Dasanfall Stats Site is biased now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pruto, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Cab00se187

    BF2142 was my favorite one out of the series. One thing I will agree on is spawn rooms should not be accessible by vehicles and only some capture points should be accessible by vehicles but to enclose everything just so your outfit can have their infantry only battles is completely wrong.
  2. BoomBoom4You

  3. WorldOfForms

    The funny thing is, BF2142 borrowed a number of ideas, and even art styles from PS1. I recall an aircraft from BF2142 that was a clear homage to PS1's Mosquito (or Reaver, not sure which). Those devs were definitely fans of PS1.
  4. Ender

    Enclose everything? You took everything jak wrote word for word didn't you. That was not how he intended for it to be read, that was simply one off the top of his head quick responses he used to give the general idea of more infantry centric fights. He didn't mean he literally wanted everything enclosed everywhere.
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  5. nubery

    Who the **** cares about dassanwhatever?
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  6. Ender

    Nobody, that's why threads about us average 10-50 pages.
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  7. Cab00se187

  8. Cab00se187

    Uh ya, he wrote it word for word. If he didn't mean it that way, then he wouldn't have written it that way. Anyway, threads derailed. Nice website and I like how you break everything down but sorry man, shotguns should count :p
  9. Ender

    At one point I had 136% accuracy with the nova. It's still 30-40% higher than it should be right now because early on the API used to count every pellet as a hit so when you shot multiple pellets and more than one hit it gave you ridiculous stats. They never went back and fixed that. It would throw a huge kink into a lot of people's all around. I think the most reasonable solution to something like that would be to have the site calculate custom scores, where the user checks which types of weapons or even which specific weapons they want included. You could definitely filter things to your advantage, but people would simply ask what filters were used. I'm not sure how easy that is to code in though, i'd have to ask 50 about it since I never actually touch any of the code. The site basically works as follows -

    1. I gave 50 access to my hosting info,

    2. 50 started creating the database for internal use,

    3. 50 made it kinda pretty, we laughed, but also got addicted to all the stats we could potentially see,

    4. We asked if it'd be possible to do this or that, he generally says yes and implements it though the ultimate direction it takes is completely at his whim. He's always been extremely open to feedback though.

    5. We let some friends use the site, they loved it, so he came up with a code generation system to allow friends of friends to access it.

    6. I posted 10 codes on the Something Awful forums, they were gone in minutes. I posted 20 more codes, gone in an hour.

    7. I posted 5 codes each to FCRW, AC, NNG, AT, GOTR, GOKU/GOON (plus the 30 others and 60-70 additional ones.)

    8. People wanted Waterson, Waterson was added. People wanted Connery, Connery was added.

    9. I advertised a couple of the server additions so people knew that the database now had "insert server's" data as well.

    10. People figured out extremely quickly how fast 50 was to implement suggestions or change things around to add more depth/visuals such as the grading system.

    That's pretty much how it started and how it got to where it is now. Many of the "suggestions" were DA members as we would review applicants and wonder what "so-and-so" stat would be if it were ever measured. 50 would add the stat within 2 days and we got pretty spoiled with how much he's given us access too. Eventually we (more 50 than anyone) figured it might as well be open to the public since the hosting plan can handle it no problem.

    On the Jak's thread thing.... he wrote it that way because he wasn't sure of the correct answer either I would guess. It was not a literal, "this is what we want, it has to be this way or else." Personally i'd like to see destructible spawn tubes brought back in some way, but i'm a dreamer heh.
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  10. Cab00se187

    Heh, I'd like to see bases to be taken like the Capitals ships from Star Wars: Battlefront
  11. EliteEskimo

    If it makes you feel any better Jak and I are basically along the same lines in terms of making bases and the game more combined arms friendly. If you've been on the forums for a decent amount of time you know how passionate I am about making PS2 an epic combined arms game where combined arms outfits like BWC can fully utilize their air, armor, and infantry task forces in a cohesive way at basically every base. At the same time I think capture points shouldn't be able to just be shelled to oblivion by tank columns. I don't think it's a bad idea that DA should be able to show their 1337 infantry abilities in the main buildings that holds the capture point without having people like me blowing them to smithereens.

    It's one thing to want to wall off an entire base and make tanks pointless at even being at a base so we're essentially forced to just wait outside. It's another to want more situations like which is found in a Tech plant where after you get to the vehicle bay vehicles can no longer interfere with infantry. The capture point inside should be contested completely by infantry, and apparently by people who want to risk driving their flash or harasser in there:rolleyes::p. At the same time tanks should the role of guarding the entrances, the vehicle terminals, the vehicle bay, and have a courtyard to drive around and defend in the mean time.

    TLDR Jak now holds a similar opinion to my own which is trying to make the base designs and game in general more combined arms centered so everyone can be happy. :cool:
  12. Vandali

    I like the site, it attempts to separate the cheese from the bread and butter. It's just a shame that deaths by the alienated equipment can't be removed for an even more clearer performance picture.
  13. Nintyuk

    Do you know which game does combined arms better than Planetside 2?
    Command & Conquer renegade.
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  14. vsae

    OH MAN! You just revived huge amounts of nostalgia in me! I've played that game for ages...

    That game was absolutely unbalanced, and tankspamfest at best. It is too arcade but guess what, so many people still play it because it is assymetric balance and so much fun!
  15. Nintyuk

    I think that the reason it works better than PS2 is that infantry had much bigger heath pools and vehicles were needed to breach automated base defences and destroy building's.
  16. Torok

    Have yo guys seen this video?
    Just sharing as you might be interested.

    Read the description on youtube for more info.
  17. Nintyuk

    Yeah I was just about to mention it but I'm on a phone at the mo so I couldn't link stuff quickly.
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  18. vsae

    that thing sucks. Nothing can be better than original renegade apparently
  19. KiRRA

    Oh boy do I miss that game! Haven't played Renegade in YEARS! Good times, good times. I will admit I always did love stealing an enemy Stealth Tank as they were repairing it, only to run em over with it.

    Anyways! I may not be a good player, in an outfit, or worth the time to be added to the Dasanfall stats site....but I do appreciate a lot of the data that they have listed on the site. So frankly, THANK YOU, for the stats that you allowed us to see and thank you for opening the registration up for the public. I may not play the same play style as DA but I still find quite a bit of the stats listed to be generally helpful or just interesting to see. Quite a few stats sites don't give the weapon (including vehicle weapon) breakdown like they do and I appreciate that being available. :D Thanks!
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  20. Diodeone

    That game was the best ever game made. Too bad EA gobbled up Westwood Studios for the only reason to shut it down as competition. I miss....
    the flame tank

    and the stealth tank

    Too bad most script kiddies playing PS2 now were not even thoughts of creation when it was at its heyday, so they probably have no clue how much this game inspired all future gaming that came after it.