Balance Pass Post 1: Vehicle Weapons and the Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by joshua, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Kitakami

    Prox radar on defence slot is a considerable nerf to Skyguard Lightnings. A Skyguard Lightning survives by its prox radar and nano-repair, since it has to be stationary to hit anything outside close range.

    Like others, I hope SOE refunds certs.
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  2. Xasapis

    Serious question. Why would you put proximity radar on a skyguard? Does it help you finding enemy air? I do it by listening for their noise btw.
  3. Furluge

    Base them off of drifter jump jets. That should do a lot to make it even. Make the fuel level equal to something like Cert level 3 of the LA ability.
  4. Santondouah

  5. gigastar

    So how does moving it to the defence slot make it a viable choice over the likes of composite for Harasser, mineguard for Sundy, and autorepair on just about everything else? Or the gaggle of other crap already clogging up the Sunderers defence slot?

    And for the Magrider and Lightning there isnt any reason to take another utility over radar. The magburners are worthless in thier current state, IR smoke has been made obselete by lock ons now being dependent on maintaining line of sight, and Fire Surpression just does not have a wide range of applications.

    The solution isnt to shift things around, its to give us more equip slots.

    Also if youre actually reading this, consider changing the armor type of AV mines to the same as MBTs. AV mines need to stop being used as placed explosives and need more survivability when used as intended. Changing their armor type will address both problems.

    And give the repair tool the ability to deconstruct mines at all ranks.
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  6. Sworaven

    Every decent harasser crew will engage a 2/2 MBT with extreme caution. You're exaggerating.
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  7. Stew360

    I bet reddit and Psu lol

    thats mean 70 % vs feedback 20 % tr and 10 % nc who dont give a damned about balance lol ( hey they play for fun ya know ) ...
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  8. Fredfred

    Anti infantry secondaries will have damage drop off.... You mean like the marauder?
  9. SinerAthin

    If they want to make Harassers more susceptible to Infantry, they need to reduce its resistance to Small Arms fire!

    Right now, a Light Transport Buggy can soak up wayyy too many shots!
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  10. Denaturat


    Did you even play with radar?

    It is not for C-4 defence... for C-4 Defence you got ARMOR PLATES!


    You took radar and plate armors which gave you NON deployable sundy witch was made for battle, not spawning soldiers... now every sundy will be just spawn points...
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  11. Regi_of_Vinia

    Nothing on MBTs?
  12. QuarkDoe

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  13. Dracnar

    I really hate this change as currently I roll in a Skyguard Lightning with Proximity Radar to show enemies trying to C4 my tank, plus Stealth in the defense slot so the insane 200 meter radar ESF's have won't find me hiding behind terrain. Granted the radar doesn't always stop C4 attacks as I'm looking to the sky for targets, but now I'm going to have no radar at all if I want to be able to hide from aircraft.
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  14. Anti-Skub

    A much more interesting way to balance the harasser in my opinion would be to remove the ability to repair from the back seat but allow rumble seat passengers to shoot forwards over the roof. Currently the rumble seat isn't used for anything but repairing. Being able to have a max in there that could actually contribute to defending the vehicle would give it a fun that isn't the current "repair seat", which really is the main problem with Harassers.
  15. maxkeiser

    Only because you evidently don't know how to use them.

    I ALWAYS equip magburner (max level). And max racer chassis. I have no other load out.

    The magburner is one of the best and most powerful tools in the game, imo.
  16. Xasapis

    Magburner is indeed again viable after the recent changes to strikers.
  17. HadesR

    Maybe what they mean is .. The intended role they want for radar is to be self defense, rather than what they think it is now and that's a detect all tool with little sacrifice .
  18. Anti-Skub

    Makes sense to choose to defend against C4 attacks or against ESFs with radar. Radar ESFs aren't particularly common, especially if you aren't TR. There aren't many ESF pilots who run without flares with the prevalence of the Striker.

    I do agree though, the range difference between the ESFs radar and the ground vehicles radar is a little ridiculous. I can see why the ESFs get longer range but the low levels of tank radar are completely worthless. You need to max it out before it becomes even remotely useful. It really needs to be buffed to around the 75-100m mark.

    Also don't think ESFs should be getting this change...flares + radar is too strong a combo for aircraft.
  19. then00b

    Mind letting our vehicle radars work while we're not in them, and/or working for allies not inside them if we can't have actual defensive mods?
    I barely check my radar for c4 runners, just people camping in buildings and never coming out.
  20. Bankrotas

    You mean turning prox radar into prenerf scout radar.