Cheating : I don't know whether it was gone, but it's back!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Inzababa

    I've been playing pretty hardcore over the past few weeks since I got lots of free time and no real awesome MMO that I like that's available.

    I will say, I haven't seen, even from months ago, a single "obvious" hacker like we used to get.

    You know, the kind that will sit in a spawn room and kill everyone through the walls, or fly real high and kill everything. We used to get loads of those "back in the day".

    The ones I'm on about are basically eveyone else, the ones most people don't notice, the ones that people who don't want to get caught and banned use.
  2. Kdog559

    Ive only seen one lately on the Connery server and I believe another but only 2 so far in like "MONTHS" of playing.Nothing really serious major going on with people hacking like people have said.Might be other servers?