
Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mightgocrazy, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Phosis T Karr

    Same as everyone else here Camos still missing.
  2. AlienMessiah

    I paid for many camos, and their gone. I can't play with out camos. please fix.
  3. optimus

    Still no update? no eta? its Sunday and i cant even bring myself to play. As soon as I log in I'm reminded of this debacle and instantly begin to fume. I know its easy to down play this problem, especially if you aren't missing any camo. But all i see is red knowing that Ive spent literally over a grand on this game not counting subscriptions and suddenly i no longer have access to something i easily dumped a couple hundred into. I'm one of those people who changes my camo to meet the location I'm fighting in or the mood I'm in while playing ( shatter camo ) and now i cant.

    This is unacceptable, fix this now or at the very least give us a rough eta on when to expect the fix! The longer this take the more I lean towards wanting some kind of compensation for the wasted play time i could have otherwise experienced this weekend since i was lucky enough to get it off from work.
  4. BL4CKW0LF22

    no camo here either. i noticed when playing on a different server, the camo i received from the quiz on Mattherson, didn't carry over to Woodman (or any server for that matter). I think we all need to be refunded for the camo we've bought seeing as how the only way to get them is to pay cash for them. I believe I had 4 camo so that right there is $20USD. Where is our refund?
  5. Reagerrr

    my camos...
  6. Wafflepancake

    my kingdom for any updates... :(
  7. Adistron

    Yep,still missing
  8. Rraymondo316

    Still missing my camos
  9. VexMex

    did we get an update on this? if there is an update in sight or so?
  10. TheKhopesh

    That's hilarious.
    I'm sorry you are experiencing this painful issue, but thanks for sharing that.
    The irony of that made my day. :p
  11. entrailsgalore

    First world problems ftw. I am crying on the inside for you guys.
  12. Zoner

    I still need my camos.
  13. Wafflepancake

    I miss running around in my bright yellow camo :( It's just a personal flavour but a bright magic school bus with yellow glowy bits is just so me...even my outfit has called out on my missing schoolbus :(
  14. BFBirdy

    Miss my Esamir Snow on my hectic gal :( All I have left is that damn Indar Dry Bush from the Fresh Meat:mad:
  15. Brillig

    There's a shiny nickel in it for whoever returns the camos from whence they came! Mine are missing too, just to be clear :p
  16. Aloysyus

    I guess another note by SOE would prevent a lot of people from updating their tickets. What annoys me the most is the fact that there was a hotfix the next day after this appeared and those who didn't get their camos back won't get anything right now. No scheduled patch, no ETA, nothing.
    I don't even have the questionnaire camo on 5 of my 6 accounts and i didn't get an alpha squad camo or however it's called... i don't even know what that is (my main account faction won WDS). The only camos i can use is the questionnaire-camo for my main account and some sigle-use-camos.
    Might be a first world problem, but the game is first world anyways so i don't have to apologize being a little bit upset about missing something i paid for.
  17. Karbine-Mthersn

    This. is. bull. ****.
  18. John_Aitc

    On the 2014-02-28 episode of Friday Night Ops, it was explained to us that the fix requires a restart of the servers and would be included in the weekly maintenance window. I assume that means that the usual Tuesday maintenance will be when camo is returned.

    (Also from FNO: The quiz was bugged out also and did not allow you to choose which character to have items applied. It will return if anyone missed out on the free goodies SOE gave us for answering 4 simple questions.)
  19. Aloysyus

    I'm not complaining about the free stuff, i just got my weapons on all chars but not the camos. So i figured it is part of the camo bug.

    Plus i don't see the problem to restart the servers earlier, it's not like it would take forever. A huge part of the game is broken, i see many guys without camos or with the free one from the questionnaire. It seems not to be just a small amount of players affected by this.
  20. evil713

    Hey a question to all that have lost camo. Was it just on the character you were playing or account wide?

    because I checked my other characters and its only the one I was playing at the time that is missing the loyalty and alpha camo, my other two are fine.