Anyone else tired of mines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrHenderson, May 17, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    Nope. Mines fulfill a valuable tactical function - aiding defence, attack, retreat, cover etc etc. They are fine as they are (and yes, I do get killed by them sometimes).
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  2. Xasapis

    They are blinking lights too, lets not forget that.
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  3. Locke

    Yeah I mean what do you need to see them...? For them to be twice the size of ammo packs in a highly visible colour that reflects light? For them to have flashing lights on the top of them? Oh wait...

    The only thing that is "overpowered" about mines is that you can hide them inside terrain like small rocks and teleporters (I haven't experienced them not rendering). Apart from that they are almost to easy to see if you are paying attention and not just charging into every room. They should also identify as friendly from further away.
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  4. Markus.D

    Hey! Don't touch BB and other mines! All they are fine. (Umm... except blinking lights... i will be glad to remove it.)
    I have no flak armor and i have no sadness when killed by any AP mine. Also not once i was killed by my own AP mine when i just drop it and some badass shoots it. :) That is funny death, as for me. I wanna to kick badass, but badass kick me using my toy! )))

    If you bored by some thing, seems you just need to look at this thing from another side!
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  5. Vashyo

    at this point I kinda know every likely mine location ever, I don't die on them too often anymore
  6. Captain Kid

    There was a reason there were no indoor mines in Planetside 1.
    My accuracy with mines is 50% hit, 32% kills

    Then again my server was recently(when I also started) a recommended one.

    The fact they don't render a lot of the times (I can't even see friendly mines then) doesn't help either.
    I think if this is fixed they will be at least less of a problem.
  7. St0mpy

    they used to be good now even nano armour seems to protect against them, so double up
  8. Lagavulin

    I honestly don't think there's an item in the game at the moment, that is so OP it needs a nerf! Sure there are slight balance issues in various areas which are continually 'tweaked', and some very frustrating ways to die, but there always will be so learn to live with them.

    SOE will also purposely foster 'imbalance' in order to sell stuff - which also will not change, so live with it.

    [edit] Mine's are fine btw.
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  9. Souleater

    I get killed far more by enemies flinging around C-4 than running into AP mines.

    Even then, I die to friendly vehicles not watching where they are going more than I die to enemy C-4.

    If mines aren't displaying correctly, that's a bug that needs fixing. If players are dying to AP mines too much...slow down and look more carefully entering choke points.
  10. FinnSimmons

    The falling through the floor still is an issue. I am on the ground most of the time and I do still notice it a lot.
    Sometimes it happens to be so convenient that the enemy isn't able to spot them that I think there is a trick to it how to get them through the floor.
    This needs Fixing.
    Other than that they are fine. I haven't died to a mine that was above ground in a long time. Except for those Infiltrators that sneak into crowded areas, uncloak and drop their mines. But thats okay with me.
    No Nerf necessary!
    You should buff your skill though :)
  11. jiggu

    The different claymore variants are fine, aside from the claymores themselves which needs a serious overhaul.
  12. Springheel Jack

    They've idiot-proofed AI mines, and made tank mines completely useless.

    Stop being bad and stop your Nancy whining about every little thing.
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  13. Marinealver

    Yeah there were much more annoying when you could place 20 of them.

    Here is my take on mines. There was a bigger restriction on mines in the first game and that was good because it placed limits even though they were still powerful. (HE mine can kill a max in 1 but only harms a softie)

    Well as for the proximity mines they can only be placed outside and had to be spread out. Also they sucked at killing softies. but great at vehicles and MAXs. However you could not just toss them like a frisbey and watch it go boom. Mines actually took some time to plant. Same for boomers, you can place them anywhere but it took time. Still you had those speed deamons with cloak run drop a boomer behind a max then run to detonate it before the MAX can see what is going on.

    If they gave all mines (AND C4) a 1 to 2 second delay and you cannot throw it then it would be better. However that would be contrary to the whole messed up style of gameplay so called modern military shooters have known as twitch game play.

    So enjoy your bunny hopping jetpacking mine throwing pizza dilevery boys throwing explosives everywhere and watching everything go boom. We can all hope that they would tone down the twitchy combat but that would loose those adhd call of duty gamers this game caters too. Don't worry soon ghost will come out (followed by Black Ops 3 and Ghost 2 along with BF 4 & 5) and those kiddies will be long gone from araxus.
  14. RoMoronik666

    Claymores are fine as they are. I love them, and wouldn't change anything about them.
  15. Jrv

    Pretty easy to spot now.

    Still cowardly nonsense.
  16. jiggu

    You sure you want them to stay blatanly weaker than proxi and bouncy betties?
  17. RoMoronik666

    weaker in what way?
  18. SikVvVidiT

    Vehicles bother me. They are everywhere.. I wish we could put more AV mines out actually..
  19. RoMoronik666

    They are not weaker, just different.
  20. Firejack

    My concern with mines is how they are undoubtedly cheap/cheesy kills. Invariably they tend to straight up one-shot-kill new players too. Without explaining to them where they get their own mines or how to spot them in the future.
    I believe mine kills are probably one of the biggest frustrations for new players that makes many ragequit :(

    I'd like to see mines changed to do less health damage but have an EMP effect that disables a players shield as well as friend or foe identification on the HUD for 10 seconds.

    This will give mines the function of being tactical tools to help in the defence of a key location. Instead of just being a source of free kills.