Can we PLEASE get an update on the server status?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SebDollar, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. deggy

    I'm guessing he's referring to the bug that causes ESFs to take three dumbfires to kill.
  2. Aegie

    Server status update: locked
  3. Mxiter

  4. Aegie

    Yes, and they should be done the moment the data is available to suggest they are warranted- i.e. most of these changes should have been made about a year ago and the rest about 6-7 months ago. Personally, I would have been much much happier about that.
  5. Dead soldier

    I got online at 6:30am this morning, december 18th, 2013.
  6. Astriania

    I'm guessing that as soon as they actually know what the problem is, then they'll be within an hour or two of fixing it. It is very frustrating, to be sure (I'd like to be playing this evening as well, particularly as 'outside' is really unpleasant right now), but I know how hard deployment issues can be to track down.

    I don't believe the patch content is to blame, this version of PS2 has been up on Test for a while, and presumably put through various internal play- and load-tests on mirror systems before the decision was made to roll out to Live. So reinstalling the pre-patch code base on the servers almost certainly wouldn't help.

    I'm sure SOE (and P7G) are doing everything they can to get it fixed, if nothing else because this kind of customer relations shambles and downtime is every accountant's nightmare.
  7. jak

    This is the worst? Man, have you played a lot of games? I've played games that patched and deleted characters, patches where they broke in game chat for months (Asheron's Call 2), and many others of that level. This is more of a par for the course patch from the PS2 team from my estimation...kinda expected lol.
  8. jak

    One could (and should) argue that that is the entire purpose of QA...
  9. jak

    I really question whether they actually use mirror systems to test the patches against a planned live release or if they take approved pieces from the test server and assume it's going to work when merged on Live..
  10. Thatwierdguy

    Don't you know! This is worse than the time WoW went down for a week and half during it's launch! This man has been inconvenienced and we will not stand for that! He needs to play his game and he needs to do it NOW!
  11. jak

    I think the sad part is that I generally just expect the patches not to work when SOE drops them lol. But generally speaking, they've been *mostly* playable and haven't done stuff like delete characters, roll back experience, or stuff that severely affects people.
  12. Larington

    Worst patch, nah, outfit were chatting last night whilst wondering if the servers would come back up, apparently EVE Online had a patch in which the boot ini got overwritten and bricked some XP machines. Now THAT's a bad patch!
    • Up x 1
  13. jiggu

    Just a few more weeks and we'll hit EA levels of crap
  14. Nexus545

    Someone somewhere is probably getting into trouble or even potentially losing their job...