Dear SOE...Population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SenorBeef, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. FigM

    server transfer can work instead of merger ONLY if it is free

    the only restriction that should be placed is the frequency of transfers, such as 1 per day
    Also, people need to see accurate or estimated number of people currently online on the server in order to make better decisions. Seeing "low" or "high" pop is not sufficient information
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  2. Naivesteve

    I am 100% certain that it will be paid; cash grab.
  3. Arcanum

    Friendslists and outfitlists MUST be updated to show servers if that happens, though.
  4. TheArchetype

    I agree with your points, especially about free movement between servers. If they don't do this, at least give us server merges. Amerish and R
    Esamir are ghost towns on Jaeger.
  5. TheArchetype

    F.ckin SOE. Ruining their own game.
  6. Excellentz

    One of the games I was majorly talking about. They killed that game and it was a shame to see it happen.
  7. Aliasse

    Stopped reading at "This is going to be like wow."
  8. Dhart

    I'm ready to move... now. Totally sick of the NC action on Watterson. A few good outfits amongst a sea of idiots.

    I've had enough of TR always having 10%+... and when NC might actually do better... there come the NC BR 1's... deliberate FF on all medic and Engineers... (TR sore losers)... reported for harassment, but it doesn't change anything.

    TR want Watterson- I say let them have it... let them be 70-80% vs nothing. Let them enjoy it and choke. Past time for a change of venue. March is much too far away.

    Token for server change was the one and only thing I was looking forward too this update... and now to find that it's been pushed off.

    Hey SOE- so is my sub renewal... until I get my token... **** you.
  9. Sonny

    +1 to the OP's comments and bumped
  10. Cymoril

    No, what people say is, " were getting farmed at x and y and not having any fun. How about we go ghost cap on Amerish." I am in a outfit of these people and I hear that frequently.
  11. VarisPLF

    It's actually pretty nice on Ceres, which isn't even the most populated server in EU. In prime time there's big fights (20+ people on one side) here and there, and even smaller bases are not always deserted.

    I'm not sure if MASSIVE EPIC FIGHTS would be a good idea. Just lag and vehicle spam... And you can't expect the quiet times to be that great, it'd mean too many people in prime time and login queues etc. Prime time matters and it's mostly fine now.

    SOE needs to watch it if they implement population management like spreading people into multiple places or new continents, so players don't become spread too thin. But they can be a good way to break up big clusters (eg. those 50 player spam trains that occur on Miller).

    If overall population falls, server mergers or free server transfer weeks could be a good idea.
  12. pottman

    As a VS player on Connery, I wished SOE would open server transfers now. It's just not fun anymore getting stomped over because of low population.
  13. southerncarl

  14. Poorform

    The biggest problem is devs think they know better than the players simply because they made a game and we didn't. But we're the ones that have single handedly experienced the fall of all these mmos in the past decade. SOE, you need to refer to us on this topic as we're the experts, the people who actually played the titles and sadly watched them burn due to dev ego. Merge now or forever lose your playerbase.
  15. Haya jii san

    9/2/2013 : 26% VS, 36% NC, 40% TR

    Why am i playing this ? Someone answer me ?
  16. Arcanum

    You call it ruining the game I call it maximizing profits.
  17. LukeDude759

    Technically, the game still is in beta. If you look in the task manager, it says "Planetside 2 v0.[Insert numbers I didn't bother to memorize here]" If the version number starts with 0, the game isn't in the full version and is therefore in beta.
  18. allattar

    I was hoping that the servers would be a lot more dynamic with unique character names. In that you could just pick a server to play on at any session fir your character.
  19. Excellentz

    Very interesting to see other threads get commented on by Admins, even shut down. However, this one, arguably the most important on on the forum, has one SOE reply that is complete and utter.....fill in the blank. Give us a response SOE, we demand one. We need to explicitly know how you plan to manage the population concerns of the community. I fear more and more will leave and that these server transfers will just end up killing servers any how. The only benefit is gained by SOE because we all shelled out cash to transfer, the casual gamer is hurt bad.
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  20. Flarenza

    There are actually a lot of games that could have been as good or better than WoW but they always fell short due to developer sloppiness/rushing. So many of the games promise a lot yet when it comes time to deliver they fall short, and that is why they can never compete with WoW. Imagine if games like Warhammer online, SWtOR and the like actually had competent teams managing it and then delivered on everything they promised and more. They wouldn't be in the free-to-play market now and many people would actually be playing them and trying to drag their friends into them. Instead the games were rushed, content was cut and eventually the player-base was lied to which pushed many of them away.
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