[Suggestion] auto-pilot utility slot for valks and galaxies to stay still even with no pilot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xMaxdamage, May 2, 2015.

  1. xMaxdamage

    The valkyrie can now be used as a movable sniper's nest, but having to stay on the driver seat doing nothing is hella boring...same with galaxies. How about some tool to let the vehicle be still on air even with no pilot? Maybe it could, dunno, disable vehicle weapons while active?

    And second suggestion, why can't galaxies be flying sunderers? Or be turned into sunderers-like spawns when parked on the ground?
  2. Alan Kalane

    Even with that utility it would be a rather bad idea, unless you want to loose your head.
    Any sniper worth their salt can countersnipe stationary targets in a hearthbeat. You wouldn't survive longer than a few seconds if you got lucky.
  3. BlueSkies

    They used to be, it didn't work very well.
  4. Ballto21


    Id just fight NC.

    (the joke here is nc nc snipers are bad because of bolt drivers)
  5. PKfire

    You should find a pilot who likes to pilot.