Broken tanks = more fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Redshift, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. anaverageguy

    I'm quite certain that people are driven to attempt infantry farming with HE rounds because it yields so much more exp than destroying the enemy tanks doing the same thing.

    Increase vehicle kill / assist exp. I do not think any of them should be worth the chump change of exp that they are given their firepower. If firepower is justified by the use of resources to obtain them, so would the increase in kill exp imo. Infantry cost no resources. Vehicles cost resources. Vehicles should yield more exp.
    • Up x 2
  2. water fowl

    I actually agree with this. The whole MBT - > Lightning -> ESF -> Lib -> MBT ... etc. Rotation is silly.
  3. cheerstoyou

    It's that little dopamine shot your brain gets when the XP reward flashes on the center of your screen after a kill.

    Moving beyond that would really make it hard for PS2 to compete with other games. I've played military simulators (VBS2, from which they derived ARMA2), what's most different is the game does not reward you -- you get debriefed by the instructor after. The whole compulsive reward system is not there, and unfortunately that's part of what draws people to video games. Stats, metrics, clarity, progress. It's interesting to see how the game Spec Ops - The Line turned this on the audience, different subject though.

    What would a really radical change be? Don't reward the player for killing another player. Only reward the entire faction for accomplishing their objective. It would be too radical for some of course.

    Anyway, what's the point? Tanks farming infantry is what the game currently supports, to discourage that would be to refocus what the player is actually supposed to be doing. From what I've seen, kill farming is more important than capturing territory, teamwork, or anything else in PS2. The game is still young though and hopefully at some point this will change. We'll see....
  4. f0d

    it was less fun for me and i diddnt even bother logging in
    to me infantry only = boring as could possibly be