Black Uniforms for the VS? Seriously?!??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WachaDune, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Rickenbacker

    I wish they'd do the same to the TR now! My VS infiltrator is basically invisible, while my TR infiltrator has broad, red stripes all over that make him stand out.
  2. seamus2008

    They need to to this, and also make nights a lot darker than it is now. Now the "midnight" is like evening in downtown, not dark at all.
  3. Chipay

    When Vanu was purple: "I don't play Vanu because purple is gay"
    SOE sees this,
    changes most purple to black: "OMG Vanu isn't gay anymore THEY ARE OP"

    No really, the chanes to uniform colors were made so that camo would be more visible, before that it wasn't worth it using camo on a Vanu char.
  4. FnkyTwn

    If their camo makes them harder to see at night,
    then it has to make them easier to see in the day.

    You can't have it both ways. Camo is not magical.
  5. Xasapis

    The changes were made as a cheap way fix to the diminishing population of the VS faction. That, and make the camo patterns on par with the other two factions that had their camo patterns fixed one or two content updates earlier.
    • Up x 1
  6. FnkyTwn

    People cried about Vanu night camo before they were
    recently updated (conveniently ignoring TR Infiltrators).

    SOE has the metrics for Night fighting vs Day fighting
    and obviously their data shows that Vanu doesn't hold
    an advantage at night, because they made the default
    skins even darker.

    So all the complaining about this issue simply means
    the game is better balanced in every other way people
    normally complain about, so now it falls on goofy stuff
    like skins, HA shields and UBGL.

    When PS2 is mostly balanced, beware the forum.
  7. Van Dax

    No, in real life they never wore black. A lot of people will tell you as well that pure black outfits stand out at night MORE than dark blue or purple, because black represents an absence of light while night is never actually perfectly dark.
  8. Nofreenames

  9. Cab00se187

    Flashlights fix the darkness of night :eek:
  10. Xasapis

    TR stopped being the most dominant faction a while back when the VS numbers migrated to the NC. The TR have been pretty stable on average with a slight decline lately, which is nothing like the massive decline (in comparison) the VS have been experience practically this whole year and the massive boost the NC are experiencing.

    The colour adjustments were made because:
    • The previous colour patterns didn't fit well with the camo. Also some camo updates that were made for NC and TR didn't make it on VS (like zero camo on any helmet prior to the latest update).
    • Changing some colour patterns is a lot cheaper and fast than to make new outfits in order to make the least population faction more desirable, without actually giving any gear benefits.
  11. TheBillOf3D

    It's true that the hardest thing about being VS is telling your parents. But they should be Cyan to go with their glam makeup, not black.
  12. HeadshotVictim

    I am impressed I opened a thread like this some time before asking, if I would be the only one having trouble to see VS.
    All I got was a load of spam about what was considered "OP", "broken" , "sh_t" and whatnot.

    I see, that I am not completely alone with this though
  13. Soundmonitor

    I have to agree with this, I tried VS and couldnt seem to stick with it because I felt wimpy for some reason, even the guns didnt feel good, its like water guns shooting purple water at my targets... You need the grit colors, and loud base sounds for the Vanu weapons, soe did a good thing making them all black, they should orient them to be evil to attract more players.
  14. Skippytjc

    Most Devs play Vanu, just watch all the interviews and read the articles, they all say Vanu when asked what they play. They get whatever they want because they make the game. If the Vanu actually attracted the same populations as TR or NC they would own every continent all day long every day, and its not due to skill.
  15. Nofreenames


    check the chart TR was NEVER highest pop, since jan the TR and VS pop has been declining while NC climbing

    NC has been dominate population for well you see the chart. So the atrocious TR infil armor can't be fixed at least because we don't suck enough yet? Or you saying that the color patterns on the TR infil fit well with camo? Bright red chest and back sections, and camo only showing on the forehead (surrounded by black) as a little shoot here for headshot aim point....

    I mean seriously looking from slightly below in front makes it look like a swim cap, but from head on at range its a target....
  16. Nofreenames

    craptastic comcast lagged out when posting, yet somehow worked, so double post
  17. LT_Latency

    I don't think it's the colors for vanu. It's there uniform look. You want to increase there population make some of the suits look more spec opish, Even if they are still purple the population will go through the roof.

    No one makes fun of the VANU for being purple. They think there suits are silly looking
  18. FnkyTwn

    Lol. You are sooooo full of it. There's a large dev team group photo where they all wear
    shirts indicating which faction they play for. Out of 40 people probably 15 are NC, and
    15 are TR, then there's like 6 VS people and 4 people without shirts that are 4th faction.
    It's incredibly lopsided against VS and it always has been.
  19. Zan_Aus

    Because any non-luminescent colour (red, blue, green) is equally hard to spot at night? Do you honestly think you guys (except NC Infiltrators) actually shows up any better?
  20. Taiji

    I think they thought people weren't going VS so much because of fashion.

    But I think it's kinda obvious which faction is OP, and that this probably accounts for the trend.