gee, look at that, I changed weapons). I never did like the EM6 or GD-22, horrible weapons in my hands. As Vanu, I use the default weapon, solstice I believe. Guess what. As NC, I fight from a distance. As Vanu, I get up close and personal, hipfire, strafe, the works.

    Different play styles for different weapons. Go figure. Maybe you just suck at ranged combat, and they are getting the kills because they are more skilled? It's completely possible. I'm not very good at close quarters fighting, I usually get my *** handed to me pretty quickly. So I learned to be sneaky instead.

    Maybe instead about crying over your guns about how unfair it is that a faction specializing in high damage low ROF weapons that use Gauss technology is kicking your *** at range, you should stop fighting them at the range they're good at.

    I define Skill as having the foresight to know where you'll be fighting, and bring the appropriate tool for the job first, and knowing how to use that weapon second. Not someone who has to beg and plead with the game devs to give them more things to put on their gun because they can't possibly win against the enemy. Seriously, QQ more. If your factions weapons suck so bad, and you like our weapons so much, join us. Otherwise, shut up and use your Carv to rip all our SAW users new ones when we have to get close to cap the point.

    Ever wonder why NC has the highest pop yet still is pushed all the way back to their central territories on Indar constantly? We score the lowest with MBTs, we have the worst ESF, our MAX's are only good in Bio Labs, and we aren't exactly known for our CQC weapons. So tell me. Why do NC have the highest population? Are you actually going to say that NC weapons are OP?

    I would gladly take faction advantages and disadvantages over an incredibly boring and stupid Halo style game like what you want, yes. You don't see me complaining about how my AC-X11 sucks at close combat do you? And how I normally get ripped up by TR and Vanu if I dare go closer than 20m with it without getting a surprise attack? No? Then you can live with your weapons too.

    Weapons need advantages and disadvantages.
    Classes need advantages and disadvantages.
    Vehicles need advantages and disadvantages.
    Bases need advantages and disadvantages.
    Factions need advantages and disadvantages.

    Learn how to deal with yours.
  9. Scorponok

    thats because most new players prefer NC...thats why the population keeps being higher...people like the hard hitting stuff..and the music...sure as hell cant the be the colors :p well blue is okey...yellow...ugh not so much bad combo mix ^^
  10. Paperlamp

    GD-22S is better than TMG-50 really.

    TMG-50 has several problems - lower RoF than EM6 as well as smaller clip with no notable advantages making up for this, and no advanced forward grip. GD-22S has a smaller clip, but less recoil and better CoF while moving. I get pretty frustrated playing TR heavy because we really don't have any good LMGs compared to NC or even VS.
  11. lilleAllan

    Well NC has better weapons for ranged encounters, one can argue.
    However, NC's best close range LMG is.... the EM1, which is completely outclassed by the CARV.
  12. ladiesop

    The EM6 doesn't get advanced grip either. It's currently my preferred med-long (all round) range LMG though.
  13. Syphers

    Yeah blue/yellow is a wierd mix but man my geared up infiltrator and LA look awesome, my giraffe camo HA is not bad too just waiting for a good looking and confusing helmet to buy
  14. Syphers

    Well the RoF difference betwen the TMG and the EM6 is a single bar so no big deal but the clip size of the TMG is meh though. Carbine wise though the TR get the best hand down 10 extra bullets on a carbine is a big deal I miss my lynx and jaguar

    I picked up the laser sight on my EM6, the standard lv1 grip is not really amazing and the recoil is plenty manageable without it so I went for the hip-fire improvement it's pretty beast
  15. PyroPaul

    No, NC do not have the best LMG options...

    Vanu get an LMG with an AoE and no bullet drop
    TR get a Freaking Mini-Gun.

    NC gets a bunch of carbon copy LMGs which most are nearly indistinguishable from one another and only really effective at medium-long range.... In fact, if you want to be competitive at CQC as a HA against the other factions, you have to buy an SMG...
  16. Ruar

    So much drivel but I want to point out the OP clearly states I simply wanted to see how the weapon that kills me the most performs in comparison to what I have available. The suggestion to allow more attachments is there because the weapons are fairly balanced but the attachment options are lopsided.

    Nothing about unfair, nothing about how I can't kill SAW users (I can and do frequently), nothing about an inability to fight at range. In fact it's more the exact opposite because I find the SAW users do better in close than at range, but since you keep arguing a point I'm not even trying to make it's clear you don't really bother to read what was wrote.

    Instead you create straw men arguments which you then counter and proceed to congratulate yourself on how well your internet argument skills are. It's a classic technique used on forums and just shows how biased the author is in regards to what is being discussed.
  17. Evil Monkey

    No, they don't.
  18. Mekhazzio

    Ugh. The game's been out for months, I thought we were done with this nonsense.

    There's two types of recoil, vertical and horizontal. Broadly speaking, VS has moderate horizontal and low vertical, TR has high horizontal and moderate vertical, and NC has low horizontal and high vertical.

    The catch is that the two recoil types don't have similar effects. Vertical recoil is always in one direction and has low to zero variability in how much recoil each shot causes. Because it's predictably consistent, it can be manually compensated for. Each shot always kicks up by X amount, you develop the muscle memory to always pull down by X amount, the net vertical deviation is minimal. Also, your targets are vertically oriented rectangles, so you've got a decent room for error in the vertical.

    Horizontal recoil, on the other hand, has huge variability. From shot to shot, it can go in either direction, and there's no way to know which direction. The only consistency it has is that it has a maximum deviation from the original aimpoint before it's forced to kick back in that direction, but that deviation is typically quite large. Horizontal recoil is thus the primary random component affecting a burst grouping. It doesn't matter how good you ever get, you're always going to be restricted by the horizontal recoil.

    So what you wind up with is that general VS weapons are best for newbies who don't have the habit of vertical compensation yet, NC guns are best for non-newbies because they have the least artificial restriction, and TR .....well, TR buys the TMG-50 :D
  19. Scorponok

    the NC has the best weapon option's those that are saying otherwise are just trying to hide because they know NC is the only one with weapons that didnt get nerfed.
  20. KyadCK

    Then why do you need more things?

    You do understand that if they do decide to give you more attachemnts, they will nerf your weapon first so at their best, they're the same, right?

    You said it yourself, in this quote. The weapons are balanced. So shut up, and stop begging to have more buffs.