Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CMDUNKNOWN, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Lemposs

    Look, we have some of loudest weapons in the game, might as well have the loudest colours as well, the TR and VS should see us coming and fear us!

    Honestly thought, yeah the yellow can be more obvious to the enemy then reverse (in certain situations, I have noticed that a lot of Indar and Amerish bases NC can often hide quite well because of the blue and yellow falls quite well into the background) and I for one wouldn't mind it (christ I can't even see my own character).
  2. Gammit

    That's how manly NC fight. :)
  3. Benwah

    I personally don't have an opinion on the subject because I use an outfit standard camo at all times. I did, however, read through the entire thread because I am bored at work.

    I noticed that the two charts previously posted were slightly different, and , while very common, not all that accurate. Neither of which is the right shape, and they are based off of different studies. The chart posted by Sindz seems to be based off of the CIE 1951 chart, which is representative of of scotopic (or low light) vision, where the chart posted by Phreec seems to be based off of the CIE 1931 chart, which is representative of photopic (or well lit) vision (this is the better model to use here).

    I took the liberty to find a more accurate wavelength chart. What I found was the CIE 1978 V(lambda) function, pictured below (sorry about the size). It's an updated version of the CIE 1931 chart (the current standard) that is not used as the current standard because, despite the greater accuracy, it does not fit neatly into current formulas.

    If you don't belive me, which you probably don't, you can read about it in this sample text from at text book used by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


    edit: Spelled my own school's name wrong :rolleyes:
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  4. Champagon

    You are literally asking to be harder to see, you want your faction default camo to be as hard to spot as possible. and don't even say its hard to spot VS because it's really not, its an excuse people use when they get owned and need SOMETHING to complain about. It's been the same since beta as far as default camos go. Why complain about it now there is nothing wrong with it at ALL actually.

    If you wanna nerf a camo that bad nerf Giraffe cause that camo is OP. I have been owned by numerous NC standing right in front of me but i couldn't discern them from VS so please stop this garbage......
  5. Bankrotas

    Hey at least you didn't get blocked by him :D
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  6. FactionTraitsFTW

    YES!!!! LESS YELLOW!!!!
    although grey should go to TR maybe NC could get some brown would kind of fit the mining thing.
  7. Lamat

    Actually TR are the unionized government miners: :p

  8. phreec

    Calibrate your screen mate.

    The chart clearly shows the color between YELLOW and GREEN (CHARTEUSE) being the most visible.
    Not GREEN and BLUE like TEAL or CYAN like you're saying...


    Teal and cyan are just at the 500nm mark while the peak is around 550nm.

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  9. Bankrotas

    Heh, like tray would ever let that happen...
  10. Lamat

    Go back and read some of the old threads I posted, this has been talked about by players since the beginning, it is not a new issue just popping up now. I haven't asked for NC to look like a ninja, just tone down the yellow to a gold/tan and I would be happy. Calm down and check your faction bias rage at the door, this is a rational discussion.

    Thank you for your contribution to the thread, we understand your perspective, you may leave now if you have nothing constructive.
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  11. FactionTraitsFTW

    For me the problem really is not visibility but ugliness. Maybe its just me, but I think that yellow is a really ugly color and I would at least like an option to reduce it.
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  12. HadesR

    Wishful thinking .. Since any changes would mean someone admitting his art choices are wrong .. And that's not going happen .. Ever.
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  13. Champagon

    There is nothing faction biased about what i am saying, and you are quite welcome for my contributions. Because i really don't care if i get flamed. Someone has to speak up and stop these needless nerfs because it has gotten to the point of being utterly ridiculous. If i have to sound "mean" while doing this service then so be it.

    This whole thread is one giant "Learn 2 Play" issue. There is nothing wrong with the camo's, one of the largest reasons being the games spot mechanic. Guess what, once you are spotted your camo is useless since you have a label on top of your head that all other factions can see. And if you can't spot a guy running around potentially shooting you in this game then there is something deeply wrong with your resolution. Or your play style.

    Now don't get me wrong, there have been (obviously) plenty of times when i get rekt by NC or TR because i couldn't see them or they were just really well hidden. It is a part of the game, become a better player, don't blame the camo. Especially when default camo is as subtle as it is now.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    I would prefer to be yellow and black so I can run around pretending to be an annoying bumble bee

    bbbbzzzzz bbzzzz bbzzzzz bbbzzzzzzzz

    They have already changed VS, so T-Ray admitted he was wrong at least once already

    I use shatter on all my weapons and... well it may be placebo but I swear I am getting seen more than before.

    I have yet to find my turtle balls and use it on armor as well

    I'm not as manly as Klypto, pistols and custard camo :p
  15. HadesR

    Coincidentally the Faction he play's while my toon is still modelling last years lingerie range ;)
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  16. DramaticExit

    Saturation also makes a huge difference here.
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  17. Lamat

    L2P has nothing to do with it. I'm talking about aesthetics not game balance, please don't generalize everyone's posts in the thread.

    NC have the ugliest models (especially the default ones), the bright yellow looks awful. NC has some really cool helmets, but many are also tainted with this crappy bright yellow that you can't cover. Aesthetics of the game affect player retention. Many people play video games at least partially for the visual appeal, and there are other games around the corner that do care about aesthetics.
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  18. Champagon

    How about this: All factions have a dull gray default Camo with only a faction patch on the left breastplate area.

    Sound good? Ok great
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  19. Lamat

    Yes, that does sound good.
  20. minhalexus

    We're just asking for them to tone down the yellow.

    They don't need to make redesign the Camo or anything, just select all the yellow, and tone it down.
    It's not something huge, nor should it take a lot of time.

    It's really not something huge.
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