Breakout [Bx0]

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by RSLParamount, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. RSLParamount

    Breakout is a hardcore outfit that specializes in teamwork and small squad gameplay. We have been around for 4 years and recently re-branded from The Savage Pack [SAvg]

    Our aim as an outfit is simple. To make the group greater than the sum of its parts. To take aspiring planetmans and educate them to work together to keep each other alive. You can be a battle rank 100 and still not know how to work in a tight nit squad like the ones we run. Even if we know a fight will be lost, we stay, not for certs or kills (although that is a benefit) we stay to better our self because when you are between a rock and a hard place, you need to rely on your outfit beside you.

    We are looking for experienced players who know how their part in a squad. We will work to educate those who show potential to be a solid foot soldier or to be a future leader. We try to recruit those who are br 30+ so you have a little feel for the game.

    Contact RSLParamount in game or join us on teamspeak for further information