[Vehicle] Do any of the SOE developers pilot?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamNotYourGoose, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    More like, NC throw the only WG parties. TR are all formal and strict, "no partying at the WG you maggots" said the field marshall. VS on the other hand don't need to party at the WG because they bring the disco with them
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  2. Goretzu

    Personally I'd say the issue was/is combining A2A and A2G into the A2A/A2G ESF (made worse by there still being weapon loadouts that are effective - if not best - at both). This has caused a lot of issues IMO, and a lot of issue that wouldn't have happened with seperate airframes (al la PS1).

    To fix it now my best (and only really) suggestion would be a pure A2A fighter that couldn't fire when hovering or at low speed (so at anything under proably about 50-75 it would enter hover mode and weapons would switch off - needs the nanties to hover or something) and that had weapon systems purely designed for A2A (and possibly specifically designed NOT to be A2G). It should be a bit faster and much more manuverable than the ESF (probably with a more sensible flight model if possible).
  3. Goretzu

    It is plain awkward too, and some needed controls aren't even bound by default - hopefully they'll have to sort this for the PS4 version and so the PC version will be sorted by default.
  4. Tito

    need something bf4 controls
  5. Neo3602

    Well they could always make a stupidly easy to use A2A nose gun that shoots flack rounds:p , but that would be like the coyotes but possibly worse.

    The main complaint that I've heard from people who use G2A players is that the skyguard it not that effective against air considering that it gives up most of its ability to fight ground targets, IMO instead of buffing the skyguard against air why not increase the impact damage of its shells so it can effectively engage ground targets and not give up as much to engage air targets?
  6. Unclematos7

    Do any of the SOE developers pull vehicles in general?
  7. quatin

    Remove CZ-75 and Skyguard. Combine into some type of super Walker mini-gun. Default cannon for lightning should be HEAT. Viper will always be superior or inferior to HEAT.
  8. DrBash00

    Well, the 98+ battles are not really funny for ESF pilots, for liberator they are a nightmare (At least if some ground guys understand what they are doing).

    I can only speak for my Member, dedicatet pilots now drive harasser or prowler because they just cant enjoy the airgameplay anymore....

    I have no Idea how to make the Ground 2 air gameplay better, but maby this is just the opinion of our pilots....
  9. tf2hero

    so you mostly play NC right:D
  10. Brahma2

    Really is pretty much the way it should be.
  11. Thurwell

    Well when I'm flying I can tell you I don't consider the skyguard ineffective at all. Skyguard opens up on me and I have to nope the f*ck out of there instantly. And if that happens at close range I'm screwed. Then there's flying along at 500m up and sigh, skyguard pinging away at me. Can't even see the stupid thing.

    Now that I recall I did have an idea for the gun way back when. Give it a big cone of fire and high rate of fire so it bursts out a cloud of bullets. The damage wouldn't be great but it would be forgiving to aim. The idea would be a starter gun for new pilots, easy to use with less damage. Get the hang of that and move on to a more precise gun.
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  12. Neo3602

    I should have clarified, I meant that skyguards are not that effective at dealing with Libs or gals(they are pretty deadly against ESFs), sure if its at long range they can put the hurt on any air unit and possibly kill them if they try to move in to fight back but if a lib or gal is fairly close a skyguard just can't put out enough damage to kill the lib before it can kill them which is a problem considering how much it sacrifices to be able to engage air targets at all. That it why I suggested buffing its damage against ground targets so its not giving up as much and thus could stay as it is against heavy air targets.

    Also your new ESF gun could be interesting.
  13. Yeahy

    But who flies?
    I must know :rolleyes:
  14. DrBash00

    Ok, so you say "airgameplay should not be fun on big battles", eeehhhmmm sry, i think on a friday night, when nearly everywhere are 98+ battles it should be fun to fly, and you should not be forced to go infantry or maby vehicle. Like on indar there are always the same bases where the fights end up, and most times there are infantry only battles because the bases are easy defendet from vehicles.

    So vehicles are no option, air is no option.....

    This way the game loses so much of its good content, A2A fights between well trained air-outfits get meaningless, because the winner gains nothing for it´s empire. The only thing you can do with your ESF is now farm, farm, farm... make small fights 2 the hell for all infantry only player... yes... you are right "this is the way it should be"..... ähm... NO!
  15. Brahma2

    I don't have any trouble in a Liberator using air in said fights. Get good.
  16. DrBash00

    Well insulting people is the way you discuss? Go finish the kindergarden. And after that come back and talk to uncle basher.
  17. _itg

    That kind of gun would absolutely wreck things at close range, though. Maybe it could work if they gave it reverse damage dropoff. I mean, that makes as much physical sense as regular damage dropoff, so why not?
  18. Cyrek

    The problem with my tomcats or coyotes right now is that people on the ground aren't aware I am clearing the skies for them at my expense of not using banshee/rocket pods. There should be a way to inform those players so I can be thanked for my hard work, something like having steam funds donated into my account.
  19. Thurwell

    That is an issue I had thought of with the gun but I left it out of the post for simplicity. A good pilot could get up to butt sniffing range and unload it, thus getting 100% damage out of a weapon not meant to do that. Similar to the current air hammer. Of course the dev's attitude towards air hammer pilots doing that is...meh, we don't care, it's just the air game.
  20. Stigma

    Mostly I really hate the meta of the air-to-air now.

    As soon as things get serious everyone pulls lockon missiles and form ganksquads. Even if a ganksquad gets countered by another ganksquad - the gameplay is terrible.... it's all lockon and zero skill because there is effectively no way to defend yourself against lockons. Once your flares are gone you are done - and so it turns primarily into a game of numbers where the skill of the individual pilot amount to very little.

    In a 1v1 encounter a good pilot can take down a bad pilot with lockons - sure - but the weapon scales out of all proportion and even synergizes with the ganksquad type gameplay until in a large group dogfight it essentially remains the undisputed king.

    I remember the good old days before all the lockon crap (well in the air-to-air game at least) where dogfighting meant having to aim and shoot at eachother while dodging and pulling enemies of the tails of your friendlies. Back then when you lost to other air then it was either because you got outnumbered or outplayed and it felt fair. You could improve your personal skills and win more often as a result. Instead today the meta is to hover and shoot missiles that automatically track for you (without fail or any way to counter past one use of flares) until your enemy blows up or you do.

    It is a rotten boring and frustrating way to play - and honestly these days when I see those sorts of lockon squads roam around it is quite tempting to just somewhere else or play some infantry or something, because there is no fun or challange to the air2air game once someone gets ******** and pulls out the lockons...

    TLDR: Lockon weapons should never ever be the top-tier way to acomlish anything. If they think they HAVE to have lockons as a noob crutch then so be it but you have to tweak it so that the noob crutch doesn't become the dominant choice even for the most experienced pilot, otherwise it all goes to ****...
