Did you purposely make mines not render so people MUST cert mine guard?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SkepticJerry, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. SkepticJerry

    Am I the only one not seeing ANY mines now? I would slow down and use IR to look for mines on the ground and either shoot or avoid them, but mines are not rendering at all for me now.

    Look, I have no problem with well placed mines and smart play with them, but for cripes sakes, give me the opportunity to see the dang things!!!!!
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  2. Goodkat

    Quit crying and do the following against mines:

    On MBT, use mine guard. You have 2 people in there (if you don't, stop reading this and uninstall), so mine guard is worth it to protect you from the unseen danger. Other threats can be avoided if you are careful.

    On lightning, don't use mine guard, Use side armor or stealth. Lightning is a cheap tank and if you blow up on mines, **** happens.

    For Sundy, don't use mineguard unless transporting many people (blockade or ammo dispenser instead) Why? Because you should be defending that bus. Drop prox mines around it. Get a Kobalt turret and shread any incoming suicide engies. If you leave your bus unattended, you deserve to loose it.

    If you run over a mine in a flash, just LOL at the situation. Your flash only costs 1/3 of one mine...
  3. DeadOnArrival

    I suggest mineguard on your sundy as, in your typical zerg, no one else will defend it or even help repair it. AND it is sort of funny to see see the enemy engy mill around after he failed to blow your sundy with mines.
  4. Talizzar

    I see mines all the time, however, I believe there is a bug where the mines are sinking into the ground after some time. Cool feature if by design.

    Never be the 1st vehicle in line, NEVER! There is always someone willing to risk it all. Follow other's tracks or stay off the roads.
  5. Yutty

    ya there's places where mines will just clip through the ground and not be vissible, but majority of the time you can spot them. Its just that the render distance is pretty short for them, if you're going at any speed that isn't pretty slow you won't have enough time to spot and avoid them.
  6. CrashB111

    Mineguard is a requirement for a dedicated AMS sunderer if you plan on deploying close to the battle.
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  7. Hessian

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  8. Spineless

    The way the game renders things including mines is totally random. Sometimes I see them most of the time I do not.
  9. Fallout10mm

    I've only recently started seeing enemy AP mines, I think you still have to be in render range of the infantry as they plant them to see them properly.
  10. Novmiech

    I havent seen AT mines beyond about 5m - ever.
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  11. Jaquio

    As someone who loves to lay mines on heavily trafficked roads...

    I have never seen a large force do the obvious strategy: Have the flashes go first.

    I know that involves planning and all, but if I'm driving a vehicle, I gladly let someone else go first. I also always follow the path the person in front of me is driving.

    But the obvious solution to mined roads (the most common mined roads are Howling Pass and Quartz Ridge), is to have a small fleet of flash go first and flush out all the mines.
  12. Yutty

    that's actually the closest guess of the range i could think of. Its similar to when your in a ESF with night vision on and waiting for stuff to pop up and render except the range except you gotta pretty much walk or drive up to them if your feeling lucky.
  13. Rhinzual

    Why would a Flash, an All-Terrain Vehicle, stick to the roads?
  14. Zenanii

    After dying one too many times to mines, I finally invested in lvl2 mineguard for my magrider. I maxed mineguard on my sundie long ago and it's pretty much mandatory.
    Just give it some time, in a few months all sundies and many tanks will have certed for mineguard. The forums will be flooded by engineers crying over how useless their mines have become.
  15. Zer0range

    Nope, I can't see mines either. They're totally invisible.

    yeah really annyoing. though the render distance for mines was already ridicolous prior to the last update.
    skip to 1:00

    video was originally supposed to report a bug with thermal vision. but you can also see that even friendly mines start rendering late. I would assume that the same render distance applies or has applied to enemy mines (without that mine icon above it of course), and it is far too short to react in time. even thermal or night vision hardly helps detecting the mines. I use fully certed mineguard on all of my vehicles and I always will as long as mines are basically invisible. it shouldn't be a mandatory perk though.

    edit: also please show us friendly mines on the minimap! i can't count the times I mined a road and all of a sudden a friendly prowler decided to park right ontop of it to shell a base, resulting in him being immediately ripped into pieces because of a single HA rocket and sometimes even an enemy grenade -_-
  17. Antivide

    Same thing with prox mines. NC and VS mines sometimes literally don't freaking render.

    It also doesn't help that both blend into the ground. I can't tell you how many times I thought a building was safe only for a NC mines to kill my TR toon because it freaking has the exact same color as the floor.
  18. Luewen

    The point of the mines are that you dont see them until its too late or you go veeeeery slow. It would be useless to plant mines if you could see them 100 meters away.

    And in "RL" anti tank mines are put under the ground so it would be even harder to see them.
  19. Zotamedu

    They really should fix that bug someday. Infnatry mines sink through the ground too and I just recently saw my first mine ever. I saw it being dropped by an infiltrator so I shot it. I've been killed by mines many times, even when I've been looking for them. So fix that stupid bug already.
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  20. CrashB111

    I see so much rage over mines, and Iaugh at you all from behind my max flak armor, and max mineguard.